To prepare for your strict muscle-ups, watch this tutorial by Travis Ewart
Three sets of:
4/3 Strict Muscle-Ups + 30′ Handstand Walk
Rest 2-3 minutes
Three sets of:
3/2 Strict Muscle-Ups + 15-25′ Handstand Walk
Rest 2-3 minutes
Three sets of:
2/1 Strict Muscle-Ups + 15-25′ Handstand Walk
Rest 2-3 minutes
Three sets of:
1 Strict Muscle-Up + 10-15′ Handstand Walk OR 3 Wall Climbs
Rest 2-3 minutes
If you are still working getting your strict muscle-up, then do this progression instead:
Muscle-Up Transition with Feet on Floor x 3-5 reps
You can make this more challenging by taking out the hip drive and elevate your feet on a box.
For time:
30 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Ground to Overhead
20 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Ground to Overhead
10 Calorie Assault Bike
5 Ground to Overhead
40-49: 155/105 lbs
50-54: 135/95 lbs
55+: 115/75 lbs
Lets attack that barbell cycling with an elevated heart rate. Work on quickly cycling through the ground to overhead and not walking away from the barbell if you do break it up. If you do break up the barbell cycling then get your shins to the barbell immediately and hands back on for your next rep.
Three sets of:
V-Ups x 15 reps
Arch Tuck Extend on Box x 6 reps
Flutter Kicks on KBs
x 20-30 seconds
Followed by …
One set of:
Hollow Body Bounces x 75 reps
B: 5:47 on AD. getting sick. going to have a struggle the next week. feels like i swallowed a grenade.
Team fun workout: partners 15 min amrap of 150 wallballs/90 DU/30 Mu, we git back into wallballs. More enjoyable than on own and able to do way more wallballs at a time!
A. Done
C. Later
A) 3 single strict muscle up , had to guestimate the h/s walk bc the gym was pack but I think I did close or a bit over 30 ft. I actually felt comfortable today for the first time upside .. I fell after a few strides, some I held on ..def getting a bit better 🙂 B) 13:50 Rxd this was tough… I95 lbs felt like a small house today… LOL not sure but it felt heavy..good challenge had a run to a baby shower but Im looking forward to doing part c-it looks like fun!! Have a great… Read more »
Went to the affiliate to do strict muscle-up and got roped into:
– OHS 6,4,3,3,3,3 to 145lb
– 5 rounds of: 3 min AMRAP, 1 min rest
10 thrusters (95lb)
10 pull-ups
10 burpees
225 reps
A: Combination of strict L-sit muscle/low ring drill and 3 nose to wall-walks.
B: Grace. Steady singles. 4:00 min (worn out from above)
C: Done.
A. 4 strict 30ft HSW :33/:34/:44
B. 7:13 @ 135
A. 1 strict MU + 15′ handstand walk – MU’s happened fairly easily today and handstand walks were good as well. Happy because I haven’t tried strict MU’s in quite some time and was worried I would not be able to do them. Ed was making them look easy, so I was hoping to follow his lead. B. Only two airdynes for the three of us, so I went with the concept 2 instead. I let Ed and Willie use the bike. Just did the same number of calories rather than trying to adjust for the rower. (10:14). No real… Read more »
A. :30, :29, :33
B. 7:55
C. Done
HI there everyone. I just join invictus masters programming. Been doing crossfit off and on for about a year and a have. the last 5 month much more consistent. gymnastics is my kryptonite! maybe i bit off more than i can chew by joining this program. Cant do the gymnastics in the masters programming? suggestions?
A. 3 sets Strict MUx2 hand stand holds and walk progression with assistance.
B. 8:45 @ 115lbs
C. 3 sets done
I’m back! Sort of. The good news is that I am over the flu. The bad news is now I have pneumonia. Doctor said I can do the strength and skill work but no conditioning for a week when I go back for a check up.
Running behind a day
Did yesterday Snatch work at prescribed %. Felt really good today with snatch work.
Then yesterdays back squats at prescribed weight. Felt good also hit all numbers at prescribed percentage and 4 on max number at end.
Then C from yesterday was 8:40. First three wall ball sets unbroken then 15 and 5 and 12 and 8 on last. Chest to bar were solid sixes first two rounds then six and singles.
I then waited couple hours and did todays section B.9:40 155
A. Done. UB until last HSW, broke at 10′.
B. 13:26 So slow on the AB; had to do singles on G2OH but was on them right off the AB and held a steady pace with them for the most part.
C. Done
A.- MU transition w/feet on floor x 4 each round
30′ hsw 2 rds ub
B.- for time
45/30/15 wbs 20#
15/10/5 GTO 155#
10:11 I liked but it felt like hell….thanks for this cherryl 🙂
Hah! Good work!
SMU: used blue bands-needs more work
HSW: 1-2 breaks per round. L arm gave out & I kissed the floor on rd 2.
B._8:36 Rx
AB : 64-69 RPMs per set???
G2OH: All singles-too heavy to cycle more than 2.
C. Done
A. 4 SMU and 30′ HSW (Nicole I posted a video of each. Love to hear what you think)
B. 6:27 @ 155
C. Done.
Smokin time and at 155, nice going Art!
A. Strict MU progressions, a handful of kipping MUs, HS walks
B. 8:17 at 135
C. Ab work done. Have a great weekend!
A. Don’t have handstand walks yet, so did some strict muscle ups and worked on hs walks.
B. Garage gym today, so used Airdyne Pro. Did 40/30/20 cals to try to be equivalent to the AB. Either way, great workout. 9:07.
C. Done
Great training week!
Will do this tomorrow with some buddies…love this type workout
Did “open prep” class with my members.
12min AMRAP
5 PC @135
10 Bar facing burpee
15 Wall Ball
7 + 14
*goal breathe, keep HR under control & go UB w/ clean reps
** got the HR under control on WB
***everything UB
A. Will work on with Bethanne tomorrow
B. Riding Grace @155#
Airdyne 30/20/10
Ground to overhead 155# 15/10/5
Body is tired today just wanted to move 1st rd of airdyne took approx 20sec longer than normal 1:30 1st rd 30cal finished the G2OH at the 3:50 2nd rd of 20cals finished at 5:00 then my g20hstarted feeling better and then didn’t look at clock until last 2 reps of the last set wanted to beat that 8min but I will next time. I feel that my conditioning and recovery is improving.
Thanks Nichole and thanks Invictus.
Happy weekend!
Good to know Tom!!
What’s good to know?
That your conditioning is feeling better
Oh yes. Thanks Nichole