Session One
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Two sets of:
Supinated-Grip Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 5 reps
(initiate the movement with the lats, keep your shoulders away from your ears, and keep your elbows in – if you can do 6 reps with perfect mechanics, then add weight)
Rest as needed
Dumbbell Z-Press
x 5 reps
(Increase the load from last week.)
Rest as needed
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Split Jerk x 1 rep @ 80-85%
(pause for 1-2 seconds in the receiving position)
Goal of this session is fine-tuning technique. Your goal is to assess each of the 10 lifts on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being a perfect lift. Note how many of your lifts achieved a score of 9 or higher.
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps
*Set 2 – 3 reps
*Set 3 – 1 rep
*Set 4 – 5 reps
*Set 5 – 3 reps
*Set 6 – 1 rep
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
*Choose the loads based on feel, but these should be heavy!
Two sets of:
Overhead Yoke Carry x 50 feet
Rest 2-3 minutes
Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pulls x 100 feet
Rest 2-3 minutes
Session Two
“CrossFit Games Open Event 11.3”
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Squat Clean (165/110 lbs)
Jerk (165/110 lbs)
Scores to beat from 2011 CrossFit Open:
Rich Froning = 93 reps
Sarah Maas = 90 reps
Rest 10 minutes until the running clock reaches 15:00, and then…
When the running clock reaches 15:00…
Three rounds for time of:
30 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
20 Pull-Ups
Option 1
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 6 reps each @ 3111
Rest as needed
Glute Ham Raises x 8 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Chinese Plank x 30 seconds (Max Load)
Rest as needed
Option 2
Max distance in 15 minutes:
Forward Sled Drag (135/105 lbs on the sled)
*Every 3 minutes, perform 10 Jumping Air Squats
Option 3
Five sets of:
600 Meters @ 90% of your 1600m PR Pace
Walk 200 Meters
Session 1 and 2
Jerks 12/15 at 250 to 275
Back squats 5 @ 305 3@345 1@375 5@345 3@375 1@395
11.3 – 68 reps doing doubles instead of singles would have gotten me to 80s
Wall balls and pull ups: 6:13 sad performance with the wall balls
Accessory work
Session two Made up hand over hand pull. Have a speed sled loaded with 200 lbs and a 15 foot rope. Did with partner 6 rounds of three rope lengths person resting bear hugs a 30 lb med ball A. 66 reps (+4 from last year) 100% of improvement attributed to better mobility (still not where it needs to be but improving). My legs and shoulders are dead from past two days and back still not 100%. B. 9:36. Broke on the wall balls too much. Pullups ub. About 1:15 spent running in and out of weight room C. About… Read more »
Session one Warm up done A. Body weight c2b and 2×55 lbs. I have trouble with full range of motion for the last 2-3″ of the pullup so I am going to stick with body weight until I can get to the bar consistently B. All at 265. Really hard to gage feel because I have to jerk from a rack that’s about 4 inches shorter than it needs to be. No misses and no press outs but only 2 or 3 where the bar felt like it was floating. Most common issue was just keeping bar upright on dip… Read more »
Session 1:
A. Done
B. Worked at 295 the entire time. Only 4/10 9 or above’s but happy with that considering my shoudlers.
C. 365-385-415 – 385 – 415 (3 rep PR!) – 440 (easy), only 5# off PR feeling good on squats
D. 315 OH Yoke Carry, spicy!
Session 2:
A. 74 Reps RX, 10 reps better than last year
B. 9:26, but did 30 pull-ups the first two rounds for some reason…
C, Option 1
Completed yesterday Sick as a dog on Tuesday so no cal intake limited energy for training yesterday. AM Session: Rear Deal Warmup done w/ 10# per arm A. SGCTB done with 20# vest x 6 DBZP Done w/ 55# per arm (1st time since starting cycle elbow has been able to handle RX load!!!) B. Up to 210 (80%) 8 of 10 (Foot work a little off on 2/10 – readjusted back leg on both and held for :03 to reinforce) C. Up to 93% (Based on 365) **Feels really solid D. OH Axle bar Carry w/ 185 (Up from… Read more »
Session 2:
A) 60rx. I don’t remember my previous score but definitely a PR.
Warm up:
A) crossover symmetry replication
20 lbs for bis
Pull-up z press
B) 255×4/265×3/270/275/280
D) skip
Right into
Session 2
A) 27 how in God’s green earth did Rich do that?! First time I have ever done that, just did singles.
B) WITH a 20 lbs Med ball…new gym no gear on the road…5:55
C) option 1
30 sec slick
A. SCTB 73, Z-Press 73# KB B. Built up to 270 (used different foot on the split to give my knee a rest) C. Box Squats (knee is killing me on heavier weights, decided to go to directly parallel for squats) 5 310, 4 340, 3 370, 2 390, 1 410, 5 390, 3 420, 1 460 (never tried it this heavy) D. Strong Man Done (used Legless Climbs) A. Muscle Up and Handstand Workout from Yesterday (UB 10 Mu + UB 50 foot HSW 1:08, 1:21, 1:18 B. AMRAP 5: 63 reps @165# rest 10 minutes Wallball shots and… Read more »
Warm up: crossover symmetry replication
20 lbs for bis
B) 255×4/265×3/270/275/280
D) skip
Right into
Session 2
A) 27 how in God’s green earth did Rich do that?! First time I have ever done that, just did singles.
B) WITH a 20 lbs Med ball…new gym no gear on the road…5:55
C) option 1
30 sec slick
1 Clean and 1 jerks are two reps, I think you got 54
Yea man I’m an idiot
Only had time for this today:
Did the strict c2b pull-ups
Back squat:
3x 240
1x 260
5x 240
3x 250
1x 270 (10lb PR)
Squat clean jerk: 68 reps
Wall ball/pull ups 8:05
Stared at the wall ball too long….
Congrats on the squat PR Jenna!!!
One session today.
A. Back Squats:295/335/365/335/365/385
B. 11.3: 66
C. WB/ PU: 6:24
D. Split Squats 53# KBs
GHR done
Chinese Plank 44# hanging
Session 1:
shoulder work done
B) Split Jerk: stayed at 155 across (85%)…felt better on mechanics this week!
C) Back Squat: 220-235-255-235-245-260(PR!)…felt good, definitely some left in the tank
D) yoke carry & sled pull done (195 on sled)
Session 2:
a) 60 reps…42 reps last year, wahoo
b) 6:24rx..had från lung after
c) chose the Bulgarian splits(53s) and GH raises option
Congrats on the squat PR and the huge improvement on the Open tester!!!
Shoulder stuff done with baby weights. 5#
Pull-ups: bw, 18#
Split jerk: 175×3, 180×1, 185×2, 190×5
Back squat (went light…haven’t squatted heavy in 3ish weeks)
Squat cleans 33
6:33 wall ball/pull-ups
Bulgarian 25#
Chinese planks 15#
Shoulder warmup stuff ✔️
Weighted pull-ups @ 26#, z press @40
A. Jerks all 10 @ 275
B. Back squats
5@345, 3@365, 1@385, 5@365, 2@375, f405
C. 11.3- 67 reps
Wall balls and pull-ups 8:57
Session 1 Warm up done. A. Done. B. Between 285-310 no misses. 13/15. Drive felt a little weak today but that shoulder warm up really makes my shoulders solid. Could feel myself driving under the bar today. Felt good. C. 315/335/390/335/355/400 Haven’t squatted 400+ in a few months so wanted to go for it. Another 10 in the tank today. D. Overhead yoke Carry. Made 300Lbs for 50 feet UB. Then put my clean and jerk max on which is 320 and made it in 3 trips. This is getting stronger by the week. Overhand Pulls at 135 Session 2… Read more »
Solid work Joey!
Back got worse since yesterday. Not even sure what I did to it. It’s shooting pain just above the sacrum if I hinge forward at the hip. Just gonna give it a bit more rest and hopefully good for Friday or Saturday.
I did do the z-presses and C2B and some other strict gymnastic work today.
hope you feel better soon man!
Thanks dude!
Give it some time, and see a body worker if you can Derek.
See the chiro tomorrow morning. Will keep you updated.
Rear Delt Warm Up:Open
Two sets of:
Supinated-Grip Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
x 5 reps @ 50lbs
Dumbbell Z-Press x 5 reps @ 45lbs
Every 90 seconds, for 15
minutes (10 sets):
Split Jerk x 1 rep @ 260
(felt off seriously only felt like 3 or 4 were good.
Back Squat
Session Two
A. 30 c&j so 60 reps
B. 8:43 RX Oh 30b wall balls, you kick my ass.
Option 2
660 meters RX. This was
Session 1 Delt warmup done A. Pull-ups at body weight (noticing improvement on these) and 40lbs DB’s on the Z press B. Based on 215, loads at 175-185. Finished with 7 sets out of 10 at a score of 9+. C. Had to be selective what I did today for sake of time, so I cut out the squats since I probably need it least. D. Yoke at 185lbs both sets, 75lbs for the rope pull Session 2 A. 69 RX (Not a PR for me for this workout but my hamstrings are smoked after yesterday so I’m confident that… Read more »
AM Session:
Warm-Up Done
A. 2.5# Strict C2B, 45#s Z Press
B. My Shoulders HATE ME Today… 165×3, 170×3, 175×2, 180×1, 187×1 (Wanted to get some heavier weight up today)
C. 200×5, 210×3, 220×1(felt pretty good for once!), 195×5(started to get really tired at this point), 210×3, 225X1, 230X1 (Wanted to go a little bit heavier)
D. Have to do later… Had to teach class
Marathon Session this morning! Rear Delt Warm Up – done Session 1: A. Done (40# DB on zpress) B. Shoulder was a bit wonky going OH, so I did E2M for 20min (10sets) of a 2 position clean (high hang/ mid thigh) @ 70-75% Focus on posture and staying tall C. Back Squat – 185/225/250/205/225/250 D. Make shift yoke with barbell and 53# KBs on each side No rope or pull sled, so I did sets of Bent over rows @ 115# Session 2: A. 57 reps (I separated the movements to a clean and jerk, then stopped having a… Read more »
Good job today getting after all of this Beth!
Thanks Hunter! 🙂
Strong squats!
Thank you Rodrick!
Strong work Beth…it’s not going to take long at all for you to get back to where you were.
Thank you so much! That encouragement means a lot 🙂
Thank you so much! That encouragement means a lot 🙂