On SugarWOD our products are changing from Invictus Competition Program to Invictus Athlete Program. Nothing else will change about the programming itself. You will continue to enjoy your five regular training days and active recovery day. We highly recommend you move your subscription over to the SugarWOD app to enjoy additional benefits!
Switch Your Subscription to SugarWOD for Additional Benefits!
Why make the switch? There are so many reasons! All of the athletes who use this platform to access their programming absolutely LOVE it. Here’s why…
Larger Community + More Options
This is something we hope you will find super beneficial…In addition to the Athlete+ program, you will also have access to the Invictus Masters Program! We are doing this to give you the flexibility to switch up your training program as needed depending on your unique needs, and as you get closer to that magic number that designates you as an “age group” athlete. In doing this, you will also have the opportunity to interact with a larger group of athletes from around the world, expanding your support network! Yes, you get two programs for the price of one on SugarWOD!
Benchmark Tracking. Say a workout, like “Fran”, comes up on the board. If you have been keeping track of your workouts then you will know what your old “Fran” time is. Say your old time was 5:45 with the prescribed amount of weight. That was 4 months ago. You can now set a new goal, say 5:15. By keeping better track of your workouts, you can set realistic goals.
Record Numbers & PRs. Besides knowing your numbers, keeping track of your workouts on SugarWOD will also be handy because it will automatically provide that 85% of your 1RM Deadlift – or whatever percentage you need – for you. No more workout math! Just log your score on Invictus’s whiteboard or in your own personal logbook. PRs are automatically calculated so you can see your progress and celebrate improvements!
See Workouts in Advance. You are able to view the upcoming week’s workouts on Sunday evenings so you can better plan your day, warm-ups, and other activities around what is programmed.
If you’d like to make the switch to the SugarWOD app to follow the Invictus Athlete or the Invictus Athlete+ Program then please email info@invictusathlete.com to notify them of your subscription cancellation on the website. Then, you can subscribe here.
Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three sets of:
8-10 Bamboo Bar Presses
20-30 Second Bamboo Overhead Hold
20 Banded Face Pulls
15 Single Arm Triceps Extensions (each arm)
100 Foot Sandbag Bearhug Carry
200 Meter Run
Build to Today’s Heavy 2 Rep Overhead Squat
Eight sets of:
Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull to Knee + Snatch @ 80-95%
Rest as needed
For time:
800 Meter Run
Followed by an unbroken complex of…
7 Bar Muscle Ups + Max Toes to Bar
Continue this pattern of an 800 Meter Run + Unbroken Gymnastics complex until you’ve achieved 100 Toes to Bar or a 30 minute time cap.
*For toes to bar to count as Rx you MUST complete the 7 Bar Muscle Ups, stay on the bar, and complete as many Toes to Bar as you can.
**See notes for modifications.
Three sets of:
12-15 Skull Crushers
Immediately followed by…
15-20 Banded Triceps Pressdowns
Rest 90 seconds between sets
Athlete Notes:
This one has a little strategy to it. How fast can you run while still coming in and hitting the complex unbroken? If you know that this workout will take you well over 5 sets to get to the 100 toes to bar, then consider dropping the bar muscle ups by 1-2 reps, and then taking a break after them before starting the toes to bar. It will still be a great workout and volume accumulation and will allow you to continue moving without having to stare at the bar. If you are performing it as prescribed, then that’s where the strategy comes into play. The goal is obviously as few sets as possible to get to the 100 toes to bar. You can game that by going slow on the run to recover your grip, but where’s the fun in that? We’d like to see you pushing the run at a sustainable pace, think like 5k pace, then throttle down the last few meters, chalk up, and go for a big set. Do some math in your head while you’re running and set the next check point next time you’re back on the pull-up bar, then hang on!
Warm up done
A) up to 100kg
B) felt really off today, didn’t go heavy
C) did a shorter wod, because wasn’t much time
50-40-30-20-10-5 reps air squats
18-15-12-19-6-3 reps STOH 50kg
D) done
A. OHS (off 200#): Built to 180#x2 (90%)
B. Snatch DL + Snatch Pull to Knee + Snatch: 135×2, 140×2, 145×2, 150(f), 150#
C. 40 T2Bs. Capped at 30:00. For time: 800 m run, 7 Strict Pull-ups, ME T2B (10/9/11/10)
OHS became a Jerk-Grip as it got heavy. Felt good to hit 150# on the Snatch exercise. And didn’t have room for Bar MUs so I adjusted to strict pull-ups.