Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Band-Assisted Scarecrow
x 2 minutes
and then . . .
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (1 set) of:
Interval 1 – Ring Scap Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Interval 2 – Snap Pull x 15 reps
Interval 3 – Snap Pull (with small backswing) x 10 reps
Interval 4 – Pop Swing x 10 reps (small swings, focus is on arm position staying open and hips driving the “pop”, not on the size of the swing itself. You should feel a moment of weightlessness and the rings lifting off of the bottom of the strap)
Every 30 seconds, for 60 seconds (2 sets) of:
Squatted Banded Muscle-Up Transitions x 5 reps
Followed by. . .
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (6 sets) of:
Strict Muscle-Up x 1 rep
55+: Strict Ring Pull-Up to Sternum x 1-3 reps
Followed by. . .
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (4 sets) of:
Cast Swing x 2 reps
Followed by. .
*For the following Kipping Muscle-Up sets assume every first Muscle-Up starts with a Cast Swing*
Option 1 (If you have a 1 or 2 rep max Kipping Muscle-Up) –
Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes of:
Kipping Muscle-Up x 1 rep
Option 2 (If you have a 3 rep max Kipping Muscle-Up) –
Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes of:
Kipping Muscle-Up x 2 reps
Option 3 (If you have 4+ Kipping Muscle-Ups) –
Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes of the Invictus Gymnastics Muscle-Up Pyramid:
Interval 1 – Kipping Muscle-Up x 1 rep
Interval 2 – Kipping Muscle-Up x 2 reps
Interval 3 – Kipping Muscle-Up x 3 reps
If you fail, work your reps backward from the last successful set (e.g. If you fail on Interval 6 on your sixth rep, the next interval should be Kipping Muscle-Up x 4 reps because the last SUCCESSFUL set was a set of Muscle-Ups x 5 reps.)
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 5 reps @ 80%
Rest 2-3 minutes
For Time:
100 Double-Unders
20 Push-Press
75 Double-Unders
15 Push-Press
50 Double-Unders
10 Push-Press
25 Double-Unders
5 Push-Press
35-54: 115/75 lbs
55-59: 95/65 lbs
60+: 85/55 lbs
Three sets of:
Ring-Dips x 12-15 reps @ 1112
Rest 30 seconds
Strict Pull-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 2 minutes
55-59: Ring-Dips x 6-10 reps @ 1112
60+: Ring-Dips or Band-Assisted Ring-Dips x 3-6 reps
Optional Session
(Best performed 3-4 hours before or after the session above)
Five sets of:
Row 750 meters @ 5km PR Pace -5 Seconds
Rest 2 minutes
So late post but here goes
DM&A done expect for pec strech with Band
A1. Done
A2. Strict had issues will post video for advise
A3. Done
A4. option 1 will post video for feedback
B. done @ 210
C. 17:23 DU not dominated full but I guess the program will get me there.
D. Done 12 RD and 10 strict PU
A. Muscle ups a bit off today. Only got a total of 4 strict. Chose option 3, got to 3 then tried 4, failed, back to 3, then failed 4, finished at 3 again
B. 135,then rest at 145 all singles and doubles seems heavy and endurance not great right now
C. 9;05 everything broken up, especially push press. Rope was too long for first set, then someone shortened it for me, but shoulders were still fried up
Overall an average day, energy not at its highest for sure
M&A Done
A: Had to just do high ring pullups. Still can’t do strict 🙁 I need to tackle these after I get through this cycle of refining my HSPUs.
Failed on 5 kipping Ring MUs. Was able to go back down the ladder with remaining time.
B: done at 250lbs
C: forgot my time but think it was 9:34. DUs were not happening today, just couldn’t find my rhythm.
D: Complete
A.done but instead of strict mu did kipping again.
B. 80kg across
C. 40kg 7:23
D. 14/13/12 + 10/9/8
Late night workout but pretty pleased with it.
A: Got 4 of the 6 strict MUs
A2: Theied the Invictus Gymnastics MU test. Failed on 4 so dropped to 2. Should of just stuck with the 2s but I feel there is progress in my MUs.
1, 2, 3, 1(swing threw me off), 2, 1(swing again),2, 0
Trying to keep my arms straight in the cast swing from short straps was difficult. Tended to get the swing out of control.
B: 5×5@236.5lbs
C: 5:26
Calling it quits. It’s 10 PM and only 8-10 hrs before Sat workouts!
Get your rest Corey!!
DMA, then I had: A. e3mom x7 2 squat clean 2 jerk 2 back squat B. Kelly C. four rounds of face up Chinese plank :60, face down plank :60 A. worked up to 115. This was really fun! I chickened out of going for 125 with the back rack, but I think with more practice I’ll have more confidence. 🙂 B. Time: 36:18. Sigh. I was so stoked to do this, and I felt really good! But my back decided to get really, really tight in the second round and I was hobbled for the rest of the WOD.… Read more »
Hi! So there could be many things going on. I would have to have seen your deadlift form from Wednesday but how tight are your hip flexors? If your hip flexors are pretty tight then a workout like Kelly could blow up your back if you revert to being in a super over extended position. I would keep working your mobility through your hips but also add stability drills (single leg hip bridges, bird dogs, etc) because we want the combination of your hips being fairly open but also your lumbar spine being stabile. Does that make sense?
Coach said my lifts were good, but yes, my hip flexors have been tight this week! I have been working mobility a lot, but will add in stability drills as you suggest. 🙂 Thank you so much!!
A.1 done
A.2 started out only being able to do strict MU and today struggled so did 3 strict ring to sternum. Cast swing done. Did option 1 for Kipling MU
B. @170
C. 9:58 rx. Did push press 10/10;8/7;5/5; and 5. Fumbled a bit on the DUd. Ring dips for 12/12/9 and pull ups for 8/8/7
Optional row done. Avg time 2:30 for a pace of 1:39
A. Think I got most of it in, had to dodge a class warming up. Misread interval part and did 1/2/3/4/3/2/1- wouldn’t have went much higher anyway
B. 220
C. 10:04-dubs and push press continue to get less painful
D. Did not do
A. Warm up done.
Strict MU done
Every :30 intervals- got to 6 but didn’t get 7 so went back to 5.
I did Wednesday’s work yesterday so I felt the bar MU on these!
B. At 275
C. 4::37. Tripped up once on dubs at set of 75 and 50. All PP UB
D. 12/12. 12/12. 12/8. Lats fried on last ser
Sub 5 Keith – AWESOME!! I like to see that push.
A.1 got 3 really ugly SMU – I’ll take it, they are bound to come back sometime
A.2 attempted a neutral grip MU every 30″, if I failed I completed one with FG within time frame. That caught up to me so skipped 2 rounds. Got only 2 neutral and 6 FG not kept practicing after since I was warmed up. Put of 6 attempts I got 2 neutral and one double with FG.
B. All at 65kg
C. 6:08
D. 12/11, 8-2-1-1/8, 8-3, 8
Seems like a very SOLID day!!
Warmup done
A1-3 done
A4 1/2/3/4/5/6/2/5
B. 245×5
C. 5:05
Push press – 15/5, 10/5, 7/3, 5
Dubs – all unbroken
Double unders have historically been a goat but I guess all the work we’ve been doing lately has paid off! Could have pushed through the push press but opted to drop before major fatigue with a very short break.
D. Strict dips – 12/11+1/7+3+1
Strict pull-ups – 15/9/9
Super fast – awesome job! You dominated those double-udders!!
Doctor said it’s definitely rotator cuff but wasn’t convinced it was a tear. Gave me a cortisone shot and will give it a week. If it doesn’t improve then an MRI.
Mobility done.
A. Skipped
B. 225#
C. 6:47 subbed PP with 135# DL
D. Skipped
Row: 2:00.0, 1:59.8, 2:00.1, 1:59.9, 1:59.9
Great sub Ted! Lets keep an eye on that shoulder. Are you adding in crossover symmetry to your routine?
Just bought it, should be here Monday.
A. 1,2,3,4 then failed on 5th MU’s so went back to 3 and failed so did 2 and 2
B. 5×5 @120kg
C. 6:37….1st set of DU’s were not great so split them all into 25’s
D. Didn’t do this one, did a qualifier instead which had ring dips in.
Hello shoulders!!
A1. Done
A2. SMU done. Shoulder hurt!
A3. Done
A4. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2
B. 5×5 FS @ 285#
C.5:56 RX. Went UB on the push press but fumbled a lot in the DU’s. Goal was sub 6 mins so happy with that! 🙂
D. Done (12 Ring Dips + 15-20 strict pull ups per set)
* Optional = later in the evening.
Awesome job Alvaro!
Thank you!
Mobility and Activation – done; tried some sun gods as well from yesterday’s Invictus post
A. Tried all of the various MU swings but did not do the kipping MU’s today
B. Front Squat – (80% – 165lb.) completed 5 sets with 5 reps
C. 8:04 – a little rusty on the Du’s today – did the push-press unbroken though (85lb.) is just the right weight to use. A challenge but doable.
D. Ring Dips – did stationary dips – 3 each set
Strict MU’s – 7 each round
Solid work today Barry, especially on those push-presses!
A) worked on strict MU from a seated position since I am in my garage today. I will try to post a video on the FB page if Facebook let’s me. I keep forgetting to mute the music so Facebook is pissed at me and wouldn’t let me load videos yesterday. B) all sets at 145lbs. C) 13:04 RX. On the first set of Dubs I did 75 unbroken (A lifetime PR) and then it was a mess after that. Kept missing on the remaining 25. Spent a lot of time with my hands on my knees. That’s was a… Read more »
Congrats on hitting 75 double-unders!!
50min EMOM 10cal for 500 calories on assault bike
C. Little rusty lol 6:58 , normally I could go UB on this PP but not today
Those are some hefty calories on the ass bike!!! Strong work!
Are the strict pull ups from bar or rings?
rings I believe
From rings
Mobility completed. A)Completed at x2 B)190#(5) C)8:41 @95# D)Later Never happier to be back to Invictus programming. Was on vacation earlier this week and dropped into a box and completed their programming. Great community but they need a little help with their programming. Here is a sample of the conditioning this week: Monday 4RFT 400M Run 15 KBS @53# 15 Burpees Tuesday 21-15-9 sHSPU PP @ 135# Push ups Wednesday 6 minute amrap 3 thrusters @ 135# 6 pull ups 9 KBS @70# Thursday 3RFT 400M Run 15 OHS @135# Needless to say my shoulders are shot at this point… Read more »
So happy to have you back Dean 🙂
A. All singles MU’s I did try but…..
B. Only did 3 sets wrist started hurting
C. 10:05 longest unbroken was 62 du Push presses felt great.
D. I really thought these would be an issue but all 3 sets were unbroken.on dips. 11, 10 and 8 for pull ups.
Great job on your dips! What is going on with your wrist? Did you see todays blog post about a bulletproof rack position?
No I didn’t. During practice on cleans before masters online qualifier, I caught my clean to far forward and not on my delts because as you know I have an issue pulling to early. I have a spot under my watch band that some days make me not want to hold a bar. Some days I don’t notice it but today it was an issue holding bar in the front rack. I did the WOD with no issues what so ever at the 115#. Once it gets warmed up I can hold on.
Take care to rest it Tom – no sense in pushing it. You can always sub out a safety bar squat if your wrists aren’t happy with holding the weight.