Workout of the Day
Three sets, not for time, of:
Muscle Up x 3-6 reps*
Freestanding Handstand Hold x 15 seconds**
KB Snatch x 10 reps (alternating)
40-49: 32/24 kg
24/16 kg
60+: 16/12 kg
*If you don’t have muscle ups, then please do muscle up transition x 3-5 reps from a box
**If you need assistance then kick up into a handstand with toes on the wall. Pull one leg off the wall and balance, then lightly begin to pull away the other leg off the wall slowly.
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Tall Snatch x 1 rep
Every two minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets), complete:
Snatch Pull + Snatch
Against a two-minute running clock, complete the following:
350 Meter Row
Double-Unders x Max Reps
Rest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of five sets.
A. Done with wall assist
B&C. No go with back. Already saw chiro and have appt tomorrow with PT. Very frustrating. Back spasms with any Oly pulling or squatting.
D. 70/61/50/42/52
Oh no Curt! Please message me ( – I have dealt with back issues for a while so I would be happy to help any way I can!
A. Done w 6 MUS- getting better holding stationary with HS
B. light – back was tweeky after yesterday-
C. light weights- focused on form
D. 51/56/52/52/55
A. Good skills, never done 24kg snatch before, good shoulder was fine, bad shoulder moved to 20KG. HS hold needs work to find the sweet spot.
B/C. Tall snatch bar only.Worked for good mechanics at 95#, shoulder not happy today:(
D. 60/59/44/40/57. Round three and four got distracted on the row, tried to take the DU up one notch and couldn’t keep up with the pace. Slowed back down for round 5. Really liked that one!!
Extra finisher: 50 foot sled push x10 empty, 6 pushes with 45#, 4 pushes with #90
A. Done. Bar MUs. HS w/wall assist.
B. 75-85
C. 95-135
D. 56/40/45/41/51
A. Done; w/wall holds, kb snatch at 24kg
B. Done; 115-135#
C. No; wrists hurting
D. 15/20/27/27/35; perfect workout for me, need to practive DU’s stressed.
Awesome Brett!
A. Done
B. #95
c. Up to #185
D. 45du’s/ 48/35/45/49
Solid Gabriel!