Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Shoulder Opener x 30 seconds
Minute 2 – DB Z-Press x 5 reps
Minute 3 – Reverse Flys x 10 reps
Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Back Squat x 1-2 reps @ 90%
Then. . .
One set of:
Back Squat x 8 reps @ 75+%
For time:
21 Overhead Squats
42 Pull-Ups
15 Overhead Squats
30 Pull-Ups
9 Overhead Squats
18 Pull-Ups
35-54: 95/65 lbs
55+: 65/45 lbs
Optional Session
Two sets for max weight of:
100-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
Rest 2-3 minutes
Two sets for max weight of:
180-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull
immediately followed by…
180-Foot Sandbag Carry (turn at 90-feet)
Rest 3 minutes
The rope pull should be an absolute killer for your rear deltoids. Pull as fast as possible..and don’t be afraid to reduce the load for the second set to maintain the intensity. Your focus should be to move your hands as fast as possible, and keep your chest horizontal to ensure that your lats stay engaged throughout. Expect to feel the sandbag carry from your hamstrings to your soul.
Two sets for max weight of:
60-Foot Seated Rope Pulls
(perform this seated with your feet braced against something for leverage; reach with your arms as far as possible and pull on the rope using your legs as much as possible; this should be loaded extremely heavy, and is a killer on the grip and core)
Rest 2-3 minutes
One set for max reps of:
Sandbag Front Squats
Rest 30 seconds, and then…
Max Distance Sandbag Carry
A: done. Used a light Barbell for z presses 30kg
B: 150kg/330lb across all sets
C: 7:59 been a while using probated grip after forearm injury but felt pretty good
Optional session
Done 55kg sandbag and 80kg sled
July 8th
A) 3x: 15kgs weighted, 8x strict
B) 8 x 2 @ 119kg ; 1 x 8 @ 98kg.
C) Box Jumps felt hard, could not rebound so it was slow going. Time
A: done with 35lbs DBs
B: done at 315 for 2 every set. did 3 in last set. 315 has never felt so easy. very excited to retest back squat
c: 7:03 OHS unbroken. PUs, struggles in 2nd and last round. No grip left
Nichole, this will be my last invictus masters workout (for now), I am switching to IA.
A. Done
B. 300
C 250
D 8:53. PU fell apart round 2
A. Db z press 20/39/40/40#; rev fly 5/7.5/10/10
B. @230. Felt heavy today
C. 13:00 rx ohs:11/10;8/7;9 struggled with pull ups today
Partner murph today–alternating run of 200m, then alternating rounds of Cindy. Fun times!
A: Done Zpress w/ 45lb DBs
B: 4×2@ 301.5 lbs
B2: 275lbsx8 in :26 sec. This is 82% of my 1 RM
C: 6:46 . 2 min pr. My last rd (1:40) almost took just as long as 1st rd (2:10ish)
Optional maybe later but pool time now.
Coaches Question? I’ve been doing the masters off season for about 3 weeks. I just found out last week I made the granite games individual 50-54 again this year Should I begin doing the competition workouts for the next 8 weeks or what do you suggest? Let me know what you think
Class with hubby today:
40 min partner WOD set up in 4 min amraps with 1 min rest between. Movement combos were:
max burpees
5 hang power clean/5 push press @ 95# (I did men’s rx)
max burpees
10 DLs/ 20 air squats
max burpees
5 pull ups/ 10 push ups
max burpees
max cal row
Fun day, though could really feel yesterday’s work. LOL! Ready for a rest day tomorrow.:) Back felt fine today, no issues. 🙂
A. Mobility done. Good stuff for the shoulders!
B. 365×2-4 sets
C. 5:24. Pull ups fell apart
PU- 20/10/7/5. 10/7/5/5/3. 7/5/3/3
Lats feeling it from this week. Strict pull ups from yesterday for sure.
A. Done, used 12kg KB for z-press
B.2 @75kg
C. 7:43
4 rounds of:
1) chest to bench holds 30″on/20″off/30″
Rest 1′
2) chest facing wall handstand holds 1′
Rest 1′
3) GHR x10
Rest 1′
Pool swim 24 laps + suntanning ? – arms are a little tired ?
A. Done
B1 345 x 2 reps (all sets)
B2 315 x 8 reps
C. “Josh” 6:45 RX
* Optional = 100′ Sled Rope Pull (5 x 45# Plates)
A. Done
B. 225 for all sets (2 reps)
188 – 8 reps
C. 9:42 – UB on the OHS
A. Done
B. 300 by 1 x 4
B1. 255 x8
C. Did power snatch at 95 shoulder was tight after yesterday. 10:48
D. Did the 2 set of rope pulls and carry. Back of my left shoulder was smokin.
1mile run
21 weighted sit up
15 power Snatch 115
9 burpee box jump 30″
Rest 1min
100m sprint
7min mile (hilly)
10.4 100m (estimated distance slightly up hill)
Crossover Symmetry Recovery
Fun day Pete!
A. Done with 25# dumbbells and crossover sym bands
B1 320/325/330/335 – not sure what my 1 rm is anymore. Haven’t squatted over 330 for a single in over 3 years and 335 for 2 felt great today. Promised myself to always leave a bit in the tank on squatting. In the past I used to grind away at weights and hurt myself. These felt awesome today.
B2. 275×8
C. 5:30 rx oh squats ub, pull-ups 15/15/6/6, 10/6/6/4/3/1, 6/3/3/3/3
AWESOME to hear Pierre!!!!!!
A)Completed @30# zpress.
C)9:13 ohs ub and pull ups fell apart. long week.
Session 2:
8 sets of hand over hand 20m sled pulls at 80kg.
Joined in with class, who did the Jamie Greene Chipper WOD from CrossFit YouTube channel;
50 toes to bar (25-10-8-7)
50 wall balls (UB)
50 burpee box jump overs (10,10,10,10,10)
50 alt 1 arm DB Snatch (UB)
A. 22.5kg for ZPress 10kg for Reverse flyes
B. Back squat at 172.5 and 145kg
C. 5:35Rx
Optional later…
Fast on Josh!!! Nice job
Pullups weren’t that great. Sub 5 defo possible
Think last time I did it I was at 8:45 with steel plates, beat up barbell, and a lay pull down rack with a pull up bar attached. So we will see how it goes today