Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Partner T-Spine Stretch
x 30 seconds each partner
Band Assisted Hamstring Floss x 15 pulses per leg
and then …
Upper Body Warm-Up Series
Leg Reach x 5 reps
and then …
Prone Cuban Press for Ring Muscle-Ups
Gymnastic Skill Development
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes:
Snap Pulls x 5 reps
and then …
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes:
Peekaboo Swings x 3 reps
and then …
Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes, complete:
Muscle-Up x 1-2 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Snap Pulls on Low Rings x 5 reps + Muscle-Up Transition x 5 reps (Feet on floor; Feet on box)
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Power Snatch with a 2 second pause at knee
*Sets 1-2 – 2 reps @ 65% of 1-RM Power Snatch
*Sets 3-4 – 1 rep @ 70% of 1-RM Power Snatch
*Sets 5-6 – 1 rep @ 75% of 1-RM Power Snatch
All Age Divisions
As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
Optional Additional Run Session
Eight sets of:
400 Meter Run
Rest 60 seconds
RMU work done
A. 40, 42.5, 45 kg
B. 17+3, old pr was 15+10
Loving these benchmark wods to see improvements
21+5 17+10 was my old score
WU felt good, did some additional shoulder prehab.
Gym.skills sucked big time. Just feel awfull on rings!
A. 50/60/70 kg oly is hard! But I love to do it on the regular with some sort of plan.
B. Cindy is my jam! 24 rounds EMOM 50 sec.
Had to work so did it Sunday
A. 135,145,155
B. Cindy 30+22
Crushed it Domenick!
Snatch 95.105,115
Left shoulder still having lock out issues
8 rds pushups unbroken which is big since 2 months ago I couldn’t hold a plank
10×10 tricep rope ext drop-set
10×10 cable biceps curl drop-set
Warm Up done
Gymnastik Skills done + practicing RMU
A.) 40/50, 60, 65 KG
-> In set 3 I was to upright and hit my forehead during the transition. Big bump ole! ??
B.) 15 Rds with a little headache from A.)
No additional session today
Class with hubby – partner WOD:
40 min AMRAP:
12 hspu
20 clean & jerk 135 (I did men’s rx)
50 DUs
12 burpees over the bar
Every 4 mins a 200m run together.
We did not keep score today, but I did hspu in sets of 3, which for me is good LOL. The 135 jerks were a bit of a struggle today, mostly bc there’s not enough time to warm them up properly on a Saturday (huge class). The cleans felt great though. DUs unbroken, burpees felt snappy, etc.
Always worth doing class with my partner. 🙂
Good job Miki!
Thank you! ?
A. P SN = 105/115/125/135/145/145
Warm-up done
Gymnastics drills done. 4/8 successful muscle-ups. That’s 3 weeks in a row I’ve gotten some ?
A. Snatch 45/45/50/50/55/55
B. Cindy 15 reds plus 15 reps. Huge PR (last test of this 12 reds, 8 reps)
That is AWESOME Kristin!
DMA and rMU drills done
A. Snatches 90/95/100/100/105/105
B. Small tear on my hand and I really despise Karen so all the more reason to make myself do it. Time 7:06. About 45s worse than when I did it 3 years ago. Clearly I need more WBs in my life ?
You will be getting more WB in your life!!!
Gymnastics done MU singles
A. 110×2/110×2 115/115/125/125 felt so good kept going 130/130/135/135
B. Did “JT” today 21-15-9 hspu, ring dips, push ups last time 17:58 in 2015
Today 8:29 which was 9:48 faster
C. 200 step ups with 20# vest 11:28
Fun day!
Wow!! Amazing improvement, great job Tom!
Nice work!
DMA done + my shoulder rehab/prehab A. Power snatches from 33 kg to 38 kg. Felt okay, but felt a little bit slow today. RMU practice: Swings completed and felt very good! I haven’t been doing RMU consistent for the last 6 months to 1 year because I have felt scared that my shoulder wouldn’t handle the movement, so I haven’t been confident enough to do it. But today, finally, it felt like it can handle it and I wasn’t afraid to fall through. I will upload one short clip on Facebook. So relieved to finally being able to work… Read more »
So glad the shoulder felt strong enough for you to work on your ring muscle-ups!
DMAW… Done
Gymnastics Skill Development…. Done
6 Min EMOM Done.
A: 50kg 60kg 60kg 62kg
B: 14 Rounds
Additional work: 8 Rounds 800m BikeERG
Ps: Got some good Butterfly Pull Ups going during the AMRAP. Gymnastic drill really helping.
Will start the Clean Pull Drills again in the new week.
Thanks for another great training week.
So PUMPED that the drills have been helpful!!
1. Done,
2. done and
3. 2/1/1/1.
A. 57,5/62,5/67,5
B. 14 (Air-Squats were the hardest part today after KAREN and ROWING yesterday)
Decided against Cindy because of legs too but did weighted step ups
Good job Markus!! Way to flush out those legs 🙂