Primary Training Session
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Clean Deadlift + Clean from 2″ Below the Knee + Jerk
Build over the course of the 10 sets to today’s heavy complex. Pause for 2 seconds at 2″ below the knee before cleaning.
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ today’s heavy complex weight
For time:
Run 1 Mile
60 Pull-Ups
120 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs to 10′ Target)
Run 1 Mile
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strongman Training Option
Two sets for max weight of:
100-Foot Farmer’s Carry
(turn every 50-feet)
Rest 3-4 minutes
If you make the whole distance on the second set, keep holding the handles stationary until you can no longer hang on.
Rest 5 minutes, and then…
Three sets of:
100-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
Rest 60 seconds
Rest 3 minutes, and then…
Two sets of:
100-Foot Single-Arm Reverse Sled Drag (left arm)
Rest 60 seconds
100-Foot Single-Arm Reverse Sled Drag (right arm)
Rest 60 seconds
Rest 3 minutes, and then…
Three sets of:
100-Foot Sled Sprint
(load light enough that you can perform for maximal speed)
Rest 60 seconds
Running Endurance Option
For times:
1200 Meter Run
800 Meter Run
1200 Meter Run
Rest 90 seconds after each interval
Primary Strength:
A. 85/85/105/115/125/135/140/145X (clean)/145X (jerk)/145??
B. 145# ✔️ ✖️(jerk) ✔️✔️
C. 34:27
*used the Curve for the 1 mile runs – what a mistake that was ?
First mile = 10:15
Pull-ups in sets of 10s
Wall balls: 9+6/15/15/15/15/15/7+8/15
Second mile: 11:26
Wasn’t able to get to the gym until 8:00pm and it closes at 10:00. Planning to do strongman Training tomorrow!
Great work hitting 145 for the complex!
The curve for the running must have made the workout spicy! Solid work getting in a late session.
Strongman Training 7/16/17
A. 97# KBs – second set held for an additional 44 seconds
B. 295/295/305
C. 145/155
D. Empty rogue dog sales 1.2 (120#)
15 secs/16 secs/15 secs
Primary Session
A. C&J complex upto 125kg *no jerk
B. 4×1 cleans @125kg, these were really heavy today
C. 24:22 rxd, my running endurance is a disgrace haha, it’s time to add in a running session each week.
B. 150kg harnessed sled pulls
Highlighting those areas that may need a little more attention 🙂
Session 1
A. Up to 185
B. 185
C. 29:45
Up to 265
Had more but wasn’t feeling it today
4 singles done
First mile was to slow and I should have done my pullups faster. Settling back in now after a long vacay
Sesh 2
5 RM Bulgarian split squat 240
Then 6/6 @225
Accessory work done
Assault bike 180
Wasn’t sure how I would feel today with a tired back and legs, but went for it anyways.
A. Worked up to 195lbs, probably could of gone heavier but I was being a little hesitant at first. (That’s the heaviest I’ve ever cleaned, so I was pretty stoked to get it from a hang)
B. Worked up to 205lbs which is a 10lb PR for cleans ??
C. Didn’t do this one because I’ve been doing swimming workouts at the lake
A. Done with 80lb dumbells, finished the second set and held it for 5 seconds before dropping.
Great work on the PR!!! Back and legs couldn’t have been that tired! ?
Woke up feeling like a got hit by 5 trains at once. Glutes are super sore and body is just a little exhausted. Wasn’t sure how much I’d do at the gym but I was gonna find out
Ended up just doing this:
3 sets of 100 calories on the assault bike at 60 rpm or higher. Slow pedal for a minute after each 100.
Followed by mobility
and lots of food and sleep. Rest up and get ready to hit Monday hard!
Primary strength
A. Worked up to 285 and it felt really easy.
B. 295/305/315(10lb pr)/325x
**freaking stoked!!!! I was feeling it today so I went big and it paid off! I did rest longer than 90 seconds between the lifts though. It was about 2-2:30 rest between. Sorry for not following, I just felt like going for it!
Strongman work
A. Didnt have my farmer handles so I did…
2 sets of farmer carry 240ft (turning every 60ft) with 100lb db’s
B. Done with 485lbs
C. Done with 245lbs
D. Done with 245lbs
And ya pulled the clean damn near your collar bone. Nice work dude.
Yes!!! Love seeing your hard work paying off! You’ve been crushing those weights recently!
Clean Deadlift + Clean below 2″ + Jerk
That below knee has always been tough for me.
4 singles every 90 seconds
Missed one jerk.
First mile was slower than I wanted it to be
Last mile was terrible. Pull-Ups 45/15
Wall Balls didn’t go that great for me today. Shoulders felt fatigued. 40/30/20/15/15
Looks like you weren’t able to hit that gas pedal today. Rest up and get ready to hit Monday hard!
45 pull-ups. Nice!!!
Thanks ! I was shooting for the 60. I’ve got 50 in a workout before but at 40 I didn’t feel confident to try.
Primary Training Session :
A. 265#
B. 265# and hit one at 275#
C. 32:00 Rx.. missed a turn on our one mile loop and ran an extra 400m because of it but either way I still bonked on the last mile. Really need to spend more time working on staying consistent on the longer distance runs.
Get on that aerobic work!
would it be best to prioritize the metcon and aerobic training session with less lifting one time a week?
I would still prioritise the lifting but maybe switch out the strength accessory for some of the aerobic work
okay will do. thanks Tino !
Snatch push press + 2 OHS up to 250
Snatching didn’t feel great today so I did 20 at 215# to try and work on mechanics…there were misses in there for sure but got it done
6×5 backsquat at 385
Metcon used two 2 Pood KB front squats instead of snatches
A: Clean DL + BTK clean w/ Pause + Jerk:
130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 215
B: 4×1 at 215lbs every 90 seconds – Done.
C: Subbed in running endurance work even though it’s 90 degrees because I need it. 5:28, 3:38, 5:30
One of my athletes that runs marathons also ran with me and made notes on my stride and breathing. Lots to work on (mostly breathing) but a productive run session!
Thats pretty cool that you have access to someone like that. It will only be beneficial for GG
Yes! GG and my little sprint triathlon in August!
A. Hit 175# for complex but did 170# for the set of 4 of C&J. Feeling stronger/a lot more confident with these.
Did conditioning from yesterday: 8:34 So tough to push in this heat!
Did all the strongman!
Overall a good day of training. My Tues/Wed/Friday were a little shorter. Tues/Wed I felt I needed to ease back a bit and then Friday I just didn’t have time and family stuff plus work took some priority! But felt good and must have needed the lower volume!
“Train smarter not harder” 🙂
Started at 165lbs, up to 265lbs. Did an extra set to hit 265 cause I missed the first time.
Form went to major mashed potatoes after this. I was burned out. Lowered to 235 to start the C&J’s… then went 245-245-and a real ugly 255lbs.
Run 1 Mile
60 pull-ups
120 wallballs
Run 1 Mile
Run on Trueform. 27:53rx and I almost puked.
Pull-ups were 20-15-15-10.
Wallballs were shit. Did 2 sets of 25, but the rest were 10 and 15’s. Which is VERY unusual for me.
Just wiped.
You’ve earned that rest day!
Been behind on posting all week, started summer school
Up to 235 on complex
Then just did cleans because was failing the jerk
Then 3,2,1 push press, power jerk, split jerk to help with jerk strength
Mile 1 7:11
Pull ups in 6’s with 10 sec rest
Wall balls crushed me 6’s with 20 sec rest
Mile 2 9:14
Total time got skrewed up with the clock
Good to see you still getting after it. Hope you’re crushing summer school!!
Yeah I haven’t missed ??
Swim session this morning.
A) 105, 115, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160# got under 165# put couldn’t stand up.
B) 160#
C) 25:50. Slow today cause I’m training alone. This shouldn’t be an excuse. I just need to put my head down and push when training alone.
B) 300# added
C) 195# added
D) 90# added to sled
You against the clock. The best athletes are those who have the ability to go to that dark place even when there’s nobody to chase. “Full Effort is Full Victory”
Primary training:
A) 135/155/185/205/215/225/235/245/255/265
B) 265 felt really good so I went to 275 and that felt good so I went for a pr at 290 and got it! 5lb clean and jerk pr!
C) 25:45 mile times were within 15 seconds of each other so I was happy about that. Just tried to keep moving and have short rests
Strongman work done
Really fun day today!
Great work Parker! Congrats on the PR!
Thank you Tino! 300 is coming soon!
A)up to 265
Made up ring mu and shspu emom. Made it through round 4 and hands were worn from granite games yesterday so stopped
Bike sprints e2mom 30s max. Totaled 189 averaged between 18-20 cals per round
Primary Training Session
A. 10x Clean Deadlift + Clean from 2″ Below the Knee + Jerk
175✅ 185❌ Failed jerk
B. ✅ 4x Clean & Jerk @ today’s heavy complex
Strongman Training Option
A. Two sets for max weight of:
100-Foot Farmer’s Carry
@Farmer + 120# esch side
B. Three sets of:
100-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
@sled + 180#
C. Two sets of:
100-Foot Single-Arm Reverse Sled Drag (left arm)
100-Foot Single-Arm Reverse Sled Drag (right arm)
@sled + 110#
D.Three sets of:
100-Foot Sled Sprint
@sled +110#
Fallin apart.
Kept the cleans to power to go easy on my adductor.
A. 135-185-205-225-225-235-245-255-265-275
B. 275-275-275
Upper back/neck got real tight/tweaked on the third jerk so stopped there and called it a day. Gonna focus on mobility/recovery and hopefully I’ll be ready to go come Monday.
Dial in that sleep and nutrition and get ready to hit Monday hard.