Primary Training Session
Two sets of:
20 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Left)
20 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Right)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Monster Walk (Left)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Monster Walk (Right)
30 seconds of Single-Leg Prone GHD Plank (Left)
30 seconds of Single-Leg Prone GHD Plank (Right)
20 seconds of Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps (Left)
20 seconds of Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps (Right)
Rest 60 seconds
You should be able to complete this entire Glute Activation Circuit in less than 12 minutes. Move from one movement immediately to the next.
Six sets of:
Pause Front Squat @ 24X1 + Front Squat
Rest 2 minutes
Perform a controlled two-second descent, then hold at the bottom for four seconds before quickly driving up to the top, then breathe, brace and perform a front squat with no tempo restrictions. Build over the course of the six sets to your heaviest set possible within the tempo guidelines.
Compare results to June 12, 2019.
Five rounds for time of:
7 Deadlifts (315/225lb.)
7 Strict Hand Stand Push-Ups to 4/2″” Deficit
7 Thrusters (135/95lb.)
7 Muscle-Ups
One set of:
100 Banded Glute Bridges
Keep a steady pace with a light band.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
30 second Wall Sit (Front-Racked Kettlebell Hold – 24/16 kg)
30 second Max Effort Double Kettlebell Front Squat
100-Foot D-Ball or Sandbag Carry (HEAVY)
Four sets of:
Suitcase Deadlift x 10 reps @ 2011 each side
Rest as needed
Single-Arm Kettlebell Front Rack Carry x 100 Feet each side
Rest as needed
Strict Gymnastics Accessory Option
For time:
30 Strict Handstand Push Ups
Compare results to June 12, 2019.
Aerobic Capacity Accessory Option
For max calories:
30 Minutes of Assault Bike
This is as much mental as it is physical. Give this test the respect it deserves and stay focused throughout the full 30 minutes.
Compare results to June 12, 2019
Warm up done
B.60/70/80/90/100/110 kg
C. 30:19 (The Deadlift kill me and I payed it in the MU, I’m not really happy with my Performance today, I use to Train in the afternon and today I had to move the seasson to 6:30 in the morning… HARD!!)
D. Done
Seasson 2:
A. done
B. Done 32kg Kt Suitcase deadlift / 28Kg single arm front rack carry
Strict Gymnastics Accessory Option
I hadn’t done the Training for 12 June, I joined in July 😛
Time: 2:56
Training in the morning is always tough but you’ve put the work in! Solid work! Now you can enjoy your rest day!
AM Session: B. 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175x — last time we did this was my first day back squatting post-injury and I did 95#, that’s a lot of progress in 7 weeks! C. 26:23 scaled DL to 205#, everything else RX First time doing strict deficit and they felt good! D. done 30 SHSPU: 3:13 – :53 PR from June 12 – I know I could do this under 3:00 if I was fresh but did it after part D so was still a little fatigued from the deficit HSPU in the workout PM Session: Made up yesterday’s… Read more »
What a damn good day!! So awesome to see your leg strength come back so fast and all that overhead pressing work has paid off! Great work Holly!
PM Session: Five sets of: Front Squat x 2 reps Rest as needed Legs felt heavy and slow this afternoon so I built up to 275 for a double and called it good there Primary conditioning for today was the 40 minute mashup with the girls and rowing – definitely wanted to do that, but wouldn’t have the time/space, so I moved it to Saturday so I could do it as written and I am going to do it with the normal group I train with. on Saturdays. Did this instead: Every minute, on the minute, until you complete 200/150… Read more »
More exposure to the ski the same as the bike will be beneficial. Meters wise it’s similar to the tower but calories it’s probably -2-3 calories.
Aerobic Capacity Accessory Option
443 cal (+61)
B. 53lb KB for both, not allowing myself to lean at all
A. Done
B. 205-225-245-255-265-280. got the tempo but missed the FS that followed 😛 265 is +10 from 6/12/19.
C. 15:50
DL & SHSPU 4-3.
Thrusters and MU all UB, except my last set of MU, 4-3
E. Done
All those PR’s!!! I’m running out of superlatives for you!
Just did the Metcon today and some running.
Metcon: 11:44
Deads/muscle ups and thrusters unbroken.
SHSPU with the def:7/7/7/5-2/5-2.
30 min easy run on assault runner with 20lbs vest
2.55 miles.
Better sleep last night??
Yeah! Also going to sleep like a champ tonight!
A. Done
B. 235/275/300/315/330/ Failed 340. last time failed the tempo rep at 330, so definite improvement.
C. Just did 2 rounds of this because it looked fun and I want to stay somewhat active even though I’m basically taking this week off, physically feeling good just mentally out of it, so gonna relax a bit, enjoy the games and hit test week hard.
Strong work Alexander!!
5 mile run with the dog
40 min
Short on time so modified, wanted to do some gymnastics and lifting
24 min emom
1st 3 x strict muscle ups
2nd front squat 24×1 + front squat
3rd 7 x strict hspu to 4″ deficit
4th 5 x deadlifts
Squats 65-85-100-110-120-125kg (5kg more then on June 12th)
Deadlifts 100-120-140-150-160-170kg
Nice work Petr! Good to see those legs getting strong, even with a run to start!
A. Done
B. 185/205/215/225/235/245# (20# improvement from June)
C. 27:53 Rx Went unbroken the first round and then 4/3 splits the next two sets, and 5/2 the final two sets.
D. Done
Nice work! its a heavy high skill workout and you are getting it done!
☑️Session #1☑️ Primary Training Session B. Six sets of: Pause Front Squat @ 24X1 + Front Squat Rest 2 minutes Weights from June 12th 255,275,295,315,325,335, ✅ Weights today: 255,275,295,315,335,X 335lbs. Back rounded & I lost position so I stopped there C. Five rounds for time of: 7 Deadlifts (315/225lb.) 7 Strict Hand Stand Push-Ups to 4”/2” 7 Thrusters (135/95lb.) 7 Muscle-Ups ✅ 11:57 Think I paced this pretty well for my self. D. One set of: 100 Banded Glute Bridges Keep a steady pace with a light band. ☑️Session #2☑️ Strict Gymnastics Accessory Option For time: 30 Strict Handstand Push… Read more »
Solid days work! Did you get those HSPU unbroken?
Yep think I could have squeezed out a few more to?
Crushed it today!
A. Done
B. Build to 90kg with good form.
C. No time recorded (someone turned of the clock during my 3th round)
Was moving slow but steady
D. Lightest band was not light enough had to break into 4 sets.
Tested my 1600m run got 6:00 after an easy run to warm up.
Mile PR?
Never really tested it before.
Setting a base line to do some running.
A) Complete
B) 185/205/225/245/275/300
C) 22:02
*RMU got me Rnds 3-5. Broke them up 4/3 with way too much rest. Starting to feel the 3 week break lol
D) Complete
Gonna try to squeeze the bike in this afternoon if I can ?
The pull gets pretty smoked. Especially as lats gets tired from heavy deadlifts. Nice work!
A) Done
B) 265/275/285/295/305/315 (+10 each set from last time)
C) Oof – third day of humidity here in Boston, so dropped the intensity a bit and did forced unbroken sets, ended up taking 15:50.
D) Done
A) Done, subbed goblet squats at 106 for the KB front squats – my shoulders were pretty smoked from the metcon, so I didn’t want that to be the limiting factor. Ended up with 49 total, 190# SB.
Good to see those front squats coming up!
Good adjustment on the Kettlebell Front Squats. Solid session overall, Now stay safe in that heat!
AM Session: For time: 300/200 Calories of Assault Bike Time = 23:10 (60 RPM avg) Coming into this my goal was at least sub 25:00 but the ideal goal was to hold the same splits for my 20 min test last week (which was 60 RPM or 12.95 cal/min). So doing the math there my goal time was 23:10 if I held my 20 min pace. I actually didn’t realize that I hit that time exactly until right now. I was really just trying to hold 13 cal/min. Either way I am making some great progress on these bike pieces.… Read more »
Ha! That’s crazy that you got your exact time! Solid first session!
Ass bike
I was so nervous this morning because I didn’t get good sleep and didn’t think I could beat 418 cals but I concentrated and trusted my fitness. 420 🙂
Awake now lol hunters strength work then metcon then moving day tomorrow !
I think you should switch to one session per day and hit all the strength and strength accessory work. You gotta put on some mass buddy!
Ugh okkkk
it’ll pay off! trust him 🙂
110 kg
Deadlift 7/7/4-3/4-3/4-3 ( 140 kg )
Shspu 7/6-1/4-3/4-3/4-3 ( 1 Plate 25 kg )
Thruster 7/7/7/7/7 (60 kg)
Mu 7/7/7/7/7
In the afternoon Strength option
Hot that strength work hard and enjoy your rest day!
So the plate is 4 inches ?
We have 25 kg plate here that are maybe 2 inches also. Haha we also have 5 kg plate that is probably 5 inches. Haha
My Plate is 8 cm ( 3.8 inches)