Primary Training Session
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps at 70-75% effort of:
Dumbbell Thruster (35/25 lb DBs)
Down Up (burpee no jump)
Rest 3 minutes and then. . .
Complete rounds of 12, 9 and 6 reps at 70-75% effort of:
Dumbbell Thruster (50/35 lb DBs)
Down Up (burpee no jump)
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Use an empty barbell and accumulate 20-30 good reps of “Tall Jerk”
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Split Jerk x 2 reps
*Sets 1-2 = 80% of 1-RM Split Jerk
*Sets 3-4 = 85% of 1-RM Split Jerk
*Sets 5-6 = 90% of 1-RM Split Jerk
Build to today’s 4-RM Push Press
Use blocks if possible, rather than dropping this to your front rack. If you don’t have blocks, be safe with these. This should be approximately 5% heavier (or more) than June 27’s 5-RM.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 25 minutes of:
400 Meter Run
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
10 Deadlifts (315/215 lbs)
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Strict Press x Max Reps
immediately followed by…
Dumbbell Push Press x Max Reps
immediately followed by…
Strict Supinated-Grip Pull-Up x Max reps
Rest 90 seconds
Choose dumbbell weights that will allow you 5-6 strict presses, and aim for true maximal effort in number of repetitions you can achieve.
Three sets of:
Single-Arm Overhead Press x 6 reps each arm @ 2111
Rest 90 seconds
Ring Dips x Max Reps @ 2111
(stick to the tempo – we want the time under tension)
Rest 90 seconds
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Straight Leg Bottom Balance x 40 seconds
Interval 2 – Side Hand Plank with Hip Circles x 16 reps (8 reps each side)
Interval 3 – Straight Body Ceiling-Reaching Crunches x 16 reps @ 1010
Every minute, on the minute, for 2 minutes (2 sets) of:
Supine Table Hold x 40 seconds
Running Endurance Option
Three sets for time of:
Run 1600 Meters @ 80-85% of 5k PR pace
Run 400 Meters @ 90% of 5k PR pace
Run 400 Meters @ 55-60% of 5k PR pace
Rowing Endurance Option
Two sets for times of:
Row 3500 Meters @ 5k PR Pace
Rest 3 minutes
A. 4:47/3:03
B. Jerk step with 65/75/85
C. Clean and 2 jerks
D. 7 rounds 330m ish (dumbell snatch instead of c2b) all deadlifts unbroken,
Hardest part was the run, it was 109 degrees when I did this ?
A. Strict 6/6/8
Pp 16/16/16
Pull-ups 10/10/10
B. Dips as bench dips 25/25/25
Stay safe in the heat!! ?
A. Done – didn’t time it :/
B. Empty barbell Tall jerks – First time I do these
C.Split jerks (140#/148#/155#)
D. 4x RM = 140#
E. 5 rounds +300mts
C2B all sets 10+10
DeadLifts: all quick singles
Strength: A + B and Handstand hold
Working those jerk positions!
Nose breathing: 4:00, 2:30
Walk To Splits: 105, 135×2
Split Jerks: did singles 205, 210, 220, 225, 230, 235 need to figure out how to set up the jerk blocks.
4RM Push Press: 170lbs – jumped your 185lbs and my rhythm was all off. Hit 175lbs for 5RM so maybe just rested for too long
Conditioning: 5 Rounds even. 11-9 Pull Ups. 6-4 DLs. Happy with the consistency. Paced smartly and stayed in control even when the runs got hard at the end. DLs and Pull Ups were solid.
Those are some strong lifts!
Solid finish to the week! I hope it stayed l again today ?
40 kg
98 kg— 102 kg— 108 kg
95 kg 4 Rep
5 round + 200 Run
C2bar 15-5/12-8/12-8/12-8/12-8
Deadlift 6-4/4-3-3/6-4/6-4/4-4-2
Strength opzion
Tomorrow running
Great work getting into that 6th round!
dayumn Tino! That WOD was quite something ? honestly had a bad week of sleep, so thought the workout would go pretty badly, but looks like all the endurance work and the deadlifts on wednesdays are paying off!
I got into 7th round on the bike erg.
Subbed 400m run with 800m and dropped C2B to 15. Did 2 sets on C2B and DLs (99,9% sure) were all 6+4. Coming off a back niggle, so DLs were @166 lbs
You’re welcome for the challenge. #charchterbuilding
Great weeks work!
A. Done, burpees with nose breathing are hard.
Second set of burpees even harder.
B. Tall jerks done.
C. set 1-2 @ 70kg
Set 3-4 @ 75kg
Set 5-6@ 80kg
D. Hit 70kg got 3 reps @ 80kg
E. Scaled the dl weight to 120kg
4 rounds + 400m run+ 20 c2b +. 6 deadlifts.
Butterfly pullups felt weird so went back to kipping pretty fast. Kept moving on these and did ghe dl unbroken for 3 sets. 4th set was 6-4 last set alll singles.
Lets get some video posted of your gymnastics. Are you just out of practice?
Not touching a pullup rig for 4 months has not helped. Will post a video next time.