Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets, not for time, of:
K-Star’s Wrist Stretch
x 8-10 reps
(demo starts at 4:20 of the video)
K-Star’s Keg Drill Overhead Stretch x 60-90 seconds
(demo starts at 3:15 of the video)
Squat Snatch Press x 5 reps @ 2113
Three sets, not for time, of:
Bar Muscle Up x 2-3 reps or Technique work x 60 seconds
Banded Hip Bridges x 30 reps
Wall Climbs x 2-3 reps
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Snatch Balance x 1 rep
Build over the course of the 6 sets. Goal is to hit 105% of your snatch 1-RM.
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
*Sets 5-8 – Find new 1-RM
Rest 2-3 minutes
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
Power Clean x 1 rep
Thruster x 1 rep
Shoulder to Overhead x 1 rep
40-49: 195/135 lbs
50-54: 165/115 lbs
55+: 135/95 lbs
Grad weekend just fit in Friday workout Sunday.
A-Done with C2Bx5 instead of MU.
B-Up to 195 which is #10 over Snatch PR
C-375 which is #10 PR
D-8 rounds at #195
Mobility done.
A. 3 bar muscle ups and 3 wall climbs, no hip bridges
B. Snatch balance only about 80% 1-RM; these aren’t going so well.
C. Done. Disappointed I didn’t get a PR with all the squat work I’ve been putting in lately, but encouraged that I’m able to do more reps with percentages of.
D. (50-54) 5 rounds
MA done
A. subbed strict C2Bs x 3
B. worked up to 175# – not pretty but done
C. 225/245/275/295/315/325F/335F
D. 11 rds at 135
A) done
B) 30/40/50/60/70/75
C) 88/101/114/122/132/135/142 PR 12 kg
D) PM training hopefully
Andrew / 40 / Australia
Major PR!! Awesome work!!!
A. attempted in p.m. unable wrist bothered
B. worked up to 135 (125 max); the heavier it got, it looked more like a power snatch balance
C. did not find new 1 RM…low back problems more often than not lately; worked up to 185 x 1
D. worked up to and got 1 at 135; backed down to 125…got 4…struggled with hand position for these three movements…tweaked my wrist a bit
Take care of that back – please feel free to message me if you would like some specific work for your back!
Nicole, would love to hear what you have to say…how do I message you?
Email me here:
Skipped B and D, but will try again tomorrow. DOMS stung shoulders on overhead barbell movements today from work this week, so worked legs today.
A. Done. For Bar MUs, I can touch my hips to bar in a hollow body, just have to close over bar and continue the movement. Felt like I was 99% there today.
C. BS: 205 – 230 – 265 – 275 – 285 -295 – 305 PR !!!
Repeated Monday’s Accessory work:
3 RDS: Banded March, Elevated Hip Bridge, GHD Hip Extensions w/ 45lb barbell
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh awesome job on your PR!!!!!! 🙂
C. 125/140/160/170/175/180/185*/190f…did not break parallel on this last try. However, 5# pr with 185!
D. 4+1 @ 115
Solid work Aimee!
Mob Done
A. done. Worked on banded MU
B. worked to 100
C. 205/235/265/265/275/285/295. No pr today
Skipped, trying to rest shoulders as much as possible. Taking CF gymnastic cert Sat & Sun.
Yaaah…on gymnastic cert! Trying to talk Elissa into the Advanced Weightlifting Cert near her in Nov!
Also, your back squat! #likeaboss
That sounds like fun!!! The gymnastics cert is awesome!
Ummmm most of the youngins at the gym would KILL to have your back squat numbers!!! I will make sure to let them know that they need to get stronger legs if they want to keep up with you. 😉
Thanks Nicole! I just need to get these legs and the rest of me up and over the bars and rings better!!!! 😉
A. Done
B. 95-105-110-115-120-125
C. 200-225-255-275/285-290-300-315 – 30# PR!
D. 9 reps RX
Massive PR! Great work Ron!!!
My last PR (285) was only 2 weeks before I started your program, and I barely squeaked it out. I honestly hated the first 2 weeks in but the results….
Happy to hear this Ron! 🙂
A. Done
B. 165
C. 285,320,365,385,405 pr
D. 9rd rx
Solid work Jamie!!!
A. Done.
B. 65/75/85/95f/95/95: Low, I know, but still a PR for sb.
C. 185/215/245/265/275/275/275: 10# PR
D. 6 rds@135# (+2 failed at s2O).
Awesome job Doug!!!!!!!
A. Done (did 60 sec of technique work)
B. 75,95,105,110,110,115
C. 200, 230, 260, 275, 295, 310(PR), 315(10# PR), 320(No Rep, didn’t get deep enough).
D. 6 Rds w/135#
Great work with a 10 lbs PR!!!!
A. did team wod with class
B. 95/115/125/135/140 failed on 145
C. 170/195/210/225/235/245/255 failed on 260 255 was a 10# pr
D. 11 rds + 2, last time did 10 rds
Solid work Jeff – that is awesome! And big improvement on DeHart!
Little Army Birthday 5K in the AM.
A: 3 reps for MUs and Wall Cimbs
B: 60kg, 70, 80, 90, 92.5, 95 (M) Kg
C: Havent tested my Back Squat since I tore my quad 5 months ago so this was an eye opener.
90Kg, 100, 110, 122.5, 132.5(M), 132.5, 135(M), 135 (M) Kg
D: 4 reds + 1; Limiting factor was the thruster for me. Missed twice when I tried to rush the power clean vs getting set
A. Sub C2B X5, 10 box hip thrusters, 8 total wall climbs
Worked on MU – 10 total – 4 jumping with arms overhead at 90 degree then made 6 from hanging with arms at 90 degrees!!!! Getting closer
B. 55/65/75/85 (2) 95 Failed – got down then fell backwards
Did A from Wednesday- subbed rope pull-ups X4 + 2 ascents from lying on ground to standing, ring egg holds for L-sits
A. No bar mu work with shoulder/scaled wall walks to doing them on box
B. 75/95/115/125/135/145 this is 105% but 10# under last week…shoulder
C. 290!! 5# pr!
D. Couldn’t do so did 21 min EMOM
Min 1 30 du
Min 2 1 rope climb
Min 3 16 jumping split lunges with barbell on back
Nice work on the squat Karen!
Thank you!
A) Done
B) Struggled with Snatch Balance today…shoulders yuck! 63, 68, 73, 73, 73, 73
C) 115, 135, 155 then: 165, 170, 175, 180 (#5 PR) YES!!! Happy!
D) @93# 6Rds+PC&Thruster (overhead not strong today)
Awesome work on the BS pr!!
OHS 110k
Back Squat 170k
DeHart 8 rx
Woo hoo! Landed in San Diego. Can’t wait to see what camp brings. See you soon coach Nicole!
Awesome Candace!!!!
A. Completed
B. #225
C. #405 PR
D. 10 reps RX
Nice job on the squat PR!