Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 30 seconds
12 Alternating Bowler’s Squats
12 Alternating Cossack Squats
12 Band Pull-Throughs
Rest as needed
Three Sets of:
Max Jump to Split Position
x 3 reps each leg
Rest 30 seconds between legs and 60 seconds after both legs
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete (5 sets):
Snatch Balance
*Sets 1-2 @ 70% of 1-RM snatch
*Sets 3-4 @ 75%
*Set 5 @ 80%
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
Snatch Lift-Off + Snatch
Start at 65% and build over the course of the 10 sets.
Twenty sets of:
30 seconds Assault Bike @ RPMs held for 10 minute capacity test
30 seconds Rest
*Please note total Calories
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Two sets of:
Heavy Sandbag Squat x 5 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes
followed by…
Three sets of:
Lateral Sled Pull x 25′ each direction
Rest as needed
followed by…
Four sets of:
200-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
(100-foot out, 100-foot back)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Quite behind…
A. I like these. Like a superhero.
B. 95 / 105 / 115. My knees take a while to warm up..
C. 95 / 100 / 105 / 110 / 115 / 120 / 125 (started power snatching for some reason at this point.) 130…then stopped as I wanted to keep form and squat snatch but it wasn’t happening.
D. Went home and watched a big rugby match.
A. Done
B. 135/140/145:150/165
C. 120/135/140/145/150/155/160/165f/165/175f
D. 216 cal 65-70 rpm
A. Done
B. 125/135/145
C. 115-160#
D. 161 at 64 rpm
A) Done
B) 145/150/155/160/165#
C) 135-180# added 5# each round, no misses
D) 149 cal, held above 60 rpm
Needed some ass kicking so did more intervals.
30×30/30 ass bike: 240.9 cals (Cranked it up to 69-70 and then settled in at 66, don’t let it drop below 65…still just using one arm)
Then 5 sets:
8 barbell hip bridges x 8 reps 185#
15 v situps
Great job Cheryl!
DMA done
A) done
B) 49/52/56 – KG
C) 45 Missed/45/50/50/56/60/64 Missed/66/70 Missed/ 70 Missed – KG
D) 4 x 10 calories 16 x 11 calories Total 216 calories Rower
DMA done
A) done
B) 95/105/110
C) 90/95/100/105/110/115/120/125/130/135
D) 230 calories
E) 150 sandbag
90/140/180 lateral sled
180/200/230/250 harness sled
DMA) done
A) done
D)268 cal! Bike felt good today pushed hard. Anywhere from 81-76 rpms
D:186 cals 10 min was 127…60rpm was my avg on the 10 min…easier to hold 61-62 today. I think the extra cals came from going at 25-30 @ the rest.
D. 30/30/20
180 cals ave 64 RPM
A. Done
B. 140/140/150/155/160
C. 130/140/150/160/170/180/190(f)/190(f)/190/201(f) – felt great until 95% (190), was able to hit that after feeling it a few times. I had one more lift left, so gave a 1# PR a go – was not happening today.
D. 205 cal
You will get to go heavy next week 🙂
DMA Done
A. Done
B. 50-52-55kg
C. Built to 65kg
D. On rower @ 1:51/500m pace
Today I woke up and although I felt better, my quads were still sore, so my coach said: Take another day!! Just cruise around a bit. Spend 15-20 min practicing skills. Then hit this: 5 rounds 3 bench press Rest :20 3 power cleans Rest :20 15 cal bike sprint Rest 2 min Increase on both lifts Everything felt good today. 🙂 A. BP: 65/75/85/95/105 PC: 105/115/125/135/145. TNG through 125, the last 2 rounds I reset for each lift but without resting. I probably could have muscled through the 135 tng but wanted to focus more on form. Bike I… Read more »
Fun day!
It was. But I’m itching to get back to regular training! 🙂
Warm up done
B : snatch balance up to 47,5 kg
C : failed at 57,5 kg 4 times – 55 kg was easy ( 91%)
D : 181 kcal
DMA: done
A. skipped (my knee’s acting up)
B. 65#, 70#, 75#
C. started at 60# & got to 90#
D. 146 avg. 57-60 rpms
Glad you gave your knee some extra TLC
B. Done
C. Done no misses up to 80%
D. 211 calories
B stay under 95lb behind head moment hurt shoulder
C worked to 135
D. Held 61 133 calson 10 min 10 today held around 64 150 cals actually was pretty easy could of pushed a bit more
additional: yesterday’s missed metcon:
-25 cal ski
-20 pull-ups
-30 air squats
Make sure you rest after the comp from this past weekend!
Ok Will do. Rested all day yesterday, but I’ll make sure that I go by feel tomorrow.
Taking today and tomorrow off. Going to see chiropractor again tomorrow for my rib. Since this has become somewhat chronic now, I think I’m going to take a whole week or so off from doing anything that would strain the rib. I’m going to have to let it settle or it will just keep doing the same thing. In addition, my forearms are super sore from comp this past weekend, and I also strained a muscle in my left arm and it just feels kind of achy around my elbow. I’m falling apart! On a positive note, I’m going to… Read more »
I think that is a great call, especially after the comp from this past weekend!
Did something to my wrist yesterday. Hurt just to snatch the bar. Hopefully it’s just a strain but I guess no snatches doe me today.
Rest!! Seems like we have some others who have wrist issues. Would it be beneficial for me to post some wrist mobility drills?
I know I could. I did it while demonstrating the Ski erg ?. The irony is not lost on me