July 25, 2020 – Invictus Athlete

Primary Training Session
For 10 minutes @ 75-80% effort
20 Jumping Lunges
20 Barbell Overhead Squats (20/15 kg)
Rest 30 seconds

Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion including the rest period. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.

Every 90 seconds, for 4:30 (3 sets):
Behind the Neck Press in Split Jerk Position x 5 reps

Build over the course of the 3 sets.

Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Split Jerk with a 2 second pause in the dip & 2 second pause in the catch

*Sets 1-2 = 1 rep @ 82.5% of 1-RM Split Jerk
*Sets 3-4 = 1 rep @ 87.5% of 1-RM Split Jerk
*Sets 5-6 = 1 rep @ 92.5% of 1-RM Split Jerk

Build to today’s 3-RM Push Press

Use blocks if possible, rather than dropping this to your front rack. If you don’t have blocks, be safe with these.

Run 1600 Meters (or 1200 meters on Assault Runner or equivalent)

When the running clock reaches 10:00…

For time:
50/30 Calorie Assault Bike

When the running clock reaches 14:00…

Three rounds for time of:
15 Overhead Squats (115/75 lbs)
15 Toes-to-Bar

When the running clock reaches 20:00…

For time:
Run 1600 Meters (or 1200 meters on Assault Runner or equivalent if possible)

When the running clock reaches 30:00…

“Heavy Diane”
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Deadlift (275/185 lbs)
Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 2″/0″ Deficit

When the running clock reaches 40:00…

For time:
Run 1600 Meters (or 1200 meters on Assault Runner or equivalent if possible)

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
1-1-2 Dumbbell Bench Press x 8 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Landmine Row x 6 reps each arm @ 21X0
Rest 90 seconds

Three sets of:
15 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (45 degree incline)
10-15 Close Grip Push-Ups
30 Banded Tricep Extensions
Rest 90 seconds

One set of:
Tuck Rocks x 100 reps

Followed by. . .

Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – V-Up to V-Sit x 6-8 reps
Interval 2 – Hand Plank Arch/Hollows x 6-8 reps

Followed by. . .

One set of:
Hollow Body Bounces x 100 reps

Running Endurance Option
For distances:
12 Minutes of Running @ 100% of 5k PR pace
4 Minutes of Recovery Jog/Walk
10 Minutes of Running @ 100% of 5k PR pace
4 Minutes of Recovery Jog/Walk
8 Minutes of Running @ 100% of 5k PR pace

Rowing Endurance Option
For times:
Row 4000 Meters @ 5k PR pace
Row 1000 Meters @ 50% of 5k PR pace
Row 4000 Meters @ 5k PR pace

Note your heart rate at (1) the conclusion of the first 4000 meter interval; (2) the conclusion of your 1000 meter recovery row; and (3) the conclusion of your second 4000 meter interval. Note also how long it takes to return to under 80 bpm.

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Lara Erlank
Lara Erlank
July 25, 2020 10:22 pm

A. 6 rounds
B. 65/75/80
C. 155/155/160/160/165/165
D. 145
E. 7:26/1:32/3:40/7:26/6:32/7:36
Biggest challenge with Diane was how sweaty I was and how hot the bar was. Had to break up the deadlifts because the bar was so hot. Really fun workout. Can’t believe my first two mile times were exactly the same! The heat was a struggle, but super excited to be working out with friends at a gym again ?


A. 40lb bench / 45 landmine
B. 25 incline bench

July 26, 2020 3:09 am
Reply to  Lara Erlank

Great work Lara but other looks like you sandbagged that first run?! ?

Good to see you back working out with the community, just make sure you’re staying well hydrated in the hot weather! ? ?

Hope you’re staying on top of that psoas!

Mauk Moerman
Mauk Moerman
July 25, 2020 5:25 am

A done B 60/80/100kg C 140/150/160kg Missed the second set on 160kg D 130kg today’s heaviest E had no acces to a rower and was raining hard outside so did 2k ski instead of 1,6k run 7:54 ski 2:47 bike Oh squats and ttb all unbroken. Around 3 min (don’t know exact time) when finishing a set directly continued with the next movement. 8:02 ski Heavy diane in 5:23 pretty happy with how this one went hspu felt good and easier than last weeks. Could stay moving on the deadlifts DL 13/8 8/7 9 Hspu 12/9 8/7 5/4 Ski 7:42… Read more »

July 25, 2020 6:18 am
Reply to  Mauk Moerman

Solid finish to the week! Good job keeping those OHS and TTB unbroken, then going on to do well on “Heavy Diane”. Productive days work!

Have you any comps on your radar for the rest of the year and 2021?

Mauk Moerman
Mauk Moerman
July 25, 2020 6:46 am
Reply to  tino

Thanks tino,
Since there is nothing on the calender yet, nothing.
Any suggestions? Want to try some individual stuff for the first time.
And would love some invictus team comps tho!

Jolanta Wesołowska
Jolanta Wesołowska
July 25, 2020 4:40 am

Hi, I spent a whole week recording the Italian qualification. I returned as scheduled from Monday. For time, 10 rounds of: – 10 Db Overhead Squat, 15kg – 20 Double Under 6:55 AMRAP 6 min: – 6 Strict Handstand Push-up – 6 Alt. Pistol – 9 Strict Handstand Push-up – 9 Alt. Pistol – 12 Strict Handstand Push-up – 12 Alt. Pistol – 15 Strict Handstand Push-up – 15 Alt. Pistol……etc 60 reps For time: – 10 Alt. Db Snatch – 15 Burpee broad-jump – 20 Alt. Db Snatch – 15 Burpee broad-jump – 30 Alt. Db Snatch – 15… Read more »

Michele Gabba
Michele Gabba
July 25, 2020 5:36 am

great times??

Jolanta Wesołowska
Jolanta Wesołowska
July 25, 2020 5:40 am
Reply to  Michele Gabba

Thanks Michele, you were my target ?

July 25, 2020 6:16 am

Great work!!! So pumped to see all of your training has been paying off!!

Please keep me posted on how your scores end up on the leaderboard!

Jolanta Wesołowska
Jolanta Wesołowska
July 25, 2020 10:23 am
Reply to  tino

Thanks Tino, for sure when I see something more I will write it.

Michele Gabba
Michele Gabba
July 25, 2020 4:16 am

9 am Wod 1 Italian showdown 6’21” ( 40/50 min mobility all Unbroken 2/3 set du broken) For time, 10 rounds of: – 10 Db Overhead Squat, 15/22.5Kg – 20 Double Under 12:30 Run 1600 Meters When the running clock reaches 10:00… For time: 50/30 Calorie Assault Bike When the running clock reaches 14:00… Three rounds for time of: 15 Overhead Squats (115/75 lbs) 15 Toes-to-Bar When the running clock reaches 20:00… For time: Run 1600 Meters When the running clock reaches 30:00… 50 Cal A. Bike 32’28” 7:42 run ABike 2’38” 3 round 4’45” ( all Unbroken) 7’52” run… Read more »

July 25, 2020 6:15 am
Reply to  Michele Gabba

All the conditioning today!! Was this a repeat of the Qualifier?

Michele Gabba
Michele Gabba
July 25, 2020 7:01 am
Reply to  tino

no wod 1 the first time I don’t think I will repeat

Koen Knarren
Koen Knarren
July 25, 2020 3:51 am

A. Done.
B. Press done @ 30-40kg
C. Set 1-2 @ 75kg
Set 3-6 @ 80kg. Worked on getting back knee in the right position.
D. 3rm push press @ 90kg
E. Skipped. Logistical problem with this long one today.

3 sets of
20m hand over hand rope pull prowler + 95kg
Followed by max reps db bench press @ 20kg
Reps : 30-23-11

2 sets
60m Harnessed sled pull sprint @ prowler+95kg

July 25, 2020 6:15 am
Reply to  Koen Knarren

body adapted to training again? Looks like it has!!

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