Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Jump to Hollow Body Swing x 6-8 reps
Followed by. . .
Every 10 seconds, for 2 minutes (12 sets) of:
Target Tap Swing Drill x 1 rep
Followed by. . .
Option 1 (If your Bar Muscle-Up is inconsistent and/or max effort is 1 rep) –
Every 30 seconds, for 5 minutes (5 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Bar Jump to Full Support x 10 reps
Interval 2 – Arch Under Bar Jump to Support x 8-10 reps
Followed by. . .
*Option 1 continued*
Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes (4 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Air Chair Swing x 5 reps
Interval 2 – Elbow Drops on Box x 6-8 reps
Option 2 (If your Bar Muscle-Up is fairly consistent and can perform 2-5 reps unbroken regularly) –
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (4 sets) of complex:
Air Chair Swing + Bar Muscle-Up x 1 rep
Followed by. . .
*Option 2 continued*
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (6 sets) of complex:
Target Tap Swing + Air Chair Swing + Bar Muscle-Up x 1 rep
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 70-75%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 2 rep @ 80-85%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
*Set 6 – 1 rep @ 95-100%
*Set 7 – 1 rep @ 100+%
Rest 2-3 minutes
Two sets of:
5 Muscle-Ups
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
20 Hang Power Cleans
30 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
40 Kettlebell Swings
50 Double Unders
Rest 5 minutes
35-49: 135/95 lbs; 32/24 kg
50-59: 4/2 Muscle-Ups; 115/75 lbs; 20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups; 32/24kg
60+: 3 MU/5 Ring-Dips; 10 Pull-Ups; 95/65 lbs; 10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 2″ riser; 24/16 kg
Optional Session
Two sets:
Weighted Supinated Grip Chest-to-Bar x 5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Two rounds of:
200 meter Farmers Carry
200 meter Sandbag Carry (Bearhug)
*Load based on what you can complete with no more than one drop per round per movement.
followed by…
One set of:
Yolk Carry x 100′
Rest as needed
MU Drills Done.
Worked up to 270#, was by myself so I didn’t want to push and fail.
Rd.1 6:56
RD 2 6:34
Started with a lot of shoulder mobility. Completed MU drills. I misread the night before and did option 1 And Option 2. Lol Struggled a bit because I was at anothergym and their bars were not well maintained and quite slippery even with chalk and grips. :/ Worked up to a 335 back squat. Missed at 345. Should have tried 340. Round 1 – 945 Round 2 – 1145 RX except I did deficit kipping HSPU on 45lbs plate (not strict). I would have been there all day doing strict. Did a little extra barbell work and got up to… Read more »
A. Modified: every 30 secs for 5 mins, 1 air chair swing + 1 bar MU
B. Built to 120kg… felt really strong!
C. As Rx’d – 11:43 / 11:03
Feeling strong and fast right now!
A. done; had to do option 1 as I still struggle with the BMU
B. 180/190/200/215/225/240 hit 250 which was an old PR; then went and did 260 for new PR
C. only able to complete 1 round; ran out of time
5 muscle ups; had to do singles
10 c2b
20 hang power clean; scaled to 115#
30 strict HSPU; had to do by 2’s
40KBS scaled to 50#; all I had
50 DU
done in 11:07
Worked out at affiliate:
– warm up: 500m run, 21 squats, 9 burpees
– 3 rds: 10 step-ups, 10 ring rows, ten in-step squats
– 100 FS @ 95lb for time. Every minute complete 5 push-press– 5:30
– 3x 21 sit-ups, 15 hollow-rocks, 9 v-ups
Invictus Gymnastics Level 2 HSPU work
Back Squats 235; 265; 285; 300; 315; 335 (2lb PR); 345(m)
Granite Games Qual- 4 rds. I’ll have to re do it since my camera was recording the wall the whole time. Oppps
Class WOD today:
40 min partner AMRAP:
800m run
50 burpees
800m run
200 DUs
800m run
50 ground 2 overhead w/45# plate (I used men’s rx)
Score: 2 rounds + 100m. Fun day!
Shoulder sore today, so avoided MU and WOD.
However, at 2017 PR Back squat of 192.5kg 425lbs felt good. I reset PR to zero each year.
Practiced some 32.5kg DB snatch and OH Lunges for the French Throwdown next weekend, and an easy little partner WOD to keep moving.
10 rounds at 60kg 135lbs:
8 DL + 6 H.P.Clean + 4 STOH
Then 4x 250m row + 10 over rower burpees.
A. Complete Both Option 2
B. 185-215-225-255-300
C. 14:48
A. BMU drills/reps & butterfly pull-up practice
B. 225/255/285/305/305/305/305
C. 8:25/9:36 (35-49, 20 SHSPU)
Have a great weekend!
A muscle up work done
B hit all %+5#. Knees felt great so I skipped 100% and just went for broke. I was stuck at 335 for 2 years but today 5# pr on back squat!!!
C. 1 st Rd around 9 min and change. They stole my clock for class. 2nd Rd was 10:10 nice!
muscle up done. Hade to work on my strict pull ups and some ring muscle ups trans.
Squat : 70/75/80/85/90/ 95 / 100 kg
wod : pass. I will do a wod with a friend tomorrow
A:great tech work on BMU. Helped me tons.
6 sets of Toe-chair-MU very clean reps
B: 185,225,255,275,295,305,310
10 lb PR. Been over year for this
C: 5 BMU 10 CTB 20 PC 115 20 Kip HSPU 40 KBS 53 lb 50 DU
7:53 rest 5 minutes n. 6:10
Grantie Games #1 120 reps. Didn’t warmup the lower back enough and it locked up in 3rd round
That is very common for people so far!
Good morning Hunter did we do the granite games work out number one yet ?
I am not entirely sure what Nichole had planned for that if she was going to program that in for you. If you are signed up for it then I would recommend doing it today or beginning your workout on Monday with the granite games workout.
Ok I will do it today or tomorrow then thanks !
Hi. Is it bar muscle ups or ring in the wod. Usually if you don’t specify I use rings as default but I thought considering all the drills were for bar then that is what I should do. Sorry seems insignificant when I write it.
I think ring MU