Take 20 minutes to build to a 1-RM Back Squat
Suggested sets:
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 6 – 1 rep @ 95%
*Set 7 – 1 rep @ 101%
*Set 8 – 1 rep @ 101+%
For time:
40 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
40 Toes to Bar
200-Foot Handstand Walk
20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
20 Toes to Bar
100-Foot Handstand Walk
Three rounds for time of:
800 Meter Run
100 Double-Unders
10 Bar Muscle-Ups
15 Devil’s Presses (50/35 lb DBs)
Every 4 minutes, for 12 minutes (3 sets):
20 Front-Racked Kettlebell Reverse Lunges (24/16 kg)
60 Second Wall Sit with Front-Racked Kettlebells (24/16 kg)
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A) 365 (95%)
B) 18:35 rx
C) 32:32 rx
D) Done
A) 205# – 10# PR ? tried 210# but failed twice
B) didn’t do FT as I’m working on strict HSPU and walks – did strict with 1 abmat and HSW marching
C) 2 rounds with 400 m run on assault runner and 25# devils press, jumping BMU – way too hot in gym to finish
D) all Rx
A. No squatting.. 🙁
B. Done. It took quite some time with those SHSPU
C. Did CTB instead of MU. 20cal AB istead of DU’s (shin splints).
Ripped both hands in round 3, so only did 6 CTB that round.. Time around 30 min.
D. No time – class started.
A. Up to #465, #10 pr.
B. 17:33 RX everything about this wod was a pr for me.
C. 30:12
Yeah buddy!! Congrats on the PR!!
Hot today 100+ in the gym!!
A. 315 (93%) struggle bus so called it there
B. Done with pushups, hollow rocks, 80# dball carry
C. 41:40 with ring mu and 40# dbs
D. Done with 25# kbs
Great workout thanks Tino!!
Stay safe in the heat! Pool day tomorrow! ?
A.build to 150kg
B.27:00 min RX
A. Up to 184Kg(98%)
B. 16:29. Subd OHP with 42Kg BB and cut HSW in 1/2. My HSW are terrible.
C. 29:32. Subd RMU, no bar. Went too easy on DP, should’ve pushed those harder.
D. Done. Scaled to no weight on wall sits; legs were smoked by this point.
Yeah dude! Pumped to see you hit 184! Old (er) man strength 🙂
A. Up to 260 (98%). My eyes almost popped out so I stopped there. Ok with it since I haven’t done much of the squatting this cycle.
B. 13:00 back feels very overextended on hsw, gets really sore after, and tips?
C. 24:30 BMU UB, runs slow bc it was hailing!
I would work you your shoulder and thoracic mobility so you don’t have to compensate so much with your lower back. There’s plenty of great articles on our site. Use the search engine to find them.
Be safe!
A) 450 (10lbs PR)
B) 7:31
UB/25-15/4x50ft UB
UB/UB/2x50ftb UB
C) 29:52 (with 55s like it even mattered…ran Fast though)
Got to go…??
D) tomorrow
My body and mind def needed a slow down this week. Sleep has been like 5 hrs a night for 2 weeks. So, worked out wed (made up mon except the squats). Then today made up the 4 RM back squat and did a version of a class workout after I coached.
4RM- 230
Then sets @205
Then 12:01 on 21-15-9-15-21 of WB(20#)/KB swing (24kg)/GHD sit-up
And I’ve been sleeping and eating all day since ??
Hope your day was awesome! Hoping to be back at it good as new Monday!
Be careful not to burn the candle at both ends and end up sick or injured. Look after yourself Jess!
Yessir! I’m working on that. Definitely need those reminders, so thank you!
A: up to 400, happy to hit that (plus I finally beat Bryan at something)
B: 14:24, cut all the inverted movements in half because I’m still working on getting my wrist back. Happy to do shspu for the first time in several months and I did all the 25’ segments of hsw ub so there’s positive.
On to next week.
Saving the best til last. Awesome to see you got a good session in today!
Worked last night and got zero sleep so today was just to move. I have really been trying to work on my recovery game but shift work makes getting quality sleep tough.
A) Built to 370- 5lb PR. Maybe had more but stopped
B) 17:47.
C) 34:41
D) skipped
Wow, so just “moving” results in a PR?! Seems like you’re making the most of your current situation. Good job controlling what you can control. ??
A) didn’t wake up feeling a back squat PR, but hit 97.5% (390) so happy with that.
B) 13:41
C) I was tired. Finished, but not happy
That’s still pretty damn good for someone who wasn’t feeling it! ?
That’s all I needed to hear to justify 6 donuts and a pizza tonight ?
A: hip thrusters.
B: 16:50. Did walk to the wall and thigh taps.
C: 26:34 with 5 bar mu
D: done.
A: Up to 435#, 15# pr
B: Got through the 20 shspu in 18 minutes
C: 27:14, got faster each round. bmu 6-4/10/10, dp 6-you go I go-3/5-4-3-3/5-4-3-3
*20 of the 40 shspu in 18 minutes* ???
Too close to real to be funny
Damn dude! Another PR!! Awesome work!
Thanks Tino, it’s been a fun stretch
You’re the Larry Wheels of CrossFit.
A. Up to 235, tied PR which I’m very happy with as I haven’t even had close to this weight on my back in over a year due to my hip. Tried for a PR twice and didn’t get it. That’s ok.
B. Done.
C. RX time capped at 34 min
D. Done
Why would you tie your PR?!?!?!?!
Up to 137.5 kg (95%) – heaviest post hip injury
11:53 rx
32:08 rx
16 kg kb
Eeesh… I was just happy to get through today. This humid heat on the east coast got the best of me today, and I didn’t myself any favors by getting shitty sleep and probably not eating enough before I got there. Making up all that accessory in the last few days also burnt out my chest and shoulders way more than I thought it would. I probably shouldn’t have tried to catch up. Anyway, enough complaining! I have to get better about accepting those bad days… On to my day: A. Failed 223 (would have been 101%) but hit up… Read more »
Control what you can control so that you can deal with the uncontrollable. Ie your nutrition, sleep and hydration!
Good job getting through your session. Prioritise your recovery tonight and tomorrow ready for Monday.
A) my pr was 165 kg but today my legs was useless after a whole week of training and work. 150 kg for the last set
B) Just hspu and ttb…
C-D) maybe tomorrow ..I hope will be better for my body
Rest! Enjoy the weekend and take it easy ready for Monday!
Made it happen at a globo gym in Maryland. Got up early and drove Brooke the dress she forgot for the wedding we are attending today (she’s in the wedding). So I had lots of time to kill at the gym!
A. Up to 385(95%) – failed at 395 today, felt heavy
B. No space for HSPU so I did:
3 Rounds of
20 DB front squats
50 dubs
50ft HS walk
Rest 3:00
3 rounds of
16 DB snatch
50 dubs
50ft HS walk
About 20 min
C. 21-15-9
Thruster (95)
Bar over burpee
Strict pull up
About 8:30
What a great partner! You won some brownie points today! Awesome job adapting the program to suit what you had access to!