Session One
Take 15 minutes to build to a Power Clean that is roughly 80-85% of your 1-RM Clean
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Power Clean x 1 rep @ 85% of 1-RM Clean
Every 30 seconds, for 10 minutes (20 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 80-85% of 1-RM
“Double DT”
Ten Rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts (155/105 lbs)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
Session Two
Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps @ 45-55% of 1-RM
Rest as needed
Split Jerk
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 4-8 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
Rest as needed
Please use blocks if possible.
One set of:
Unbroken Strict Muscle-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 3-4 minutes, and then…
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Strict Muscle-Up x 25% of today’s max unbroken reps
Rest 3-4 minutes, and then…
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
Strict Toes-to-Bar x 3-5 reps @ 2111
Four sets of:
Dumbbell Skull Crushers x 8 reps
Rest as needed
Supinated-Grip Strict Pull-Ups x 6-8 Reps @ 2111
(add weight to make it difficult to reach the assigned reps at the assigned tempo)
Rest as needed
Modified sesh cause lol trained in am diff program than signed up.
P cleans at 117.5kg
Double DT 20.38 I was smoked from am
Emom 10 – 5 strict ttb
Oh and greetings from oz. I think il have to follow a week behind due to needing to train early am
Session 1:
A. Power Cleans: Built to 255
B. Power Cleans 10 x 1 of 265
C. Double DT 15:03
Session 2:
A. Jerk Balance 135-145-155
B. Split Jerk 205×3, 225×2, 245×1,
C. Strict Muscle Up 1 rep
Strict TTB 4-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3
D. Skull Crushers 30-35-40-45
Supinated Pullups 6-6-4-5 with 10# vest
Session 1
A. 235
B. 225 Across
C. Option 2
8:32/19:11 90 sec PR for DT
Session 2
A. 135, 150, 165
B. 210, 225, 240, 255, 255, 260, 265, 270
C. 6 then 2 emom/5 t2b emom
D. Skull crushers: 30, 35, 40, 45
Chin ups: 8 @ bw, 8 @ 5#, 6 @ 10#, 6 @ 15#
Session 1:
A. 165#
B. 155#
C. Option 2: 22:27RX. not happy with this at all. Did a competition over the weekend so I think I am just spent.
D. did the core work from yesterday..ouch!
Session 2:
A. 85/85/90#
B. 130/140/150/155/160/165/170/175 these felt pretty solid today..I like starting with the jerk balances, made my jerks feel super fast!
C. ub mu x 3 reps
mu emom x 1 rep
t2b emom x 3-4 reps
D. done with 35# kb on skull crushers and 6 reps with no added weight on pull ups
Session 1:
A – Built to 100kg
B – 105kg
C – Option 2 10Rd DT, 21.05. Back tightened up a fair bit. Sort of enjoyable
Session 1
A. Built to 108kg
C.Option 1 @ 80% 108kg this was very horrible for me…felt sad during it haha Missed 3 lifts 7th/14th/15th lifts all on the clean…. man oh man tough.
Session 2
So atm we have just moved our gym and have no rings or a rig up yet… annoying.
Jerk bal 70kg
Jerks @ 101kg,108,116,123,125,128,130,130kg
Caught up on yesterdays HS walk + HSPU + Hold
Everything unbroken hspu = 9 strict/20/10/12kip
*did strict on set 1 as I didnt read it correct. Oops
Keen to test strict muscle ups !
Session 1:
A. Built to 145lb
B. 145lb
C. Option 2* 20:45 (Not really pleased with this…took way to long standing in front of the bar. Was sick over the weekend so maybe that played a factor. But barbell cycling is something I obviously need to keep working on 🙂 )
Session 2:
A. 85 for all 3 sets
B. 135lb/145lb/155lb/165lb/165lb/165lb/165lb/165lb
C. 5 MU
1 MU for
5 strict toes to bar
D. Done
Did everything a little out of order. Split jerk: Followed percentages until 90%. Did 3 at this percentage then kept going up because I felt confident and smooth. Last 1rm for this was 275. Hit 280 just fine. Put on 290 and missed. Got pissed and put on 295 and nailed it. 20lbs jerk PR. Now regretting not putting on those extra 2.5’s! Worked up to #235 power clean and did the emom. Pull was feeling strong. 232 is my 85%. Did a clean at #240 every 30 seconds for 10 mins. Wrist was feeling a bit irritated at this… Read more »
Session 1
A) up to 255
B) 10 min EMOM @255lbs
Double DT- 17:36….. First DT 7:00.
Session 2
A) split jerks up to 285lbs
B) 8 strict MU
C) 10 min EMOM Done with 2 stricts EMOM
D) 5 strict toes to bar EMOM
E) done
Session 1
A. 115#
B. 115#
C. Option 1 100# that was fun
Session 2
A. 75#
B. 95/100/110/120/120/120/120/120
C. Strict mu mod- did 8
2 for emom
T2b I did 2 for first 5 sets then dropped to 1 for remaining 5
D. Will do this tomorrow
Session 1:
A. Done
B. EMOM Power Clean 255lbs
C. Double DT: 19:43. I was pretty happy with my score till I saw 11:49…
Session 2:
A. Jerk Balance 155
B. Worked up to 260 for my 3 sets of 1
C. Max UB strict MU 4.5 (the .5 counts 😉 )
EMOM 1 strict Got 7-8 of the 10
Strict T2B done
Session 2
A. 120-130-135
B. 185-200-215-225-230-235-240-245
C. 11 UB Strict MUs
3 Strict MUs on the minute for 10 min done
5 strict TTB each minute
D. 25s, 25s, 30s, 30s
7, 6, 6, 6 body weight
Session 1 :
A. Built up to 285
B. 280 x 5 sets 285 x 5 sets
Option 2: DDT 17:36 gnarly. I was thinking that option 1 was more my call, but found that this option definitely proved much I could work on.
Session 2:
Snatch balances at 155
Jerks up to 315
Did tempo ring dips on the minute instead of muscle ups. Wrist troubles the past week or so, and the false grip irritates it.
Toes to Bar done with 3 reps each minute.
Skull crushers with 35’s
Pull ups with body weight 6-8 reps.
Thank you.
Session 2:
A. 45,65,95
B. 165×3
No rings so max effort strict chest to barx16reps
EMOMx10min with 4 strict CTB pull up
EMOMx10 regular TTB 5reps still getting better at these
D. Done
Session 1
A. Done -230
B. 230
C. Option 1 – 210
Session 2
A. 135
B. 175/190/215/230 for rest
C. Strict chest 2 bars – 13 total
Emom at 3 reps
T2B emom done
D. Done
Session 1:
A. Worked up to 205
B. 205 for all set. These felt awesome.
C. Option 1: 170 for all 20. That was tough, but such good mental training.
Session 2:
A. 95/95/95
B. 155/165/175/185/195/195/195/195
C. 4 UB strict MUs
5 strict T2B EMOM
D. 35# DBs for the skull crushers/6 reps per set with 20# for the chin ups
A. Done
B. Done
C Option 1 done
Jerks done at prescribed percentages
Hopped in with a friend for a 4×3 min amrap with rowing ghd and power cleans.
Good training day. Lifted all the heavy things! ??
Sorry guys! I’ve been bad about posting this past week ?
A. Up to 170#
B. All sets at 170#
C. Double DT – 14:39 RX (PR’d my DT in 6:04) surprised myself!
A. Jerk Balances – 95-115#
B. Jerks – 150, 160, 170 x 2, 180 x 3, 190 x 2
C. 4 strict MUs – I used to be able to do a lot more, but I haven’t worked them in a while
Then, 1 strict every 30 sec for 5 minuets
Then, 5 strict T2B each set
D. Done
We have all fallen out with you for not posting…:)
Only kidding, great to see you back! Awesome work on PR’ing DT then putting up a solid total time!
Haha thanks, Tino!
Also, my husband and I are going to watch the Games this year! Sadly, were aren’t going to be able to make it to Invictus, but we were wondering if you guys were going to have a booth or anything at the Games? We’d love to say hello and get some gear ??
We won’t have a booth but we will have our “Sea of Green” there supporting all of our athletes. Be sure to come and say hi. You won’t miss us!
315 power clean EMOM.
Double DT – 11:49
Split Jerk
265 x 3
295 x 2
315 x 1
335 x 1 for the sets
Muscle-Ups x 3 unbroken.
So 1 on the minute but .25% is less than 1 lol
Strict T2B done
Accessory done.
Wow!! Thats smoking fast! Great work!!!
All one big session. Changed order.
Session 2
B. 245,260,280, 295, 295, 295, 305, 315
Session 1
A. Done
B. 285
C.option 1. All reps at 265
Session 2
C1)2 reps for max. Need to increase.
2) 1-2 reps each set
3) 5 reps each set