Every 6 minutes, for 24 minutes (4 sets) of:
60 second Wall Sit (55/45 lb Plate on Lap)
15 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
60 second Wall Sit (55/45 lb Plate on Lap)
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
Take 15-20 minutes to build to today’s heaviest complex of:
Push Press + Push Jerk
Use Jerk Blocks if possible.
In 15 minutes or less…
Back Squat – Establish a 7-RM
Goal is to exceed June 24, 2019.
Rest 3 minutes then. . .
Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Back Squat x 5 reps @ today’s 7-RM weight
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A. 3:52/4:02/4:02/4:05
B. 245 lb
C. 375 lb I exceeded 10 lb June 24, 2019
D. Done with 375 lb
A: done, all at ~3:30
B: up to 255 for 10# push press pr
C: hit 385, 10# up from last week.
D: died, 385×4/385×2/315×5
Great to see all your overhead work coming up!! Nice work in improving your 7-RM too!
A. Subd row, no bike.
B. Up to 91Kg, missed PP at 92.5. Need some work on shoulder strength, but shoulder stability felt good today.
C. 157.5Kg, better by 7.5Kg
D. Done Rx at 157.5Kg
Unbelievable burn in the legs. So awesome!!!
Nice work hitting 157.5 for7! Big improvement!
A. 3:39/3:43/3:45/3:50 that was a leg pump.
B. 265
C. Failed 420. Did a little miscalculation thought I was hitting 400.
D. All done at 390.
Well that was a big miscalculation! How many did you get?
Failed at 5 so close yet so far.
A – 3:45/3:50/4:00/4:10 across. Probably wasted 20 seconds with setting up equipment in a dumb way walking all over the gym
B – up to 235, missed at 245
C – up to 345 (no belt or lifters this time) – out of town and had an early flight today so just felt a little off
D – 335 across
Good job still getting your work in while out of town! ??
A) came in late from work and missed the first set
4ish minutes, 4ish minutes and 3:13 for the last set
B) up to 290
C) missed 350
D) 315 and kept the knees happy
I hope you were given a burpee penalty 🙂
Good to see you’re being smart and looking after those old knees.
As long as I don’t have a run penalty ?
A.) Scaled to 45# plate and 15 Cals. 5:05/4:40/4:43/4:58 All wall sits unbroken.
B.) Shoulders were bothering me today only built to 165#. Jerks were fine, but PPs are a weakness.
C.) 345# (10# more than two weeks ago)
D.) 345#
Solid work hitting 345 for 7!
Now to look after your shoulders!
A: done
B: up to 235
C: only 315, not a lot in the tank coming back from being sick last week (20# less than last time)
D: all at 315
You can’t catch a break! hope you feel back to 100% soon!
A. 3:30/3:30/3:29/3:28. That’s a good quad burn!!! I love the Monday conditioning!
B. 125. I struggle with push press.
C. 5×3 @ 195/205 squats
Need to work on that overhead pressing strength along with your dip and drive! Really focus on using your legs!!
Shspu program to start.
A. Done, used 50# dbs for thrusters, and 2nd set of wall sits I dumped the weight at :30 and finished the rest of the minute weightless. 4:10/4:12/4:15/4:08
B. Up to 265
C. Up to 345 – 10# heavier than previous 7rm
D. 345 for all 3 sets
The wall sit beat you! Nice rite on the 3RM!
A) Done RX
B) Up to 135lbs – had more in the tank, but stuck to 15 min cap
C) 7-RM = 225lbs – with belt; +20lbs from when I tested it out last week before the working sets
D) Done – belted up for these sets
Damn! That’s a big improvement! Nice work!!
A) done! Thrusters never felt so good. Haha those wall sits. 3:52/3:56/3:52/3:48 Rx
B) 145 and felt really solid
C) 210 (tie) then sets @ 210
Thanks Tino!! Hope your day was awesome!
Wall sit must have warmed you up for those thrusters 🙂
Solid start to the week!
A. Done rx… had about 2:00 rest each interval. Didn’t let the bike win this time!
B. 150lbs push press + push jerk (5lb Push press PR, went up pretty easy)
C. Ooooof! Felt sooo heavy and I’m not sure why. Only got up to 205 even though I did 240×5 on Saturday. Maybe I can try again tomorrow unless that’s a dumb idea? ?♀️ I didn’t do the E3Mx9:00
Congrats on the push press PR!! No need to squat again tomorrow. You’ll get redemption for those squats next week 🙂 ?
Coach, you figured out a way to make 15 thrusters the most enjoyable part of a workout.
A) 3:21/3:30/3:29/3:35
20 minutes later…after just trying to figure out how to get back to normal.
B) 275 (1lbs PR)
C) last time straight bar at 415 w/ support.
Today with a safety squat bar /no support
7 rm: 335
D) 3×5 @ 335 SSB (hard)
Get a SSB it will destroy you.
When thrusters become rest ?
Did is a little out of order
A. 1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk: 185lbs
B. 7RM Back squat: 250lbs
C. Did all threes sets of 5 at 250lbs
D. Every 6:00 x 24:00
1. 4:41 RX (45lb plate and 65lb Thrusters)
13 Cal Assault Bike on the second round
5:24 (no plate on wall sit)
5:03 RX
Now I see why this would have been best done first ? my legs
Written that way for a reason 🙂
4:06/4:09/3:51/3:58 my quads have never felt so happy on an assault bike
No lifting because of your wrist??
A. Finished RX. Worked on breathing through thrusters and sprinting on bike. Goal was to maintain 75 RPM. Finished rounds in 4:20 or less
B. Got up to 255
C. Did 7 at 375
D. Did all sets with 375
A. Done
45 lb plate
85# thrusters UB
45 lb plate
20 cal ROw
B. 205# PR
C. 280# (5+ lb)
Awesome start to the week Travor!! Congrats on the PR and 7RM improvement!
B. Up to 265
C. 345 x 7
D. Just did some tempo back squats at 225
Hip is feeling better but didn’t want to push it
Good to see your hip is feeling better!
A. Done RX – All rounds around 4:00. Was able to sprint on the bike each round.
B. 255
C. 355 (+5)
D. Done – Won’t lie I may have taken more than 3:00 rest between C and D
+5 at -10 BW 🙂
Best of both worlds!!