July 23, 2022 – Invictus Athlete Program

Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Complete at 70% effort, as a warm up, for 12-15 mintues:
2 Minute Machine
50-Foot Bodyweight Lunge
6 Squat Broad Jumps
30 Second Hang From Pull Up Bar

Every 45 seconds, for 20 reps (15 minutes):
1 Banded Deadlift @ 60-65% + 30-40% Extra Band Tension at the Top

*The focus is concentric speed on all of these lifts!

Complete as many rounds and reps possible in 7 minutes of:
50/35 Calorie Row
50 Box Step Ups (24/20″; unweighted)
50 GHD Sit Ups

Rest 3 minutes, followed by…

Complete as many rounds and reps possible in 7 minutes of:
30/20 Calorie Row
30 Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
30 Toes to Rings

Rest 3 minutes, followed by…

Complete as many rounds and reps possible in 7 minutes of:
15/10 Calorie Row
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
15 Toes to Bar

Three sets of:
12-15 Barbell Glute Bridges
Rest 30 seconds
8 Right Leg Bulgarian Split Squats
Rest 15 seconds
8 Left Leg Bulgarian Split Squats
Rest 90 seconds

Three rounds of:
45 Second Superman Hold
45 Second Hollow Hold

Athlete Notes:

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These 7 minute amraps are going to get spicy. The first one starts out with bigger reps. In all odds you’ll likely be somewhere on the GHD’s or the second row. Don’t expect to get multiple “rounds” but you still need to push the pace if you want a good score. Transitions aren’t as important for this section but don’t be lazy about starting the next movement. The second 7 minute section we see a decrease in reps and a slight change to two of the movements. Bounding the box jumps will yield the best results, but be careful on the achilles. For the toes to rings your goal should be 1-2 sets to hit the 30 reps. For the final 7 minute section transitions and knowing where to push is going to be very important. Regardless of your toes to bar ability we want to see you push the pace on the rower and burpee box jump overs. If you have to break on the 15 toes to bar that’s not as big of a deal if you’re still pushing hard elsewhere! Have some fun and earn tomorrow’s rest day!

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Concept 2 Bike Option
One set of:
5 Minute Concept 2 Bike @ 60%

Followed by…

Three sets of:
40/30 Calorie Standing Concept 2 Bike (Damper 10)
40/30 Calorie Concept 2 Bike
20/15 Calorie Standing Concept 2 Bike (Damper 10)
20/15 Calorie Concept 2 Bike
Rest 2-3 minutes

Followed by…

One set of:
5 Minute Concept 2 Bike @ 60%

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