Gymnastics Skills & Drils
Band-Assisted Scarecrow x 2 minutes
and then . . .
Every 30 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Full Support Ring Hold x 20 seconds
Interval 2 – Catch Position Hold x 10 seconds (accumulate time if necessary)
Interval 3 – Ring Dip Negatives x 4 reps @ 31A1
Every 60 seconds, for 8 minutes (8 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Strict Muscle-Up x 1-2 reps
55+: Strict Ring Pull-Up to Sternum x 1-2 reps
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Snap Pulls
x 20 reps
Interval 2 – Speed Swings
x 5 reps
Followed by. . .
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Snap Pulls x 8 reps
Interval 2 – Pop Swing x 4 reps
Followed by. . .
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Cast Swing x 1 rep
Interval 2 – Ring Muscle-Up x 1 rep
Followed by. . .
With a 60 second time cap, complete:
Kipping Ring Muscle-Up x max reps
Four sets of:
Front Squat x 2 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes
Build to a heavy double for the day.
Rope Climbs
35-49: 135/95 lbs
50-54: 115/75 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs; 4-2-1
Three sets of:
Bat Wings x 5 reps @ 1515
Rest 60 seconds
Front-Leaning Rest on Rings x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Three sets of:
Row 1500 meters @ 5km PR Pace
Rest 60 seconds
Gymnastics skills and drill done.
A1 strict mus x 2 x 8 sets
A2 done
A3 done
A4 done
A5 15 mus
B. 285 x 2
C. 4:07 11/4, 8/4, 5/4 thrusters
D. Done
Did all gymnastic prep. Those holds got nasty!
A. 5 Strict MU (wasn’t ready come 6th min so stopped. and moved on to the other movement prep). 7 RMU in 1 min.
B. 185 x 2 rep Front Squat
C. Did the class wod with my 18 yr old nephew. 🙂
Have been slacking on the posting…had some discouraging workouts and always felt like writing a novel on my posts ha ha so spared y’all that. A. Got 4 out of 8 strict muscle up attempts, they are coming back finally, and getting smoother each time. Just practice kipping MU’s instead of the 1 min test, and chained my first neutral grip MU’s together 🙂 tried and few more times and was close but kept missing 2nd one. Nichole, when there are short tests like this and we are not very proficient, would you rather see us test or practice? I… Read more »
I left my phone at work and tried to remember what I had looked at at lunch. Here is what I did:
A. 8:00 emom x2 strict mu
The next few minutes were a blend of snap pulls, speed swings, cast swings, and pop swings followed by a 4:00 emom of snap pull + muscle up then the 1:00 amrap (6)
B. Front squat doubles-185/205/225/245/265
C. 4 RFT
400m run
4/3/2/1 rope climb
8 thrusters at 135
Gymnastics skills and drills done; 8 strict mu; 4 reps kipping
B. 205#
C. 10:15 @ 115
Thrusters 5/5/5 5/4/3 3/3/3
Alt rope pull-up 24/16/8. Miserable
D. Done. Bat wings at 30#
Optional row: 5:26;5:25;5:26 avg pace 1:48
gym drills : Done A1) got 1 strict muscle up- that was it for me .. very frustrated I feel like Im going backwards.. with everything.. 🙁 all the rest of the drills done -couldnt get 1 single kipping muscle up . B). 135,165,175,180 lbs C) 7:53 Rx’d pretty tough 🙂 when. get home I will add the workout from Wednesday I never got a chance to put it up.. Im shot, its sooo humid here .. not whining just sating it was a good challenge I got my arsenal handed today ..epecially with those muscle up I thought Id… Read more »
A. Taking it easy on pec. Did hs Work. Walks and sthspu
B. 285/305/325/335
C. 4:06. Thrusters UB. Was a little worried about pec on rope but was ok
A) Got thru 5 rounds of MU then switched to C2B ring pull ups last 3. Went thru other exercise but no kipping muscle ups (back)
B) 315# double
C) WOD at the gym was similar so I did that
21,15,9 thrusters 95#
3,2,1 legless rope climbs
D) ✅
A. Done, all singles–1 per minute of strict, then only got 7 kipping in minute. Triceps have been tired for a week it seems.
B. Not done–rushed today
C. Burpees instead of rope climbs 7:44, with 85#. Staying away from rope climbs since they really flare up my elbow. Thrusters 3 sets per round.
Did C before A, but felt tired for muscle up max, strict pretty easy, maybe could have done a few sets of 2
Gymnastics done A – All done, still no stict MU but I have to say I am inches away, the drills have helped alot. Kipping 5 notice how it easy it feels with the false grip to come up. B – FS #265 which lot other here this was my 1 RM ? hummm new PR coming up C- 10:39 I did not pace that first round and I feel took my breath 15ft rope were ok. D- not completed Had travel this week, everytime I do travel to Central America when returning to the box I feel the sea… Read more »
Wahoo Luis! Nice work on your squat!!!
Skill work done- no ring mu but I get style points
145/150/155/165 for 2 (165 was my 1rpm)
11:01 w/85# thrusters (that was a new weight for me too:)
DM&A Done
A. Done, 8 MU (5,2,1), got my first, actually got 7 strict MU today!!!! STOKED.
B. 215#
C. 6:53 (Thrusters killed me, mentally, feels like my stance is to wide and my drop and push press are too slow and controlled). Did thrusters 8,7 / 6,2,2,2 / & 5,4
D. DOne
Great work on your strict MU Chris!!!
Mobility done
A. Done – 7 MU (5/1/1)
B. 255#, which was my 1-RM. Probably not anymore.
C. 8:21 – I have only done 135# thrusters a few times in a WOD. Getting there – broke them into 6/5/4, then 5/4/3, then 4/3/2. Rope climbs were no problem. One day maybe UB and sub 5:00…
D. Done
Row – later
You’ll be testing this again . . . 🙂
FS 275, 295, 295, 295
5:20 burner, tough but fun!
3×1500 row
At home today. Ring work tomorrow afternoon at gym.
FYI -requested to join Invictus masters FB page.
gymnastics skills and drills done
A1: got 4 of these A2-4: done A5: 4
B:145, 175, 195, 215-my prior 1RM is 235…looks like that one will be history!
C: 5:50
D: done
Wow Gene – awesome to see you make such improvements with your FS!
Skills done.
Was only able to get to snap swings and speed swing then class kicked me off the rings! Pissed
B. got to 245# for my 2 but more important it was a very deep squat which it hasn’t been in a long time.
C. 7:22 and I was stoked because all thrusters were unbroken!!!! SO happy!!
D. Done!
Awesome on your deep squats and on your thrusters being ub! That is a major accomplishment!
A. Was like a fish out of water. Rough right from the get go.
B. Continued the trend and dumped 265 twice. Jit 255 for final sets
C. Icing on the cake lol 10:04.
Called it a day.
Chalk one to the gym today she beat the crap out of me.
Hopefully rematch tomorrow.
You will come back victorious tomorrow!
I must have not eaten enough. I know sleep was down some but it was like i have never done those movments before
Skills and drills felt better, until . Cast swings. Major spa Sam in upper back traps. Like a mule kicked me there. I felt I was doing Better. Hitting all the reps w better form.
Feeling better after much work.
B 2@235 felt great considering the other pain
C: 4:55
Oh no Jay! What do you think set it off? Was it already really sore?
But blazing fast on Part C! I was looking for that to be sub 5!
Thx coach. Well. Hers a list of what could lock me up. Walking on hands finally. No far but I was walking. That’s a first thank you. Neck was tight. Went to chiropractor again after Wednesday sesh. For low back. It’s all good now. But maybe a bad adjustment? That 30 min EMOM. TTB, Snatch, KBS 53. I loved it by he way. Used to race endurance. It’s been a huge posterior chain week. Sooo. I worked on it all day and went to bed w a little tension. Woke up fine. Had a good session today. Have a good… Read more »
So glad you woke up feeling good! It could have just been fatigued from the training session and bodywork but I am so glad it is feeling good now!
DMA – Done
A1. Skipped
A2 – A4 – Check
A5. 4 reps was really disappointed that I couldn’t string together more. i did 2/1/1
B. 275
C. 12:30 RX
Knee still hurting (so scaled a lot), MRT next tuesday.
A. Done:
– no strict MUs and
– kipping MU: 4/3/0/0 (aimed – way too high – for 4/4/4/4).
B. Bench Press and strict Pull-Ups:
– 10×20, 8×40, 6×60, 4×80 and 2×100 and
– 2xBW, +2,5, +5, +8 and +10.
24-16-8 DB-Snatches @ 22,5 and
5-4-3 rope-climbs.
No more squats Markus!
Did not do any since SAT.