Primary Training Session
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Banded Hamstring Pulse x 45 seconds per side
Banded Hip Rotations x 8-10 reps per side
and then …
Two-Three sets of:
400 Meter Run
Hawaiian Squats
x 5 reps per side (try to increase the range of motion each rep)
Prone Walkouts x 5 reps
Every 3 minutes, for 6 minutes (2 sets):
Single Leg Depth Drops x 4 reps each leg
*box set up 2 inches higher than last week
Followed by…
Every 3 minutes, for 6 minutes (2 sets):
Depth Drop into Split Stance x 5 reps each leg
Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 2 reps
Build to 85% of 1-RM over the course of the first 5-6 sets, and complete the final 6 sets at 85%.
For time:
2000 Meter Row
50 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Rest until the running clock reaches 15:00, and then…
For time
45 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
10 Ring Muscle-Ups
32 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lbs)
10 Ring Muscle-Ups
21 Thrusters (135/95 lbss)
10 Ring Muscle-Ups
*Time Cap = 15:00
For quality and muscle activation:
50 GHD Sit Ups
50 Toes to Bars
150-Foot Sandbag Bearhug Carry (200/150 lbs)
150-Foot Handstand Walk
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is an awesome test of your shoulders and your motor. We’re mixing some low-skill high-go movements in with some high-skill movements to test your skills under fatigue! The workout starts out with a 2k row. We would recommend you hit this at a pace more in line with your 3-4k times. You can go for a 2k PR… but then good luck hopping up and hitting some handstand push-ups afterwards. We want the row to feel like a 8/10 effort (10/10 being your 2k PR). After the row, we have a big number of strict handstand push-ups…seeing as you get rest after this, why not push yourself to get through them as fast as you can. Just remember though, once a strict movement goes, it takes a bit to get it back. We want you to toe that line between failure and speed, but if you end up failing a couple now, it’s ok! Training is the time to do it and challenge yourself! The second part of the workout is going to be a shoulder burner. Being smart about your sets/reps/rest is going to be very advantageous here. We’ve got a squat/press movement paired with a ring muscle-up, so you know your triceps are going to be smoked. We’ve got wall balls, dumbbell thrusters, and barbell thrusters…and while the reps decrease, the loading will increase. Be smart about your sets here, and focus on your leg drive out of the squat in order to help your shoulders/triceps for as long as possible. When it comes to the ring muscle ups, we want these pushed similar to the handstand push-ups in the first portion. Fast, but not at risk of failure. However, at the end of the day, we’d rather you fail in training because you pushed your limits, then fail on the competition floor because you never felt that discomfort! If you’re still learning ring muscle-ups, we’d recommend picking a number you can get to in 2-3 sets so that this doesn’t become a staring contest with the rings.
A) done
B) up to last 6 sets at 155
C) 11:06 and 11:04
D) done
Thanks so much!!
Hope your weekend is awesome!
Forgot tp post yesterday, but got everything done, and some extra metcon in the morning.
Today couldn’t make it to the gym, did some outdoor easy stuff instead.
Every 10’, for 40’ (4 rounds)
1000m run
100 feet hsw (2x50ub)
200 feet bodyweight walking lunges
25 jumping air squats
25 air squats
40 push ups
Max plank in the remaining time (which wasn’t a lot haha)
Then did some 100m sprints, but that’s all.
A1. SL Depth Drops 2×4 Done
A2. Depth Drops to Split 2×5 Done
B. C&J: 115×2, 125×2, 135×2, 145×2, 150×2, 155×2, 160×2, 160×2, 160×2, 160#x2, 160×1,F, 160×1,F. Those got hard.
C1. Only had time for this. 13:52. 2000 m row, 15 SHSPUs, and 35 L-Seated Press @ 25#
C2. Skipped.
D. 50 GHD Sit-Ups, 50 T2Bs, 90 Shoulder Taps, 150′ FR DB Carry using 70# Done
On the road tomorrow, traveling back West!
Have a safe trip!
Just trained from home today so some adjustments
A) Done
B) Final sets at 235
C) EMOMx21:
1- 18 cal bike erg
2- 15 wall ball shots (30)
3- 60 double unders
D) Four sets:
Max Incline DB Bench Press (50s)
Rest 60 sec
Max Barbell Bicep Curls (65lbs)
Rest 2 mins
Fun day
Enjoy the weekend!
No clean and jerks today
Skied 2000 meters instead – 7:17
Shspu done at 12:13
Modified second part didn’t want to squat so much..
5 Muscle Ups
15 Wall Balls (30)
30 Drag Rope DU
3+5+7 – drag rope crushed me
D. Done
Looks like a good day!