July 19, 2016 – Invictus Athlete

Session One

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Take 15-20 minutes to work up to a new 1-RM Split Jerk.

Every two minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Hang Power Clean + Power Clean

Perform all sets 2-4% heavier than two weeks ago.

“Heavy DT”
Five rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts (205/145 lbs)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks

Session Two

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One set for max reps of:
Strict Ring Muscle-Ups

Rest until fully recovered

One set for max reps of:
Kipping Ring Muscle-Ups

One set for max reps of:
Strict Toes to Bar

Rest until fully recovered

One set for max reps of:
Kipping Toes to Bar

Complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
Legless Rope Climbs to 15′ Target

Rest 60 seconds until the running clock hits 4:00, and then…

Complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
Rope Climbs to 15′ Target (with legs)

Four sets of:
Single-Arm Dumbbell Press x 6-8 reps each
Rest as needed
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row x 6-8 reps each
Rest as needed

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Clint Fondren
Clint Fondren
July 26, 2016 6:11 pm

A. Up to 315
B. 295 failed 315 hang
C. 14:28 RX
Session 2
A. 5 strict have issues coming down out of these without kip. With Kip hit 14
B. 12/29
C. 10/16
D done with 70#

Julian Hierro
Julian Hierro
July 21, 2016 8:50 pm

A. Up to 325
B. 275
C. 16:23

Dan P
Dan P
July 21, 2016 5:09 am

Session 1:
DT 9.45 @ 80kg

Session 2:
4 Strict
9 Kipping (PR by 1)
16 Strict TTB
31 Kipping

Anthony Morisi
Anthony Morisi
July 21, 2016 4:28 am

Session 1
A. Failed 305 x 3, hit 300 (pr match), failed 305
B. 195, 200, 205, 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235, 240
C. 26:48 rx

Session 2
A. 7/13
B. 21/30
C. 8/12
D. 4×8 @ 50 / 4×8 @ 100

jovaldo fedor miranda valdivia
jovaldo fedor miranda valdivia
July 19, 2016 11:29 pm

Session 1:
A. jerk 275
B. han power clean + power clean
C. heavy “DT”. 17:57

Session 2:
A. strict muscle ups / muscle ups (6/12)
B. strict toes to bar / toes to bar (25/35)
C. rope climb leg less / rope climb (5/9)
D. press 70 KETTLEBELL / row 100 DUMBELL 4x(8/8)

Samie Acevedo
Samie Acevedo
July 19, 2016 9:30 pm

Session 1:
A. 195lb (5lb PR)
B. 150lb ( Got 155lb but it was so ugly I wouldn’t count it)
C. 23min @135lb. Hang cleans where the slowest. Should have gone lighter…but I also should have/need to push harder on the cleans.
Session 2:
A. 4 strict MU
8 Kipping MU
B. 20 strict Toes to Bar
36 kipping Toes to Bar
C. 3 ( didn’t reach the 15′ on the 4th one) legless rope climbs
6 regular
D. Done

Finley Johnson
Finley Johnson
July 19, 2016 9:30 pm

Session 1
147.5 split jerk. 2.5kg pr
Hpc + pc 70/80/90/100/105/110/115/120/123 left it here felt rubbish.
Heavy DT 4 rounds in 12.49 . Gave myself 12min cap. These workouts are definatly my biggest weakness. Little man syndrome ! Work in progress.

Session 2
Rings still not up 🙁 did….
Alt 10 min emom 8 strict c2b and 12 stricrt ring dip.
Legless :
Rope climb :

Tanner Harris
Tanner Harris
July 19, 2016 7:54 pm

A) 255 – mental block past this weight or something because it is really easy
C) no time -shut clock off and just did the work to finish it

Session 2 –
A) still have yet to get a strict muscle up – worked progressions
B) 15 / 18
C) hands about to tear so skipped this
D) 50 / 100

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
July 19, 2016 9:12 pm
Reply to  Tanner Harris

Those strict muscleups will come soon!! Keep working those progressions!

Kenny Provost
Kenny Provost
July 19, 2016 7:33 pm

A. 335 15# under PR. Positioning was forward with the barbell.
B. Legs just a little dead. 260 across
C 12:40 RX

Session 2
A. Can’t string these yet. Only one at a time. So.. 1
13 kipping. 2 rep PR
B. 16 strict/24 kipping
C. 4 legless. 7 with legs.
D. 55 for press
60 for row.

Thanks everyone. Can definitely see big improvements from all of the gymnastics core work.
Wasn’t super strong today, but the form on the gymnastics stuff surpassed that for some solid improvements.

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
July 19, 2016 9:11 pm
Reply to  Kenny Provost

Muscleups are coming along well!

Kenny Provost
Kenny Provost
July 22, 2016 7:38 pm
Reply to  Tino Marini

Thanks coach Tino! All that gymnastics core work is helping me keep my body in good positioning over those longer sets. Great stuff!

Ashlee Finch
Ashlee Finch
July 19, 2016 7:30 pm

Just did part of the first session today, still taking it easy. I feel a lot better today but didn’t want to rush jumping back into it. Tomorrow I’ll be good to go for sure
A. 140# 5#pr
B. 110#

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
July 19, 2016 9:11 pm
Reply to  Ashlee Finch

I’ll take a PR when you’re “taking it easy” great work!

Alan Hicks
Alan Hicks
July 19, 2016 7:16 pm

Session 1:
A- 340# 5#PR
B- 295#
C- RX 11:50
Session 2:
A- 6 & 16
B- 18 & 29
C- 8 & 9
D- 65/75/80/85#DB // 85#DB all four sets.

Anton Foss
Anton Foss
July 19, 2016 6:58 pm

With graduation tomorrow, I only had time for one session

Session 1:
1RM Split Jerk 275lbs (20lbs under PR)
Heavy DT: 15:20RX 205#
(kept a 11dead, 1dead+4 HPClean, 4HPClean, 1HPClean+6 Jerk rep scheme all throughout)

Session 2:
Max Strict MU: 5 (1 rep PR to last week)
Kipping: 5 (I felt myself starting to rip so I dropped)

T2B strict: 12 reps (grip was the only factor slowing me down)
T2B: no rest 14 (grip once again)

Legless Rope Climbs: 4
Rope Climbs: 7

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
July 19, 2016 9:09 pm
Reply to  Anton Foss

Congrats on graduating!!

Lindsay Rainwater
Lindsay Rainwater
July 19, 2016 6:49 pm

Session 1
A. Worked up to 230, 5lb PR!
B. 125-185 over the 10 sets
C. 12:57. Whew.
Session 2
A. Can’t do multiple strict in a row, did 5 singles. 5 kipping. Not happy with this, it’s an area I’m looking to improve a lot
B. 21 strict and 37 kipping. Grip failed killing
C. Suck at legless so worked on pull ups and holds on the rope
D. 8/8 with 30lb

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
July 19, 2016 9:09 pm

Great work in the PR!!

Taotao Liu
Taotao Liu
July 19, 2016 6:26 pm

Session 1:
A) up to 155 (max is 165), felt really off today
B) up to 155, 5# hang power clean and hang clean PR
C) did at 135#, 34:45…should probably have gone lighter…

Session 2:
A) 1 strict (mostly), 0 kipping
B) 16 strict, 20 kipping
C) 2 legless, 4 with legs
D) 35#×8 for press, 40#×8 for rows

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
July 19, 2016 9:09 pm
Reply to  Taotao Liu

Nice work on those PRs but be sure to scal accordingly. 34min is almost 3 times what we were looking for. Solid work getting through it.

July 19, 2016 5:51 pm

Session 2:
A. Did 3×7 strict pull up
Then max rep kippingx22
B. Saving my hands from TTB and no rope to climb in garage:/ did bottom instead
Bar Dips
18:48 disappointed my triceps were done mid way in set of 10 HSPU killed my time
4×6 w/40lbs
4×8 w/63lbs

Alyssa Christian
Alyssa Christian
July 19, 2016 5:30 pm

Jerked 210 (5# pr)

Clean emom used 175. Very happy w it. No misses.

Heavy DT. I used 125 because 145 I bought would take me terribly long! 10:55 was my time so I think I chose the right weight for what needed to get done?

Strict mu-4
Strict t2b-11 these were absolutely no swinging
Kipping t2b-40!

Rope climbs didn’t do. Hand were about to rip and not worth it to ruin the rest of the weeks training.

Accessory work done

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
July 19, 2016 9:07 pm

Looks like the correct scaling, we were looking for around that time! Nice work!

Andrew Malek-Zadeh
Andrew Malek-Zadeh
July 19, 2016 5:00 pm

Split Jerk up 355.

Power Cleans – all sets at 295

Heavy DT

S. MU – 2
MU – 13

S. T2B – 11
T2B – 26

Legless RC – 7
RC – 8

Accessory Done

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
July 19, 2016 9:06 pm

Those damn strict muscleups!!

July 19, 2016 4:49 pm

Session 2
A. 11 strict ring MUs
17 kipping ring MUs
B. 21 strict TTB
40 kipping TTB
C. 6 legless
10 with legs
D. 50lb DB for single arm press each set
70lb DB for single arm rows each set

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
July 19, 2016 9:06 pm
Reply to  Torey


Tom Bowidowicz
Tom Bowidowicz
July 19, 2016 2:44 pm

I did everything in one session today because of scheduling issues so the max reps in the second session were lower than they should be.
Session 1:
A. Worked up to 215.
B. 205 across all sets
C. Scaled down to regular “DT”. 13:03

Session 2:
A. 3/8
B. 13/30
C. 4/4
D. 40/50, 45/50, 50/55, 50/55 with 8 reps across all sets.

July 19, 2016 2:13 pm

Session 1
A. Up to 230lbs failed 240 next time forsure getting it
B. 120,140,150,160,170,180,190,200,210,220 failed HPC but got the PC
C. Modified to 9,6,3 w/170lbs
12:18 HPC are the hardest for me

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