Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three sets of:
100-Foot Sandbag Bearhug Carry
60 Second Wall Sit
60 Second Push-Up Plank Hold
Followed by…
Three sets of:
100-Foot Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry
30 Second Bottom of Squat Hold with Front Racked Kettlebells
5 Front Foot Elevated Tempo Split Squats @ 2222 (each leg)
Ten sets of:
Front Squat
Sets 1 – 5: 1 rep @ 75%
Sets 6 – 10: 4 reps @ 60% @30X1 Tempo
Rest 60 seconds
Six rounds for time of:
200-Meter Run
*Squat Cleans*
Round 1 – 6 @ 135/95
Round 2 – 5 @ 165/115
Round 3 – 4 @ 185/125
Round 4 – 3 @ 225/155
Round 5 – 2 @ 245/165
Round 6 – 1 @ 265/175
After the 6th round, rest 4 minutes, then…
Three rounds for time of:
400-Meter Run
*Squat Cleans*
Round 1 – 3 @ 275/185
Round 2 – 2 @ 295/200
Round 3 – 1 @ 315/215
Three sets of:
30 Banded Hip Bridges
Max Unbroken Banded Hamstring Curls
Rest as needed
Three rounds of:
100-Foot Plate Pinch Carry
45 Second Side Plank (each side)
100-Foot Dumbbell Farmer Carry
60 Second Weighted Plank
Athlete Notes:
This workout has a mix for multiple body types. We’ve got some barbell work for those of you who love to lift, and we’ve got a good chunk of cardio for those who love to run. The best scores will be a good mix of the two. The first 6 rounds you need to run at a pace that allows you to move directly back to the barbell. Touch and go on the lighter weights might not be a terrible idea for those of you who can. Changing your weights is a skill in and of itself so don’t forget to be fast there! On the second section of the workout we’ve got three rounds coming up. The distance is a bit longer on the run but you need to still push the pace if you want to put up a good score. These weights are a little heavier so when we get to this section a good recommendation would be 85-90-95% of your 1RM. Test your limits here, see how fast you can run and then still pick up that barbell!
Warmup done
A. Rnds 1-5 @ 138.5Kg; Rnds 6-10 @ 102Kg
B. Modified, bicep tendon better but don’t want to push it. 10 rnds for time of 200m run and 5 squat cleans at 61Kg.
C. Done
D. Done
Glad you are being smart!
Thanks. It flared up after the workout today though.
Warm up ✅
A. 275×5, 240×5 (accidentally did 65% for the tempo)
B1. 8:59 RX UB touch n go
B2. 8:48 scaled to 265/280/295.
Really enjoyed this workout and happy with how good all the cleans felt 🙏
C. Done
D. ✅
Glad you liked it!
Outdoor Training, all with 50lbs DB Get Moving I| Warm-Up With some modifications done A 50 Reps Double Grip DB Overhead SQ (hold a DB overhead, narrow grip) 5×10 reps Spanish Squats, never really done this, interesting movement for sure Rest as needed B. Six rounds for time of: 200-Meter Run 8 reps Double DB Squat Cleans rest 3 minutes, then… Three rounds for time of: 400-Meter Run 10 reps Double DB Thrusters It wasn’t strak since there is an amazingly strong heat wave in Europe atm. Total time was around 22-24’ or so. C) in a way, done D)… Read more »
A. Sets 1-5 @130, sets 6-10 @105
B. 28:50, barbell weights-85/95/100/105/110/115/ then 120/125/130. That was great!! I’m loving these couplets, especially with the heavy barbell… well, for me anyways🤷♀️
C. Done.
D. Done
Happy Friday!!!!
Glad you liked it!
Warm up: done
A. 305 lbs
A2: 245 lbs
B1: 12:51
B2: 12:30
But I used 135/165/185/205/215/225
Then 235/255/255
C. Done
D. Done
Looks like you picked good weights!
First day back from vacation did a little something every day but mainly just body weight stuff
A1. 275×3/295×2
A2. 205
B. RX 9:47/9:02
Hate the running routes here should have just used assault runner but wanted to run outside
Those second set of cleans felt very heavy!
C. Done
D. Done
Damn the RX weights 🥵 Nice!
Solid day!
A1. FS (off 270#): 205#x1x5 A2. FS @ 30X1: 165#x4x5 B1. 15:42. 160m run on Assault Runner each round. 6 reps @ 95, 5 reps @ 105, 4 reps @ 115, 3 reps @ 145, 2 reps @ 155, 1 rep @ 165# B2. 11:37. 320m run on Assault Runner each round. 3 reps @ 175, 2 reps @ 185, 1 rep @ 195#. Took a bit to get second rep on 185. C. 3 sets done: 30 Banded Hip Bridges + 15 Med Ball Hamstring Curls D. 2 rounds done: 100’ Plate Pinch Carry @ 25#, :45s Side Plank… Read more »
Solid work!