Workout of the Day
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Five sets of:
Front Squat x 1 rep
Rest as needed
Build by feel – if it feels “heavy” for today, then shut it down.
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 55-60%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 75-80%
*Sets 4-5 – 1 rep @ 85%
*Sets 6-7 – 1 rep @ 90%
Rest as needed
Please do not take any additional sets or increase the percentages. This session should be used to focus on speed and mechanics. I want your two lifts at 90% to feel crisp and fast and leave you wanting more.
Four rounds for time of:
4 Power Cleans (205/135 lbs)
25-Yard Sled Push (HEAVY)
Make the sled as heavy as possible while still being able to move it at grind pace.
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A. 245 255 265 275 285
B. 235 last 2
C. 5:10 rx…4×45 plus a 115# tv news reporter
A: 345#
B: 300 for last 2 singles
C: 315# on sled across rubber for first 2. Pulled a plate for the last 2. Subbed 10 burpees for pc.
A/b easy tonight. C was tough but wanted to feel a heavy sled. Going to see my ART miracle doctor on Thursday to fix the shoulder, trap and neck.
Really cool article Brent! Proud to know you
What article?
Here’s Brent’s article.
Megan Becker (50/5’5″/130)
A. 155, 175, 185, 195 (PR) stopped there
B. 85, 105, 120, 132, 140
C. 6:20 (120# Clean, 230# sled)
Great work on the PR Megan…peaking at the right time!
Super nice on the PR!!!
Tight schedule today so just had time for A & B
A. 275
B. 135, 155, 175, 195, 215. Felt strong and fast. Really focused on technique.
A. 205
B. 135,155,175,185,185,195
C. 4:25 185/305
Note: Full Squat Cleans on B; also could have gone heavier on B but didn’t want to push left knee.
CJ or Nichole, could you provide a sample eating schedule for a day with 2 events (morning and afternoon)? At the athlete camp, some of the coaches said they use mashed up fruits and veggies (like they sell for toddlers) during the day, but how soon before the wod do they use those? I also remember you saying no solid protein during the day, only after the wods, but does that mean breakfast too, or would eggs be good in the morning as long as it’s not too close to wod time?
I have followed Matt Chan’s recommend on food. Eat like you would normally. Make sure you eat meals min of 2 hours prior to wod. Adjust your food intake to compensate for increased work load, if it is increased. Recovery drink post wod immediately following wod. Eat again within 90 minutes and a min of 2 hours prior to next event. Don’t experiment during competitions. Test your food scheme prioir to competition to make sure it works for you.
Thanks Brett!
Definitely agree with Brett, you don’t want to change your eating habits come Game day. From experience, I like eating a full breakfast. The contents of the breakfast may change deepening on what my first event is. If it is a strength ladder, then I may eat more eggs. If it is a short burner, then I may tend to eat more of a hash/sweet potato mix. You want to eat the easiest digested food throughout the day, especially because you don’t know how long each event is spaced out from one another. Foods that are easy to digest, like… Read more »
Thanks Nichole.