July 31, 2017 – Masters Games Prep

You all are more then prepared heading into Games. Now is the fun part. You have put the time in with training and now you get to showcase everything you’ve worked hard for. I could not be happier with how training has been since the Online Qualifier and think that there is nothing that will come up that you won’t be prepared for. The events announced so far look super fun and I cannot wait to see you out there on the big stage hitting them hard.

Enjoy every moment out on the field because we only get a handful of these special moments. Breathe in appreciation every time you walk out to the starting mat then bring your laser focus to the task at hand, knowing that you are more than capable of exceeding what you may think possible. Stay in the moment and fight in every workout to walk off the field knowing you wouldn’t have changed a thing. There will be highs and lows over the next 4 days but the athlete that doesn’t let their emotions dictate their performance will come out on top. I believe in all of you and just remember that the placements don’t give a full picture of any athlete, only your effort does. Full effort is full victory.

I arrive into Madison this evening and will be staying in an RV. Wednesday is check-in and I will see you all there, if not before. Many of you fly in tomorrow so make sure you hydrate well and mobilize. If you have any questions, feel free to message me at (760) 694-3085. This week is going to be GREAT!

Two-Three sets, not for time, but for feel of transition:
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Toes-to-Bar
2 Clean and Jerks
Rest until fully recovered

35-49: 205/145 lbs

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155/105 lbs

At 65% effort, complete two sets of:
Row/Run x 60 seconds @ 65% effort
Double-Unders x 30 seconds
Hip Flexor Stretch of choose x 2 minutes
Shoulder Opener of choose x 2 minutes
Row/Run x 60 seconds @ 65% effort
Double-Unders x 30 seconds
T-Spine Stretch of choose x 2 minutes
Hamstring Stretch of choose x 2 minutes

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