Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
CrossOver Symmetry
Rows x 10 reps
Reverse Flies x 10 reps
Pull-Downs x 10 reps
Victory x 10 reps
90/90 Drill x 10 reps
Cross Body Pull x 10 reps per side
(Stand to the side of the rig. With the arm furthest from the rig, pull the band across the body while keeping the elbow close to the rib cage.)
Followed by …
Two sets of:
KB Ankle Pulse x 30 seconds per side
Deep Squat Progression x 3-5 reps (slow and controlled)
Every 6 minutes for 18 minutes (3 sets):
Run 400 Meters
25 Double Unders
3 Wall Walks
10 Burpees
10 Nose to Wall Handstand Marching
This is to get you moving and ready for the following work. This is not a race.
Bar Muscle-Up Skill Work
Accumulate 10 reps of Banded Bar Muscle-Up Stomps
and then …
Three sets of:
Target Reach Swing x 1.1.1
and then …
Three sets of:
Air Chair Swing Drill x 1-3 reps
and finish with …
10 Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups (or 10 Jumping Chest-to-Bars)
For time:
5 Bar Muscle Ups
10 Thrusters (185/125 lbs)
*Time Cap = 4 minutes*
At the 7:00 mark, complete the following…
For time:
10 Bar Muscle Ups
20 Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
*Time Cap = 7 minutes*
At the 17:00 mark, complete the following…
15 Bar Muscle Ups
30 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
*Time Cap = 10 minutes*
For time:
5 Bar Muscle Ups
10 Thrusters (155/105 lbs)
*Time Cap = 4 minutes*
At the 7:00 mark, complete the following…
For time:
10 Bar Muscle Ups
20 Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
*Time Cap = 7 minutes*
At the 17:00 mark, complete the following…
15 Bar Muscle Ups
30 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
*Time Cap = 10 minutes*
For time:
2 Bar Muscle Ups
10 Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
*Time Cap = 4 minutes*
At the 7:00 mark, complete the following…
For time:
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
20 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
*Time Cap = 7 minutes*
At the 17:00 mark, complete the following…
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Thrusters (65/45 lbs)
*Time Cap = 10 minutes*
For time:
5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
10 Thrusters (105/75 lbs)
*Time Cap = 4 minutes*
At the 7:00 mark, complete the following…
For time:
10 Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
20 Thrusters (85/55 lbs)
*Time Cap = 7 minutes*
At the 17:00 mark, complete the following…
15 Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Thrusters (55/35 lbs)
*Time Cap = 10 minutes*
Scaling Options for Bar Muscle-Ups (choose one of the following):
Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups
Banded Bar Stomps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Band Assisted Bar Muscle-Ups
Scaling Options for Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Band Assisted Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Three sets of:
50 Flutter Kicks
50 Russian Twist
25 V-Ups
30-60 Second Plank Hold
Rest as needed
Athlete Notes:
Hey there thruster … it’s been a while and I’ve missed you.’ I know that is all of your internal dialoge as you look at this workout today! 🙂 So … you’re welcome for reuniting you with thrusters. Please please PLEASE adjust the reps/weights in this workout to make sure you finish at the designated time caps. Each piece should be a sprint knowing that you’ve got some decent recovery. You will be changing out your weights during the rest so ideally load up your barbell in a way that will allow you to just strip off the plates. Practice calm breathing during your thrusters and having a strong rack position. Warm up your wrists really well so that the barbell can sit comfortably on your shoulders and you don’t need to be straining to maintain an upright squat. The more upright you can be in your thruster the easier it will be to breathe and move the barbell well.
Since we have a wide variety of skill levels on the program I will just say to only come down from the bar if you lose rhythm on your bar muscle-ups. Otherwise, keep holding onto the bar and some of you will go unbroken in all three phases of your bar muscle-ups/chest-to-bar pull-ups.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Running Option
Run Interval Session
5 Minutes Jog
and then …
Speed Intervals
Four sets of:
90 Seconds @ 5k pace
90 Seconds Walk/Jog
followed by …
Four sets of:
90 Seconds @ mile pace
90 Seconds Walk/Jog