June 12, 2023 – Invictus Athlete Program

Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three sets of:
100 Foot Farmer Carry
100 Foot Double DB or KB Overhead Carry
10 Tempo Ring Rows @ 1111
3 Wall Walks + 30 Second Nose to Wall Hold

Followed by…

Two sets of:
8-10 Bamboo Bar Snatch Grip Presses
15 Goblet Squats

Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Drop Snatch x 1 rep

followed by…

Overhead Squat:
Take 10 minutes to build to 100-110% of your Max Snatch

Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
3-Position Snatch @ 75-80%
(high hang, mid-thigh, and then 2″ Below the Knee)

Eight sets of:
3 Snatch Pulls to Knee + Snatch @ 80-90%
Rest as needed

The first three pulls will be only to your knee – focusing on perfect weight distribution keeping your hips down and chest up on separation..then snatch the weight.

For time:
1000/800 Meter Echo/Assault Bike
15 Overhead Squats (155/105)
60 Foot Handstand Walk*
21 Ring Muscle Ups
60 Foot Handstand Walk*
15 Overhead Squats (155/105)
1000/800 Meter Echo/Assault Bike


*The 60 foot handstand walk will be broken into two 30 foot increments, each with 1 pirouette performed every 10 feet (6 total per 60 feet – 12 total for the workout).

Athlete Notes:
Shoulder burn. This workout is very similar to the semi finals workout we just saw not too long ago but with more pirouettes and muscle ups instead of the rope climbs. If we know one thing about Boz’s programming it’s that he loves the circus acts, so don’t be surprised to see more trick shot type movements coming up. We’ll start it out “easy” with something that we’ve already familiarized ourselves with though. That first bike should be something that takes about 75-90 seconds to complete. We’ve found that when going for distance you don’t get the return for sprinting, it’s actually better to hold a consistent pace, so men should aim for 70-74 RPM and ladies for 63-66 RPM. After that we’ve got a set of overhead squats that could be unbroken, but how will that affect the handstand walks we’ve got coming up next? Might be best to break it into 2 sets if you’re someone that struggles on your hands. For the handstand walk, perform them as prescribed, and repeat a 10 foot section if you’re unable to do it unbroken. If you’re scaling or modifying, pick an adjustment that will take you around 60 seconds or so to complete. After that we’ve got a big chunk of the workout. Your shoulders will already be on fire so why not hit another high skill gymnastics movement. Look to finish these 21 reps in 3-4 sets. Be diligent about your rest here because time will slip away quickly on you. After those it’s back through the gauntlet of handstands, overhead squats, and bike. Once the handstands are done it’s all go to the finish line.

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Machine Power Output
Row or Ski Intervals:
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets of):
15 Second Max Effort Sprint”

Mixed Modal Option
Every minute, on the minute, until failure…

Station 1 – 11/8 Calorie Echo/Assault Bike
Station 2 – 11/8 Calorie Ski Erg
Station 3 – 11/8 Calorie Row
Station 4 – 11 Burpees to a 25lb Plate
Station 5 – Rest

*Add 1 rep/calorie to each round. Once you fail a movement that movement is eliminated but you continue on with the others, still taking a rest minute after the final working station. The workout is concluded once you have failed TWO working stations.


In the round of 15 you make the bike, the ski, and the row, but do not make the burpees, after your rest minute you will perform 16 on the bike, 16 on the ski, 16 on the row, and then you’ll take a rest minute. You continue in that order until you’ve failed another working station.

Additional Work Option
Four sets of:
100 Foot Yoke Carry (7/10 difficulty)
50 Drag Rope Double Unders OR 60 Double-Unders
Rest 1:1 with a partner

Additional Work Option
Four sets of:
200 Foot Sandbag Bearhug Carry (200/150lbs)
*Plank Hold while partner carries*

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