Workout of the Day
Three sets, not for time, of:
Hanstand Walk x 15-20 meters
L-Sit Hold x 45 seconds
For time:
Row 80 Calories
Three rounds for time of:
100 Double-Unders
7 Hang Power Clean and Jerks (185/115 lbs)
Three rounds for time of:
100 Double-Unders
7 Hang Power Clean and Jerks (165/105 lbs)
Three rounds for time of:
70 Double-Unders
7 Hang Power Clean and Jerks (135/95 lbs)
Three rounds for time of:
50 Double-Unders
7 Hang Power Clean and Jerks (135/95 lbs)
It’s almost here! Games are just around the corner and we couldn’t be more excited for you all to showcase all the hard work you’ve put in! You all are more than prepared for the upcoming events next week. You have put in the work, trained hard, and made great progress. You should be filled with confidence and pride in your preparation, and now it’s time to let it all shine on the competitive arena. This is the fun part, enjoy every moment of Games. We only get a handful of these special moments, so be present, soak it all in, and give each event your all. As John Wooden says, “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.”
It has been a true blessing to help you all and be a small part of your journey to Games. C.J. and I will be there on Monday at your athlete briefing, so please make sure to introduce yourself if we have not met in person yet.
See you in Carson!
C.J. & Nichole
A. Done
B. Did all of row, pp, deads
Row – 4:22
Push press did 4 x 10 (no time but needed to do it as this will be the toughest part for me
Deads did 20/15/15/15/15 minimal rest it’s all guts for sure
C. Hang candj and double unders
Tough but went unbroken on C and J
Broke up du’s 2 x 50 only a few mess ups