June 2, 2017 – Masters Off-Season Program

Glute Activation Warm-Up

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Banded Dead Bug Iso Hold x 2 minutes
Banded Clamshell Hold x 1 minute per side
Forward Cross Crawl x 1 minute per side
Straight Leg Iso Raise x 1 minute per side
Cross Under Lunge

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x 1 minute per side
Fire Hydrant Iso Hold

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x 90 seconds per side
Forward Cross Crawl x 1 minute per side

and then . . .

Front Rack Assisted Stretch x 3-5 pulses per side

and then . . .

Assault Bike x 5 minutes @ relaxed pace

If you are unfamiliar with the False Grip, watch this video.

Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Squatted Muscle-Up Transitions x 8 reps (slow and controlled)
Interval 2 – Elbow Drops on Box x 10 reps

Rest 60 seconds, then. . .

Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Option 1 – Strict Muscle-Up x 1-2 reps
Option 2 – Ring Pull-Up with False Grip x 3 reps + Jump to Low Catch + Catch Position Dips x 5 reps

With a 2 minute time cap, complete:
Reverse Pull Warm-Up with. . .
Movement 1 – Straight Body Reverse Pull x 15 reps
Movement 2 – Bend to Straight Reverse Pull x 15
Movement 3 – Complete Movement x 10 reps

Followed by. . .

Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (1 set) of:
Interval 1 – Snap Pull x 15
Interval 2 – Snap Pull with Small Backswing x 10
Interval 3 – Pop Swing x 5

Followed by. . .

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets) complete all sets of:
Five sets of:
Cast Swing x 1 (drop after each rep)

and then,
Three sets of:
Cast Swing + Pop Swing x 1 rep
Kipping Muscle-Up x 1 rep

Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes, complete:
Front Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 4 – 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 5 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 6 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 7 – 6 reps @ 70%

As many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes:
Power Snatch x 5 reps
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 10 reps
Row x 15 calories
Rest 3 minutes; Repeat for 3 sets

35-54: 135/95 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs; Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 8/5 reps

Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Two sets of:
Row 4000 meters @ 10 seconds slower than your 5k PR Pace
Rest 5 minutes

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Perla Grigg
Perla Grigg
June 3, 2017 1:46 pm

Performed 6/3/17 GA warm-up. Done and love this! Skipped the partner front rack. I train along. any other alternative to this stretch? A1. This was a great help. I did not know what the squared muscle up transition was so I made one up. A2. I got my first strict muscle up! So exciting. I ended up doing 2. I did not know what option 2 was so I just tried to do a strict muscle up and I ended up getting it! A3. Skipped. Skin peeling off my wrist. A4.skipped A5. skipped. I do not know what this is.… Read more »

Ty Rost (42)
Ty Rost (42)
June 3, 2017 7:04 am

6/2 program

Warm up done

A – no Strict MUs today. They are hit or miss depending how much I weigh and right now I’m a little heavy! Pretty much everything felt heavy for the MUs drills today. Need to lose 10lbs

B 220 235 250 220 250 270 220. Made all reps

C. 1st round 2+3. 2nd round 2 Rounds exact. 3rd round 2+3. Did 5 Strict per round. 5 Kipping or else I would have been standing all round a lot.

Ben Kennedy (35-39) Male
Ben Kennedy (35-39) Male
June 3, 2017 12:44 am

A. Every min for 3 mins: 2 strict Bar MU + 1 kipping Bar MU (no rings)
B. %s based off 110kg 1rm
C. 2 rounds each set @ 95 lbs (no bumpers)

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
June 3, 2017 7:55 am

Oh wow, strict Bar MU are way harder (in my opinion)! Nice work

Jason O. (40)
Jason O. (40)
June 2, 2017 11:40 pm

glute warm up done.
A. done
B. 150,160,170,160,170,180,150
C. done at #115; 2, 1 +15, 1+ 10

Tom Hobbs (42)
Tom Hobbs (42)
June 2, 2017 8:07 pm

Returned to finished up

– 5 min on assault bike (again)
– shoulder pass throughs
A: done. (1 strict l-sit mu on low rings)
B: see below
C: 1+5; 1+6; 1+3: @115 and 8 hspu. (Snatch and hspu are definitely things I need to work on!)

Alvaro - Costa Rica (35-39)
Alvaro - Costa Rica (35-39)
June 2, 2017 7:08 pm

Dynamic Mobility & Activation = Done!

A. Done
B. 255 x 4 / 275 x 3 / 295 x 2 / 315 x 2 / 255 x 6 (legs were toast)
C. (1) 2 rds + 5 (2) 1 rd + 10 (3) 1 rd + 8

[I suck at HSPU] ?

* Extra Session

10 KB Snatches (LH)
10 OH Lunges (LH)
10 KB Snatches (RH)
10 OH Lunges (RH)
10 KB Swings
** 53# KB **
= 3 rounds + 42 reps

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
June 3, 2017 7:56 am

We will be doing lots of overhead pressing and sHSPU the second part of this cycle!

Miki Shelton, F/49
Miki Shelton, F/49
June 2, 2017 4:59 pm

Today I was able to work in some of the ring drills as part of my warm up. DMA, plus COS and lots of smashing with a ball, then: snap pulls, snap pull with small back swing, pop swing, cast swing and case swing + pop swing. Then I had: A. Back squat EMOM start at 135 and add 5-10# each round. 4 rounds of: B1. Romanian DL x 12 B2. :45 pull up hang B3. :30 front rack kb wall sit C. 21.15.19 assault bike burpees A. 135/145/155/165/175/185/190/195/200/205. No issues. Felt good. 🙂 B1. RDLs @ 155. I did… Read more »

Brian Wolfe 45 5'8"
Brian Wolfe 45 5'8"
June 2, 2017 4:01 pm

A. Done
B. 260,280,400,280,300,320,260
C. Did boxes workout
800 m with 30# med ball
21 -30 #med balls
18_ pullups
15 burpees
12 front rack lung at135
For 3 rounds
800m run with 30# med ball

Jennifer Banning
Jennifer Banning
June 2, 2017 3:58 pm

First time poster:
Glute activation was fun
A) done
Option 2: As I don’t have MU yet..
B) done: went 5% lighter on all reps as I have FS programmed for my Olympic lifting tomorrow
C) done: went lighter on pwr snatches to accommodate Oly lifting Saturday.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
June 2, 2017 6:16 pm

Yay, awesome to see you on here!!

Cheryl Brost
Cheryl Brost
June 3, 2017 1:41 pm

Jen’s a great friend of mine back in our soccer playing days!

Cheryl Brost
Cheryl Brost
June 3, 2017 1:40 pm

Is this THE JENNIFER BANNING? :). I love this! 🙂

Jennifer Banning
Jennifer Banning
June 4, 2017 8:25 am
Reply to  Cheryl Brost

Yes, this is.. you must be THE CHERYL BROST! Can’t wait to watch you crush it in Madison!!

June 2, 2017 3:34 pm

A) complete, did kipping MU to catch then ring dips, x2 MU with 3 sets of swings
Did WOD with class: for time
40 back squat @135
60 bar facing burpees
80 box jump overs
B) 175; 185; 195; 185; 195; 210; 175

Joe Catarineau (40-44)
Joe Catarineau (40-44)
June 2, 2017 1:45 pm

Rowing done: 15:50/15:42

Chris Fulton, 51 5'7" 153lbs
Chris Fulton, 51 5'7" 153lbs
June 2, 2017 1:13 pm

M&A Done
A. Done
B. 85% @ 190#
C. 51,45, 44 scaled to 115#

Lise Demetrio
Lise Demetrio
June 2, 2017 12:32 pm

Glute act /warmup. done- love this! it helps soo much) A1) done 2) I did option 1 and 2 (I looked at it wrong) 🙂 I continued with option two, for three sets I was only able to do 2 strict single muscle up and failed the rest of the time. 3). done 4) done 5). only did three sets, my left shoulder was cranky I think the weather played a big part. 6). 3 sets -done B). 168,180,192,180,195,1205,170 C). scaled after only two rps from 95 lbs to 90 lbs 🙁 . I have terrible form in the snatch..… Read more »

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
June 2, 2017 6:16 pm
Reply to  Lise Demetrio

Love the glute activation!! And yes, please video and send to me!

Ty Rost (42)
Ty Rost (42)
June 2, 2017 12:31 pm

Did 5/31 programming today:

Mobility done
A) foot work done. Behind the back jerk the 235.
No rack available for jerk recoveries today

B) Deadlift at 315lbs. Touch and go unbroken

C) Every round between 1:17 and 1:25

D) no time today

Joe Catarineau (40-44)
Joe Catarineau (40-44)
June 2, 2017 12:25 pm

Mobility done
A. Done
B. 180/190/205/190/205/215/180
C. RX: 2+1; 1+13; 1+5 – SHSPU was the workout for me. Just had to grind them out 2 at a time when they went in the second set. They have come a long way though, so happy with how it went.
Row session later

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
June 2, 2017 6:17 pm

Good work Joe!

Rob Walker
Rob Walker
June 2, 2017 12:18 pm

Activation and mobility completed.
A. MU drills completed RX, including 2-3 strict MU per set. Shoulder tight and sore, but got through it slowly.
B. 110,120,130,120,130,135,110kg
C. 3 rounds (90 reps); 2 rounds + 9 HSPU (74 reps); 2 rounds + 2 power snatch (62 reps). Initially disappointed with Snatch. It felt horribly weak Overhead. Shoulder tight and sore, but grunted through. Normally I would Muscle snatch TNG, but these had to single power snatch. Hence the low scores. However, happy that I can snatch and go OH after 2-3 weeks.

D. 4km rows: 15:05 and 15:24.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
June 2, 2017 6:17 pm
Reply to  Rob Walker

You should be super pumped you are able to snatch!! Awesome Rob – now lets see how it feels tomorrow and avoid any overhead just to give it some time to rest.

Tom Hobbs (42)
Tom Hobbs (42)
June 2, 2017 12:18 pm

Short session, only had 45 min this morning.
– glute activation and air bike
B: 170, 180, 195, 180, 195, 210, 170

Will be back later for A & C.

Dawn South/45
Dawn South/45
June 2, 2017 12:01 pm

A) MU drills done. Frustrating. I had Muscle ups and lost them when I took time off last year to train for a marathon. Very, very frustrating.
B) 125lbs, 135, 145, 135, 155 (accident. Should have been 145 ?), 155, 125
C) 1+35, 1+15, 1+15 @ 85lbs and strict HSPU to 1 abmat and 10lbs plate

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
June 2, 2017 6:18 pm
Reply to  Dawn South/45

Can you video you doing the drills next time and either upload them or send them to me? Thanks!

Dawn South/45
Dawn South/45
June 3, 2017 5:52 am

I sure will. I have videos of my attempts on the killing muscle up if you want to see those

Dawn South/45
Dawn South/45
June 3, 2017 5:52 am

Although killing works too

Perry Siplon (52/5'9"/161)
Perry Siplon (52/5'9"/161)
June 2, 2017 11:40 am

A. MU drills/reps done
B. 210/225/240/225/240/255/210
C. 2+5/2+1/1+23

June 2, 2017 11:31 am

A. Mostly
B. 205/220/235/220/235/250/205
C. RX 2/ 2+1/ 1+22
rest 10 min then (Don’t have time for 2 a days):
Row: 1700m in 8 minutes, 6/10 RPE. Don’t know my 5k PR pace. Ran out of time.
How long is this supposed to take. Took me 2 hours and I went straight through. Granted, I had to look up a bunch of stuff I didn’t understand in the technique section. If it’s like this every day, I’ll run out of time for most days.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
June 2, 2017 6:19 pm

When you get more familiar with the drills, it will take less time. But the row is intended to do later and only if you have time so the sessions should be taking about 90 minutes.

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