Session One
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 3 reps
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Muscle Snatch x 2 reps
Keep the barbell close and be quick and aggressive in your turnover.
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep @ 85% of 1-RM
Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 2 reps
Build to 85% of 1-RM over the course of the first 5-6 sets, and complete the final 6 sets at 85%.
Session Two
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Back Squat x 2 reps @ 4111
Build to today’s heaviest double at the prescribed tempo.
Three sets for times of:
30 Calories of Assault Bike
20 Deadlifts (185/135 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
10 Toes to Bar
Rest 2 minutes, then repeat for a total of 3 sets.
Session 1:
Snatch Press at 65, 85, 95#
Muscle Snatch at 95, 115, 135#
Snatches of 180# (10/10)
Clean and Jerk at 185, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245#
Clean and Jerk at 255 for 6 sets
Session 2:
Back Squat @ 4111 of 365#
1:54, 2:05, 204
30, 31, 30 reps
Session 1
B) all at 190lbs
C) at 255lbs
Session 2
A) 345 tempo squat
B) 2:00 a round
C) 3+11/3+10/3+6
Session 1
A. Sotts Press: 95, 115, 125
Muscle: 115, 125, 135
B. 185 no misses
C. 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235 across no misses
Session 2
A. 225, 245, 265, 285, 305(f), 295, 300×1
B. 1:44, 2:14, 2:20 (went too hard on the first bike)
C. 3+11, 3+5, 3+1
One session:
1A.1) 95, 125, 135
1A.2) 145, 155, 165
1B) 230 (based off 271)
1C) built to 280 for the final 6 sets (based off 330)
2B) 1:44, 1:41, 1:37 (used AD6)
2C) 3+5, 3+6 (only did 2 sets. intensity wasn’t there at all for this part. trying to find that good amount for one session each day.)
Session 1
A1) 45,65,75
2) 155,165,170
B. 225
C. 225,235,245,255,265,275, six sets at 285
Session 2
C. 3+4, 3+2, 3
Short on gym time with session 2.
Been a bad poster.. But have been following very closely. So far the new cycle has seen great success with snatch up 10# to 255 and clean and jerk up 5# to 330. Can definitely tell the extra strongman seshes making some changes. Snatch in receiving – up to 95# Muscle snatch – 135 Hit all of my snatches at 85% of new max. 215# pretty stoked about that. Clean and jerk sesh was woof! 270 for last 7 sets. 10# lower than 85% … but that’s where she was. Sesh 2 Back squat strict to tempo up to 335… Read more »
Glad you are enjoying it and posting today!
Session 1
A. SP 55#
MS 65#
B. 100# missed two
C. 65/65/75/85/95/105/110/110/110/110/110/110
Session 2
A. 135#
B. 45 cals on airdyne, 95# DL
C. 2+7, 2+2, 2+3
Session 1:
A. 35-45-45
B. 110
C. 110-115-125-135-140-145 for last set of 6
Session 2:
A. Built to 135lb
B.3:17,3:49, 3:51 Assult bike killed me, but did all the DL unbroken.
C. Was 3 rounds in the first set but hip flexors and back started flaring up. Probably because had to do both sessions at once today and body just feeling a little beat up. Called it early and stretched. Sad because I like these movements and I hate quitting…but want to be able to train tomorrow!
Hope a good night sleep makes it all better if stretching didn’t do it
Great day of lifting today for me. Everything went well.
Snatch at 255 and had no misses
Clean and Jerk
185-205-245-275-305 for 4 sets then 315 for 4 sets
Back Squat built to 405
Assault Bike / deadlift
:49 – 1:43 – 1:40
I know. Big drop off but I had no push after 15 cal on round 2 and 3
3 minute AMRAP
4 rounds
Only time for session 1 today 🙁 was going to try and squeeze some of the conditioning in before coaching today, but it didn’t happen. Fridays are long coaching days for me.
Session 1
A. Sotts: 35/65/75
Muscle snatch: 75/85/95
B. Snatch: 150 for all
C. Clean and Jerks: built to 190 for the last six sets. That was tough!!
Session one:
A. Sotts press 75-95-115 lb.
Muscle snatch 135-155-165
B. Snatch x 1@85%
200 lb.
C. C&J
210/210/225/225/240/240/255 x 2 (6set)
Session two
A. Back squat
B. 2:10 – 2:31 – 2:52
C. 3 rnd + 6 ttb – 3 rnd + 1 ttb – 3 rnd + 5 bbjo
Session 2:
Half of it for now…
A – 135kg – grindy
B – 2.00/1.52/1.45
Session 1:
A) 35/55/65
B) 2 at 110, 8 at 115 – felt good, no misses
C) 105/115/125/125/135/135/
Session 2:
A) 135/155/165/180/190/200f
B) 3:34/4:19/4:33 assault bike got slow!
C) 3/2+6/2+13 T2B sets of 5 first time, failed at sets of 5 second time and didn’t have a great backup plan, did one big set+fast singles 3rd time which was way faster
Bike/Dead: 1:45, 2:05, 2:38.
Burpee/t2b: 3+3, 3+5, 3+8.
I threw up, btw. Nice work.
?that’s not our intention
Made me a better person.
Session 2:
A. 265,275,285,295,305,315
B. Intervals were: 2:21,2:38,3:13
C. Only had time for 2 3mim Amrap
2 rounds+5, 2 rounds+ 5+ 2 TTB
Session 2
A. Up to 305 with tempo
B. 45 cal Airdyne: 2:47, 2:52, 2:58 all DL UB
C. 4, 3+13, 4
Session 1:
No snatches cause of elbow
235×2 across
Session 2:
Comp blog squats
395 across
Ski erg as bikes were being serviced
Oh me abs…
Ski ergs…… Should I purchase one
It’s not a necessity. We have one that we use incase it pops up at competition. Money is better spent elsewhere like strongman equipment. It’s hard to program it in specifically as not many have one.
Session one
A. Press: 45/65/75
Muscle: 95/115/125
Snatch balance: 135/145/155
B. Done at 230 no misses and no chasing the bar off the platform
C. Wasn’t feeling it in the first session so went home ate and took a nap before coming back for session two. Started with this
All power clean. No misses
Way to go on the mental game. I cannot stress how important that aspect of training is. I would take a mentally strong athlete over one who is more physically able but less mentally.
“Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.”
Gotta start somewhere! Body’s finally starting to feel tolerant to workload again so trying to transition out of “just happy to be moving” attitude. Doesn’t happen overnight haha
back after 2 weeks in california. unfortunately i was in San Diego on a thrusday and went jet skiing instead. good way to get whiplash if you fall off..
visited a lot of boxes during my visit, but its nice to be back in alaska.
a]95-105-115. 105 and 115 have been the most ive done for 3.
B]190×10 no misses.
b]did pistols instead. no assault bike….YET. (2 weeks) 1:58-2:00-2:14
Damn, it would have been great to have you come and workout at Invictus. Hope you had a fun vacation.
Session One A1. 40 kg across A2. 55 kg across B. 85 kg / % – No miss, C. 70/ 80/ 90/ 95/ 100/ 105 kg – All Power Clean & Power Jerk, reast at 110 kg C&J – No Miss. (85%) – done as described 2 x.. Session Two A. 2 x 160 kg as described – happy about this for today 🙂 B. Rx’d – 8.23 – DL UB and easy, slowley getting used to assult bike, but need to go much faster, C. 3+7 T2B / 3+7 T2B / 4+1 BBJO, Felt great today on lifting and… Read more »