Session One
Granite Games Qualifier Event 5
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
70 Double Unders
7 Muscle-Ups
7 Snatches (155/105 lbs)
Three sets of:
Double Kettlebell Overhead Squats x 3 reps @ 4311
(stick to the tempo, slow descent, 3 second hold)
Rest as needed
Goal is same or more weight than was used last week.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Muscle Snatch x 3 reps
Keep the barbell close and be quick and aggressive in your turnover.
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep
Build to today’s 1-RM.
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
Build to approximately 90% of your 1-RM Clean & Jerk.
Session Two
Six sets of:
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 3211
(aim for approximately 80-85% of your 1-RM back squat)
Rest 2 minutes
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes (5 sets) of:
Minute 1 – 12 Front Rack Lunges (155/105 lbs)
Minute 2 – 20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
Against a 2-minute running clock, perform the following…
25 Unbroken Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
Max Calories of Assaule Bike in the remaining time
Rest 3 minutes and repeat for a total of five sets.
Note number of calories achieved in each of the 5 sets.
All done in one session today
Session 1:
A. 18# KB’s
B. 75/85/90#
up to 140# felt solid
up to 165#
Session 2:
C. used an airdyne 18/16/19/13/13
all wb ub with a 20#..these felt awesome!
Session 1:
A) worked up to 53lbs again
B1) worked up to 170
B2) worked up to 255
C) read this wrong somehow and just did CJ. Worked up to 300 (90% of most recent 1rm)
Did not have time for a second session. Traveled 6 hours to my hometown in Illinois to do a partner competition with my brother today (Saturday).
Session 1:
A – 32kg a hand. Warmed up really slowly on this, but felt good in the end.
B – 65kg (PR) / 82kg full snatch – tiny bit of pain so stayed at this weight. Felt good to 80 then hit one slightly off and shoulder felt it.
C – 115kg felt ok. No broken records.
Session 1
Did close grip ohs as dont have kb at home 40kg 3×10 as warm up.
MSNatch 60,65,70kg
Snatch 60,70,75,80,85,90,95,97.5,100,105,107.5kgfail
Cl+fs+jerk 60,70,80,90,100,105,110,115,120
125Kg failed jerk.. feeling weak need more food I think.
Session 1
A. 10# db again
B. MS 65#
1RM today 115#, almost got 120!
C. Got to 105# then my arms were dunzo and couldn’t hold anything overhead
Session 2
A. 110#
B. Used 65# for lunges, cut the reps to 8, and used 26# KB. Missed one set of lunges.
C. Had to lower the reps to 15 unbroken wallballs, broke on 2/5 sets, used a 12# wb. My body was done.
Session 1:
A: 26kg
B: 75-85-95
Built to125. Failed quite a bit at 125 which was getting really frustrating. Usually not a weight thats a problem. Guess it was an off day today.
C: Built to 155. These actually felt pretty good!
Session 2:
A: BS @ 145. Still going on feel on these
B: Done.
C: 9cal-10cal-9cal-9cal-9cal Wall Balls were a struggle and took a while. Not so much the weight, but actually hitting the target was the issue. Realized I need to work on my accuracy haha!
Session 2:
A. Squats 6×3: 285,285,295,295,305,305 legs felt good
B. Emomx10
12 Front rack lunge w/135lbs
20KB swings with 28kg
C. UB wall ball+ Max Cal
Cals were: 23,22,19,17,17
Session 1:
A) 26/35/35 couldn’t clean 53s, and we don’t have 44s
B) 75/85/85
Overall felt fine…2 of the 130 attempts were close
C) 105/105/115/125/125/135/135/145/150/150
Session 2:
A) done at 175
B) finished all except 3 of the minutes: minute 6 (8 KBS), minute 9 (6 lunges), minute 10 (14 KBS)
My new goal is to finish one of these EMOMs by the end of 2016!
C) scaled to 20 unbroken wall balls, 20# to 9ft
Calories: 13/11/11/12/12
The wb/assault was a major mental game. Dropped a lot. Could keep going but just couldn’t push anymore.
All wb sets unbroken. Assault sets were 29, 21, 18, 16, 15.
So gross.
Session 1- GG 406 RX
Session 2-
Back squats done w tempo 3211. 6 sets of 3 at 205/205/215/215/220/220
10 min emom done w fr lunge rx weight and kb RX weight. This was a back killer for me.
Did all the swimming yesterday and just started back last week. Trying to get back into doing it. Will that effect our training on Fridays if we push hard on it? I really enjoy it but shoulders were a little tired today
A. 35/44/53 KBs – same as last week. I’ll move up next
B. 135/165/170
C.185/205/225/245/260/275/285/295/305/315 missed jerk
Session 2
A. 6 sets at 360 – strict tempo. Missed last rep
B. Done. All UB
C. Rowed – 21/23/23/20/23
Like any new movements your body will take a while to become accustomed to swimming but it will adapt as you go and improving technique and efficiency will also help.
Session two
Kb ohs: 35…then 18s haha mobility strikes again
Muscle snatch: 75/95/105 then some drop snatches
Snatch: up to 245 no misses
Clean and jerk: up to 320 no misses (+5 lb pr clean and jerk from last week)
Squats: 225/245/265/285/305/325 at tempo most I’ve squatted for reps in awhile…
Emom: 6 Bulgarian split squats w/ kbs and 20 Russian kb
Dnd wb and bike. hip was starting to tighten up so called it earlyish?
Session 1:
A. Double OH squat: 62lbs
B. Muscle Snatch: 145, 155, 160
Snatch: up to 225 failed 230
C. Clean+F. Squat+jerk: 260
Session 2:
A. Back Squat: 300lbs (78%)
B. EMOM: all rx lunges, 20,20,10,14,17 KB swings
C. 1:14-1:17 on bike
Back was toasty as well from deads. Took Wednesday off so I did that one yesterday. Got 70lbs in each hand for the double KB tempo squats. 62 last week so that’s a pr. Worked up to 85% on the snatches. Wasn’t feeling right so I got in some work and stopped when it felt necessary. Did a comp train wod today with friends. Sorry. 🙂 20 min amrap. 1 power clean at 205, 1 muscle up. Then 2-2, 3-3, etc. Got 9+13. Felt good about that. Will hit the WB/assault wod in a couple hours then call it for… Read more »
As long as you beat your friends on the workout I will let it slide that you switched programs…
Session one: A. 2×32 kg/ 2×40 kg/ 2 x40 kg Kettlebells (88lb-PR) B1. MU snatch 3 x 3 @ 55 kg B2. Worked up to 87 %, then on The last three set, back down to 80 % (80kg), felt little slow, C. From 60 kg to 115 kg, felt great, all lift without belt, 86 % Session two: A. Back Squat: 4 x 3 @ 153 kg AS described, fift sett i only managed two reps, last set I was back again, but removed three kg’s. 3 reps @ 150 kg (much better than last week, my frien counted… Read more »
Solid day of work Leif!
One Session Today: Session 1 Stuff: A. done – used 26# KBs, if I go any heavier they irritate my elbow. B. Muscle Snatch: 85/95/100 Snatch: 105—>180 (missed 3 times!!!!) C. Clean Complex: 125–> 200 (built to 200 and did it at that for last four rounds) – also didn’t stop the clock after the snatch work, so it was like a marathon 50 min session… Session 2 Stuff: A. Back Squats: did not do today…might try to do them later before coaching if I have time B. EMOM: done (missed one round of KB swings…I blame sweaty hands and… Read more »
Session 1
Option 2
A. 35s
B1) Built to 165
2) Built to 240. Failed at 250. Felt myself chasing the bar.
C. Built to 300
Session 2 shortly after first
A. Done at 80% 345
B. Done. This was fun.
C. Skipped for now. May attempt tomorrow. Cashed after lunges.
A. Granite Games Qualifier- 4 + 70
Doubles – 1st/5th set unbroken, other three were 40/30
MU’s – 7, 4/3 x 3 rounds
Snatches – all singles (felt good after the first set!)
Session Two
A. Back Squats @ 195# x 2, 205# x 4.
B. Done as RX
C. All Unbroken with 20# – really happy about this!
Calories – 11, 11, 12 x 3 – didn’t go too hard in this, I was worried about the Wall Balls. Next time I’ll be more confident!
Session 2
A. 250-255-260-265-270-270(79.37-85.71%)
B. Done. Happy to complete this Rx, seemed impossible to me before starting.
C. Will have to do in a couple hours when I’m home. Airdyne at gym has a shaky pedal that sucks
Session 1
A. 53# KBs
B. Muscle Snatch: 95, 115, 135
Snatch: 170, 175, 180, 185, 190, 195, 200, failed 205 5 times
C. 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, failed 235 5 times
Session 2
A. 225 (65%)
B. Done
C. 13, 12, 12, 13, 12 Couldn’t get the wallballs unbroken….
Felt terrible today. My back is jacked from Wednesday’s deadlift wod, which I did yesterday. Really frustrating day today. I gotta shake it off and get back at it tomorrow.
Get back on the grind tomorrow man! Its hard to see your progress when you’re going at it hard day after day, but when you think of how far you’ve come over the course of the year the bad days don’t seem that bad anymore!
Shake it off bro.
Ye not the best making up yesterday’s work then having to come in and pull heavy again today! Look after that back dude!