Session One
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
followed by…
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Two Sets of:
Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows x 6-8 reps each
Rest as needed
Viking Sloth Press x 8-10 alternating reps
Rest as needed
Two sets of:
One-Arm Press x 5 reps each arm
Rest 2-3 minutes
Two sets of:
100-Foot One-Arm Suitcase Carry with Right Hand
immediately followed by…
100-Foot One-Arm Suitcase Carry with Left Hand
Rest 2-3 minutes
Two sets of:
100-Foot Single-Arm Sled Drag with Left Hand
immediately followed by…
100-Foot Single-Arm Sled Drag with Right Hand
Rest 2-3 minutes
Two sets of:
200-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
(100-foot out, 100-foot back)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Session Two
Four sets, not for time, of:
L-Sit x 30-45 seconds
Muscle-Up x 5-8 reps
5 Wall-Facing Handstand Push-Ups + 10-Foot Handstand Walk + 5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
(perform the 5 wall facing, walk out 5 feet, turnaround and come back to the wall and perform 5 strict HSPUs with your back to the wall)
Three rounds for time of:
30 Calorie Row
20 Toes-to-Bar
10 Overhead Squats (155/105 lbs)
Rest 5 minutes, and then…
Complete rounds of 12, 9 and 6 reps of:
Deadlift (365/245 lbs)
Strict Deficit Handstand Push-Ups (6″/4″)
Session Three
Take 15-20 Minutes to warm up properly
This should include at least an 800 meter jog, then about 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching to get your running muscles primed to do some work.
6 Minutes of Running @ 75-85%
2 Minutes of Jogging
4 Minutes of Running @ 75-85%
2 Minutes of Jogging
2 Minutes of Running @ 90+%
2 Minutes of Jogging
4 Minutes of Running @ 75-85%
2 Minutes of Jogging
6 Minutes of Running @ 75-85%
Record the distance you covered during the work intervals – you don’t need to report the distance during the easy pace which is more for your recovery.
Session 1
Supplemental Running Program from Wednesday
6x800m @ 2:58
Session 2
Rear Delt Warm Up @ 5lbs
Biceps Opening Curls @ 12lbs
Triceps Opening Extensions @ 10lb
Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows: 2×8 @ 70lbs
Viking Sloth Press: 2×10 @ 5lbs
A. 50lb DB
B. 115lb barbell
C. Sled+180, sled+205
D. Sled+225, sled+270
Session 3
A. Set 1- :45, 8, ub
Set 2- :45, 8, fell on turnaround
Set 3- :35, 6, fell on turnaround
Set 4- :30, 5, fell on turnaround
B. 6:54
C. 8:46 @ 315
Session 1
Rear Delts: 10lb
Openers: 15lb
Rows: 50lb
A. 45#
B. 88#
Elbows needed recovery stopped here
Session 2
A. Done
B. 11:45 RX (did OHS as an overhead box squat – protecting knee)
30 minute interval Assault Bike
OK so today could only manage session 2, felt flat with no drive ! But then again had some wine last night so maybe dehydrated haha!
Skills sesh – 30sec L-sits/8,8,6,5 muscle ups/hspu+walk+ hspu had to break this up after the walk
Metcon 1 – 9.22 ossshhh was a grind today legs feeling it on rower !
5mins rest
Metcon 2 – 8.07 was walking around like a zombie wasting time DL 4/4/4 hspu 4/4/4 . DL 5/2/2 hspu 3/3/3 . DL 6 hspu 4/2
OK so today could only manage session 2, felt flat with no drive… I am thinking maybe not use to the volume ?
Skills sesh – 30sec L-sits/8,8,6,5 muscle ups/hspu+walk complete
Metcon 1 – 9.22 ossshhh was a grind today
5mins rest
Metcon 2 – 8.07 was walking around like a zombie wasting time DL 4/4/4 hspu 4/4/4 . DL 5/2/2 hspu 3/3/3 . DL 6 hspu 4/2
Session 1
5lbs rear delt
10lbs openers
65lbs rows
70lbs press
Suit case hold 100lbs
Sled drags done with 245lbs plus sled
Session 2
Skipped skills session due to time
B) 10:10Rx
C) 4:50 with only 335lbs HSPUs RX
Session 1
Rear Delt warm up — done (w/ 5# dumbbells)
Openers — done (w/ 10# dumbbells)
Activation — done (rows w/ 50# DB)
A) 50#
B) 97# kb
C) 135/180 on the sled (sets 1/2)
D) 180/225 on the sled (sets 1/2)
Session 2
A) done (30 seconds of l-sit, 5 muscle ups each set)
B) 8:37 (toes to bar 13/7 each round)
C) 5:26 (deadlifts broken 7/5, 6/3, unbroken. hspu 5/4/3, 6/3, unbroken)
No session 3 for the day. Traveled 6 hours today to my hometown for Father’s Day. Made sure to get in 2 sessions.
Solid Work!
Session 2 A. L-sit: :30, :30, :26+:04, :24+:06 MUs: 8 each set UB HSPUs+HS walk+HSPUs: 3 Wallfacing+2 strict, 3 wall facing+1 strict, 3 wall facing+2 strict, 3 wall facing+1 strict Fell after a few steps after the wall facing each time. Had to just walk to wall after that each set for the strict B. 13:13 TTB UB each set, OHS UB each set. Rows 1:28, 1:33, 1:24 C. Done at 275lbs, only did 1 SHSPU at 6″, then went to 4″ until last rep of set of 9, then went to no deficit for the rest. All singles and… Read more »
Session 1
2) 25 bis and tris
3) 80 row/10s on the bar
Press: 70/75
Suitcase carry: 90/110
Skip do not have the right gear
Skip do not have the right gear
5sets of five
Bench@225/Strict barbell press@95
Session 2
Done subbed MU for 10 strict pull ups plus 10 dips due to hand rip
B) skip will do tomorrow
C) 6:24 (wow I sucked! Everything was hard!)
Session 3
Later today
Session 2
B. 11:15
C. 6:39.
Session 1 shortly after the second
C. 238 concrete surface
D. 238 concrete surface
Session 45 minutes after the first
B. 5580 meters. Just shy of 14 laps on the track. Took two short water breaks. Coasted on the last 6 minutes. Used caution in the heat.
Metcon :
9:43 RX
6:05 RX
Had to cut down on the running gym was closing did 3x5min on the trueform
Got 920m 950m and 999m
Session two
A. Did 30 seconds w/ bent knee. 8 ub. finally found a handstand walk exercise that I struggle with haha
B. 10:00 flat. Was able to push a little better than I thought.
C. 365 felt like a million pounds today, and my arms are tender to the touch from yesterday. Decided to cap this wod at 10 minutes no matter how bad it felt. Got 5 shspu into round of 9.
Session 2:
B. 11:39,
Sesh 2 yesterday
335 tempo back squats 5×5
185 sumos
The metcon took me like 45 I almost skipped it I had nothing in my legs the assault bike was taking me 4 mins but I figured it was a good time to get mentally tougher so pushed thru
Session 1:
A. Both sets: 45×5(tried 63KB and it felt weird)
B. Did 200ft Suitcase hold w/63lbs KB(miss calculated the distance)
C. W/105lbs
D. 305×2 for the 200ft sled drag
Session 2:
A. Skipped (train in my garage so don’t have rings yet, getting them soon)
B. Modified to 3rds:
15,10,5 with 120lbs (felt drained so didn’t want to ego lift, TTB are the worst for me)
C. Scaled to 275lbs and regular strict HSPU(strength felt off)
12,9,6 time was 6:14
*No time for session 3
Combined Sessions 1 and 2: Incline raises with 2.5# DBs Openers with 5# DBs DB rows with 25# Viking Sloth Press done A) 35# Trying out different weights on these movements that I’ve never done to see what feels challenging: B) 35# KB for first set, 53# for second C) 45# first set, 70# second set D) 70# first set, 95# second set Session 2 A) 30 seconds L-sit, did strict C2B chinups and low swings on rings, broke up handstand work and did only 2 HSPU each time B) 17:22rx C) 10:24 with 205#, no deficit Will do running… Read more »
Session 1
Warm up exercises Done
A. 45lbs (empty barbell), 50lbs (2.5 on each side) second set was hard to balance with left arm
B. 15lbs on each side of barbell, so 75lbs
20lbs on each side of barbell, so 85lbs
C. 135lbs loaded onto sled, 160lbs loaded onto sled
D. 160lbs loaded onto sled, 250lbs loaded onto sled
Will be able to go heavier next time, just seeing how everything felt today
Skill work done
10:02 (3″ deficit) not rx but these are huge struggle for me.
Session one
Warmup done
75 for rows 15s for presses
50 for single arm
120 on axle bar with handle…140?
225 for single arm sled pull
270 for crawl…had a rope around waist
Session 1:
5lbs for the T,Y,l drills
10lb for bicep opener
5lb for tricep opener
45lb rows
Bar for the sloth press
70lb DB for press
176 for suitcase carry
185 for one handed sled drag
300ish for sled pull