Workout of the Day
Three sets for times of:
Run 400 Meters
3/2 Rope Climbs (15′)
Rest 4 minutes
Take 20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Jerk
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Hang Squat Snatch (115/75 lbs)
Handstand Push-Ups
Toes to Bar
Rest until fully recovered, and then…
Against a six-minute running clock:
Row 1000 Meters
Muscle-Ups x Max Reps
A. 2:08, 2:08, 2:09
C. 12:04
D. 12 mu…should have been more. I think part C took its toll on me!!
Hey Nichole this is Will Zerlang Kim Camacho is my athlete. Thank you so much for this programming. Kim has come so far in the last few months.
We are wondering what the next week is going to look like. We will be traveling Saturday. Just hoping you can maybe give us an overview and any additional thoughts you may have going into this final week.
Thanks looking forward to seeing you guys.
A: 1:55, 1:59, 2:02
B: skipped. AC joint is strained or something. I think it was power cleans a few weeks ago. Being careful.
C: 13:37 – I feel I should have been in the 11 or 12 on this. Kipping HSPUs were hard. T2b UB
D: 12 MU’s – 3:30ish on row. Arms felt tired at about rep 6.
I’m good on short sprints but worried when we add direct sunlight and 5 rounds back to back with say 400m runs.
Thanks! I have a road course that’s about 3.5 miles that I ran on Sunday. Since it was AR, I didn’t go all out but felt really good doing it and I know I could’ve pr’d if I wanted. I think all the interval rowing has us conditioned pretty good.
Brent, I have a feeling you’d do just fine in a wod with 400m runs. And, while I think 5 rounds would be unlikely, just remember that everyone else has the same number of rounds.
A. 2:25, 2:24, 2:30
B. 95kg, 2 misses at 100kg
Warming up with hang snatches but had to leave
Megan Becker (50/5’5″/135)
Traveling this week, so I was at the mercy of the gym I was visiting. They let me do my own thing, but I only had an hour in which to do it, so I chose to do A & C.
A. 3:03, 2:43, 2:36
B. bummed to miss this
C. Used 65# for hang squat snatch. Toes to bar were better today, but the HSPUs took too long. 21:46
D. I will try to swim or run a little later to make up for the row I missed.
A. 2:27, 2:25, 2:23
B. 245. Better but still praying for bench press!
C. 13:41
D. 3:30 row. 8 MU’s w/ many fails. Core was a goner…
Man, you were fast on C! Your HSPUs are probably faster than my regular pushups.
My HSPU’s were better today but the guy I did this with clobbered me. He got 11:25.
How did he break up the hang squat snatch? An 11 all comes down to doing all the HSPU in 1 or 2 sets. I had troubles with them. Strange considering all the OH work we’ve been doing.
Good job today.
He actually broke his snatches more than I did. Unlike me though his HSPU and T2B were UB except for a quick pause in the first round. He’s also 32 yrs old and went to regionals last year.
Today’s was challenging but fun. Feeling much better today than yesterday.
A. 2:26, 2:45, 2:57
B. 250 lb Jerk. It’s great to still be hitting PRs at 57
C. 21:20 done Rx’d. This was a grind but did all full squat snatch. HSPU were fast. T2B getting better.
D. Subbed C2B for MU. 3:52 on the row, 13 C2B. After everything else it was hard to make myself do this, glad I did though.
Awesome Greg!
That’s awesome Greg, 250lb sheesh!
If all the WODs involve Squats, Jerks and HSPU I’m in business.
Chair, small ice chest, find a place to camp relax out of the sun, under a pop up tent if possible, if you know anyone going its good to make arrangements prior, last year they let us set pop up tents on grass opposite side of stands, sun screen, maybe a sun hat if you have one, there is plenty of food and water provided but I bring my own. Towel and change of shirts shorts, they have ice baths set up. Far as equipment what ever you normally bring, cleats if you have them. Also any type of equipment… Read more »
In 2012 they had a competitors tent that was air conditioned. I can’t remember if they had that at the track. Watching from the stands, it was hot out there.
Thanks for the tips you guys!
Would you veterans mind sharing any specific items that I should have with me for our event in a few weeks? Cleats for the field? Food, water, chairs, etc? Thanks! Brandon
All of what Terry said is good to bring! I would also make sure you bring everything you normally have to train with – so wrist wraps, weight belt, shoes, electrolytes, etc.