Session One
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 1 rep
Build to heavy.
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Drop Snatch x 1 rep
Build to heavy.
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch Balance x 2 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch x 1 rep @ 55-65%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Hang Snatch x 1 rep @ 65-75%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch from 2″ Below the Knee @ 75-85%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
2 Snatch Lift-Offs + Snatch @ 85-90%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep @ 90-95%
In 10 reps or less, build to today’s heavy…
Front Squat x 1 rep
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Dead-Stop Front Squat x 1 rep
Goal is to build to heavier than last week.
Session Two
Gymnastics Skills Warm-Up
Band-Assisted Upper Anterior Chain Opener
10 Rocking Box Bridges (slow and controlled)
Prone Pectoral Stretch x 2 minutes each arm
Single-Arm Hang from Bar x 30 seconds each arm
Four sets of:
50-Foot Handstand Walk to Wall + Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps
immediately followed by a 30 second handstand hold.
If you fall off the wall during your handstand push-up set, terminate the set, wait 60 seconds and kick back up to the wall for handstand push-ups x max reps immediately followed by a 30 second handstand hold.
followed by…
Ten sets of:
Wall Climb to Handstand + Handstand Walk + Reverse Handstand Walk to Wall
If you fail to make it back to the wall in your reverse handstand walk, terminate that set. Your goal is to determine how far from the wall you can get and still make it back to the wall without falling.
Every three minutes, for 30 minutes (10 sets):
Assault Bike 20/15 Calories
200-Foot Sandbag Carry (medium load)
*Each set should take around 2-2:30.
Every 4 minutes, for 24 minutes (6 sets) for max calories:
60 seconds of Assault Bike
*Goal for each set is to get as close to your max calories in 60 seconds performed on June 7.
50 Tuck Rocks
15 Dragon Flags
(modify with one bent knee or both knees bent if necessary)
30 Hollow Body Crunches
15 Tuck-up to V-Up Complex
30 Alternating Single Leg Cross Toes-to-bar
15 Tuck-up to V-Up Complex
30 Hollow Body Crunches
15 Dragon Flags
50 Tuck Rocks
Session 2:
A. Completed
B. 3+7+8+10 HSPU. All walks broken, and fell off the wall to start each round.
0 feet on reverse handstand walks. I suck, I know 🙂
C. OPTION 2 = 26, 31, 27, 28, 28, 28 cal
D. Completed core work
Session 1:
Snatch Press 125
Drop Snatch 140
Snatch Balance 185
High Hang Snatch 135
Hang Snatch 155
2″ Hang Snatch 175
Lift Off + Snatch 185
Snatch 190, 200, 210
Dead Stop Front Squat 350
Session 1
A1) 115
2) 165
3) 195,205,215,225
B1) 165
2) 195
3) 205
4) 225,230, F230
5) 230, 230, 230
C. Option 2 Dead stop 330. +5lbs from last max
Session 2 shortly after first
A. Option 2
23,24,23,23,23,23 Improved.. still needs to climb.
B. Done
Session 1
A. Sotts: 115, 120, 125, 130
Drop: 115, 125, 135
Balance: 185, 195, 205, 215
B. High Hang: 140 across
Hang: 162.5 across
Low Hang: 175, 185, 185
2 SLO + 1 Snatch: 190, 195, 195
Snatch: 195, 200, 205
C. Option 2
150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260 (5lbs heavier than last week)
Session 2
I. Done
II. Handstand Walks unbroken
HSPU: 20, 20, 17, 13
III. Max successful distance was 12ft. I’m having trouble with the reverse walk.
A. Option 2
38, 35, 31, 30, 31, 32
B. Done
Sott press 40kg/45/50/55
Drop sn all at 60kg
Snatch balance 60/70/80/90kg
Hi hang sn 60/63/67kg
Hang snatch 72/75/83kg
2inch under knee 83/87/93kg
2 Lift off + snatch 93/97/100kg
Snatch 100kg/ 102F 105F silly fails
Heavy single Front squats upto 150kg felt like 300kg.. well off pr which is fine 🙂
Left it here for the day after team testing yesterday.
session 1
a] snatch press – 95-105-115-125 in metcons. pretty happy about that.
drop snatch-155
snatch balance-185×2. snatch balances dont agree with my shoulders. today was okay, ill practice these more.
2″ below knee-185-185-190
snatch lift offs+snatch 190-195-200
snatch-205-205-205 had afew misses.
did a pause front squat 11X tempo.
got to 285.
session 2
b] e3mon for 30:00
20 calorie row
200 bear hug sandbag carry 100#
about 140-2:05
Session 1
A. SP 55#
DS 55/65/70
SB 65/75/80/85
B. HHS 65/75/75
HS 85#
2″ below knee 90#
Worked on positioning and driving knees back for remaining snatches with lighter weight
C. Option 2
110#, 5lb pr
Session 2
Gymnastics stuff done, modified
A. Option 2 done on airdyne
30/23/21/20/20/23 my legs were gone after the first set
B. Done
solid PR on the paused FS!
Thank you!
1) Snatches done at my oly lifting gym. Working on my first pull as all the hang work is so much more comfortable then pulling from the ground.
Dead stop: up to 80 and did last 3 reps at 80.
2) HS walk into HSPU – 11, 5, 7, 8. HS walk was fairly consistent, about 8m, then fell, then finished the rest each time. Need to work on keeping my legs together – they feel like they are but when I watch them filmed, they couldnt be further apart lol!
Programming from our box instead of metcon
good stuff!
Session one
Snatch press up to 185
Drop snatch up to 205
Hi-hang 155/170/185
Hang 190/205/220
2″ below knee 225/230/235
Snatch lift off+snatch 220/230/235
Snatch 235/245/250 No misses
Option 2
Built to 335 dead stop for 5LB PR
Session 2
A. Option 2
34/27/24/25/24/24 This is getting better but still much more work needed. 5’6 160Lbs hard to get that thing moving!
B. Done. Ab Burner for sure
One session: A) did the skill EMOM from the blog. EMOM for 12 minutes: 1) 6 strict ttb, 2) :30 handstand hold (freestanding), 3) 50 unbroken double unders. B) snatch work snatch press: worked to 165 drop snatch: worked to 165 snatch balance: worked to 225 (from a rack) high hang: 150, 165, 175 hang: 185, 195, 205 2″ below knee: 215, 225, 230 snatch lift off + snatch: 235, 240, 245 snatch: 250, 255, 260 C) metcon from the blog: 30-20-10 Assault bike cals (on AD6) 3-2-1 legless rope climbs 21-15-9 front squats (135lbs) Time– 6:19 D) core work:… Read more »
Session 2
Gymnastics was done with 1st session
A. Option 2
Airdyne: 39, 34, 32, 33, 32, 35
Pathetic numbers again with the bike, maybe they would be good if they were for the assault bike haha really need to improve this
B. Done
A: Press: 125 Drop: 165 Balance x 2: 245 B: (off 215 1rm) High: 140 Hang: 155 2 Below Knee: 175 Liftoff: 185 Snatch: Built off this cause it was feeling alright. Worked up to 98% without fail, then decided to try for a 5lbs pr. Caught it barely forward. Hitting those % after all that work, I’ll have 225 in no time. FS 10 rep: I’m always done too early here. Built to 310 in 8 reps. Failed 315. 325 is my old pr last year when we were doing fs emoms every couple days. 315 is the highest… Read more »
Solid day of lifting. 225 is coming! Way to come back after feeling a little off last week
Session two
Warmup done
Shspu 15-12-10-10 arms felt fresh on hspu it was the hold I had to conserve energy for
Option one
About 300% humidity. Used 90 lb bag (heaviest). Bike between 75-85 whole time. Hurt so bad last 5
Wasn’t feeling super motivated today, so I jumped in a class and worked out with friends 🙂
A. Back squat – E2M
3 min rest between
B. 3 RFT
40 WB (20/14)
20 T2B
Hit 275# on my back squat. The fire wasn’t burning for a PR today. That was 5# under my PR.
Metcon: 10:26 (20# WB)
Always good to stay mentally fresh and jump in to a class! Nice work on the back squat!
Session 2:
Did an EOMOMx10
So for the 5 sets
5SHSPU+ 20sec hold
* HSPU are a big weakness
A. 1 min max cal for 6sets
28cal, 27cal, 26cal, 24cal, 23cal, ???? Monitor broke but it said 241cal aha;)
B. Done ab burner
Session 1
A) 95/95/95/115
B) 115/115/120
C) Option 2 – 245/ last week was 240
Session 2
1. gymnastics – warm up done – did handstand holds – new to gymnastics and not very good at it. Going to get a coach at my box.
A. Option 2 – 27/28/29/28/27/31 calories
B. Core – done
Session 1:
A. Snatch Press: 95, 115, 120, failed 125
drop snatch: 125, 130, 140
Snatch Balance: 140, 155, 165, 185 (felt really good still)
B. High Hang Snatch: 135, 145, 155
Hang Snatch: 155, 165, 175
Snatch 2″ below knee: 180, 190, 200
2 Snatch lift off + snatch: 200, 205, 210
Snatch: 215, 220, failed 225
C. Option 1: Front Squat: 350lbs 5lb PR!
Session 2:
Gymnastics done: did strict HSPU after HS walk, 12, 7, 4, 3
A. Option 1:
30 cal Airdyne
90lb sandbag
B. Done
Awesome work in the PR Anton!!
Session one:
A. 35/35/35
B. 85/95/100
C. Option 2: up to 165
Session two:
Warm up done:
i. done
ii. 5 strict hspu each set
walking in reverse was interesting to say the least..usually only got 3-4 steps from the wall each set
A. Option 2: no assault bike so used a rower. Sandbag was 40#, carried as a bear hug. Each set took b/w 1:50 and 2:00
B. no time today, will add into tmrw’s session
A. 85/95/105/105
B. 135/140/145
Option 2: dead stop front squats
Last week heavy 305
This week 310
Session 2
Wrist has been giving trouble recently, but on the upslope, definitely has played into snatch and handstand walking.
Walk to wall strict handstand push ups – 6/6/5/5
Really struggle walking back to wall in reverse.
Option 1 for condo: 22 calorie row +200 ft sandbag Carry at 120# all rounds at 2:00-2:20
Gymnastics core work done.
Thanks you everyone!
Look after that wrist dude. Maybe stay away for anything that irritates it for the next week.
My team and I officially received our invitation to compete at the Granite Games, so that was cool.
Session 1:
A) 75/85/95/115
C) Option 1: Worked up to 345 in 8 singles, failed 365. Squat feels super weak
Session 2:
Did all the handstand work and stopped there. Had a crazy headache for some reason.
congrats dude!
Congrats on qualifying!