July 5, 2023 – Masters Program

Activation & Warm-Up
General Running Warm-Up
Approximately 50 feet each of:
High Knees
Over-the-fence, forwards
Over-the-fence, backwards
Bunny Hops
Suicides, remain forward facing throughout

and then …

Two sets of:
Shoulder Mash x 30 seconds per side
Shoulder Circles x 10 reps each direction
Banded Presses x 10 reps

Six sets of:
4 Push Press @ 60+%
Rest 75 seconds between sets

*Build based on quality over the 6 sets.

Handstand Walk Skill Development
Two sets of:
Wall Crouch Planche x 10 reps
Back to Wall Donkey Kicks x 5 reps (count attempts)

and then …

Accumulate 60-90 second in an Elbow Supported Handstand Hold

and finish with …

Three-Four sets of:
Wall Facing Handstand Walk Away x Max Distance

Five rounds for time:
3 Rope Climbs*
8 Dumbbell Bench Press
200 Foot Dumbbell Farmer Carry

35-49: 75/50 lbs
50-54: 65/45 lbs
55-59: 50/35 lbs; 12′ rope climb
60+: 35/20 lbs; 12′ rope climb

*If you don’t have access to a rope then please substitute with 9 Strict Pull-Ups every round

Three sets of:
15 Standing Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions
Rest as needed

and then …

Three sets of:
10 Banded Face Pulls
Rest as needed

Cooldown: Spend 10 minutes cooling down and stretching your lats and shoulders

General Training Notes
More push press!! So a few things I want to review in your push press based on videos I’ve seen the past few weeks:
1 – Keep the dip short
2 – Patience on the dip, then explode out of the hole
3 – Push the knees out to the side as this helps you keep your torso more upright

Ideally you will do these off of blocks so you don’t need to worry about bringing the barbell back down to your shoulders. Build over the course of the 6 sets.

You’ve got some new drills for your handstand progressions today! If you are struggling with your handstand walk development then please film a few of these drills and upload for myself and coach Travis to take a look at.

And then onto a conditioning PUMP! This is a sneaky hard workout that will tax your grip! This workout comes down to rounds 3 and 4 so try to reserve some grip strength for those last 2 rounds. For the rope climbs, please do a big jump and then use your legs as much as possible; this will help you relax your hands a bit throughout your climbs. Check out this article to help perfect your rope climb technique
Your bench press starts with the dumbbells locked out at the top so try to swing the dumbbells into position as you lay down onto the bench. Please adjust the load if this causes any pain OR do 16 close grip push-ups instead. You’ll want to have a quick break from here to your farmers carry so you can give your hands a quick rest. I’d recommend doing 100ft walk down, quick rest, then 100’ft walk back. This quick rest can help tremendously as you go into your rope climbs! Try to record your splits per round to see if/when a drop off happens. Have fun with this one and be safe on the rope!

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