January 22-28, 2018 – Endurance Program

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We are approaching the half way point of the 2 mile cycle. Running should start to feel a litlte bit easier and you should have started seeing improvements in your overall work capacity.

Make sure you check out the video on the Ideal Running Position.

If you are just starting the program this week then go back to the first week of the cycle (Jan 2nd) and start there so as to properly build in running volume.

Please continue to use #InvictusEndurance when you post photos/videos to social media.

Run 400 meters @ 50%
Stretch x 2 minutes
Run 400 meters @ 60%

Followed by…

Two sets of:
Perfect Stretch x 20 meters
Reverse Lunges x 20 meters
A/B/C Skips each x 20 meters

Running Mechanics Drills:
Two sets of:
Foot Tapping
Falling Into Wall Drills

Followed by…

Run 3 sets of suicide sprints. Increase your intensity with each set. Run out 10 meters out and back, 20 meters out and back, 30 meters out and back, 40 meters out and back and finally 50 meters out and back.

Perform the first sprint at 60% max effort, the second set at 70% max effort and the final set at 80% max effort.

Cool Down
Easy 10 minute jog
10 minutes of static stretching (focus on Hamstrings, Quads, IT Band)

Session One
VO2 Max

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Three Sets of:
400 Meter Sprint
400 Meter Jog
300 Meter Sprint
300 Meter Jog
200 Meter Sprint
200 Meter Jog

Four Sets of:
400 Meter Sprint
400 Meter Jog
300 Meter Sprint
300 Meter Jog
200 Meter Sprint
200 Meter Jog

Session Two
Aerobic Threshold
Three sets of:
3/4 Mile Hill Run (These should be about 5-6 minutes)
Walk back down as your recovery

If you are doing this on a treadmill then set your incline first and jog for 4-5 minutes in between sets.

Session Three
Lactate Threshold
For Times:
1 Mile Run
Rest 3 minutes
800 Meter Run
Rest 2 Minutes
800 meter run
Rest 3 Minutes
800 Meter Run

For Times:
1 Mile Run
Rest 3 minutes
1 Mile Run
Rest 2 Minutes
800 Meter Run
Rest 3 Minutes
800 Meter Run

For Times:
1 Mile Run
Rest 3 minutes
1 Mile Run
Rest 2 Minutes
800 Meter Run
Rest 2 Minutes
800 Meter Run
Rest 3 Minutes
800 Meter Run

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