Monday (Session One)
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Press In Clean (Sots Press) x 5 reps
Followed by…
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Press in Split Jerk Position x 5 reps
Build over the course of the 3 sets.
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 85%
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets):
Enderton Front Squat Complex x 1 rep
*Set 1 = @ 93-95% of 1-RM Enderton Front Squat Complex
*Sets 2-3 = @ 90% of 1-RM Enderton Front Squat Complex
*Sets 4-5 = @ 85% of 1-RM Enderton Front Squat Complex
*Set 6 = @ 80% of 1-RM Enderton Front Squat Complex
*Note: If you do not know your 1-RM in this complex, establish a 1-RM today instead of doing these sets.
(Take the bar out of the rack. The Enderton Front Squat complex consists of 3 reps in total: 1st rep = 3 second pause at the bottom, 2nd rep = double bounce, 3rd rep = regular front squat. These 3 reps = 1 rep of the complex)
In 15 minutes, establish a 8-RM Push Press
Wednesday (Session Two)
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes (10 sets):
Power Snatch x 1 rep @ 85%
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes (8 sets):
Power Clean + Power Jerk x 1 rep @ 85%
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Deadlift x 10 reps @ 80-85% of your 10-RM Deadlift
Three sets of:
Romanian Deadlift x 6 reps
Chin-Ups x 10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
As heavy as possible for RDL & add weight if possible for chin-Ups.
Friday (Session Three)
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (4 sets):
Muscle Snatch
x 2 reps
Use this only as a warmup exercise. Build in weight across the 4 sets but only build to something that feels moderately heavy.
Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (12 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep @ 85%
Every 2:30, for 12:30 (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 = 6 reps @ 75%
*Sets 2-4 = 3 reps @ 85%
*Set 5 = 6 reps @ 75%
Three sets of:
DB Bench Press x 10 reps
V-Ups x 30 seconds
Single-Arm DB Row x 10 reps each arm
Rest 60 seconds
Session 1:
A1) Press in Clean- 95; 105; 110(3)
A2) Press in Split Jerk: 135; 145; 155
B) C&J (10): 227.5
C) Enderton FS Complex- 260; 247.5; 235; 220
D) 8RM Push Press- 115×8; 145×6; 165×4; 172.5; 180- 5lb PR
Session 2:
A) Power Snatch (10): 155
B) PC+PJ (8): 202.5
C) Deadlift 4×10: 265; 270; 275; 280
Session 3:
A) Muscle Snatch: 65; 95; 115; 125
B) Snatch (12): 176.5
C) Back Squat: 6@270; 2×3@ 308; 6@270
I m doing today the Monday session but never and ever done sots presses. Is it with PVC bar. My bar its weight is 20 kgs and I am not able to do sots press in clean at that weight.
I found some great modifications for this in the facebook group. Check there when they come up again or if you want to work on it more!
Great thx. I just tried with PVC then with 2KBs at 8kgs each side and was ok. Just need practice more
Thx for ur kindly advice /reply
Hey, do you have a training bar that’s maybe 10kg or 15kg? Definitely scale the weight, and, scale the height of your squat if need be. I talk about that in this post here:”