Glute Activation Warm-Up
(Vandyke Strength Protocol – 15 minutes)
Banded Dead Bug Iso Hold x 2 minutes
Banded Clamshell Hold x 1 minute per side
Forward Cross Crawl x 1 minute per side
Straight Leg Iso Raise x 1 minute per side
Cross Under Lunge x 1 minute per side
Fire Hydrant Iso Hold x 90 seconds per side
Cross Under Lunge Crawl x 1 minute per side
Two sets of:
Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps
T-Spine Foam Roller x 5-6 pulses
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Front Squat with a Pause x 3-4 reps @ 3211
(MUST move up in weight from last week)
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes, complete:
Power Clean + Jerk
followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes, complete:
Clean + Jerk
followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes, complete:
Clean Pulls x 2 reps @ 100%
Three rounds, for time, of:
Rope Climbs x 2 ascents
Squat Clean x 4 reps
40-44: 205/135 lbs
45-49: 185/125 lbs
50-54: 155/115 lbs
55+: 135/95 lbs
Make every rep count for this workout. Be effecient with your rope climbs so that your forearms aren’t burned out by the time you get to the heavy squat cleans. Use your legs for the rope climbs by making your arms long and bring your knees to elbows so you can just stand up and walk your hands up the rope instead of just short pulls.
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Every 6 minutes, for 24 minutes, complete:
Assault Bike x 20 calories
Double-Unders x 40 reps
Handstand Walk x specified distance
50-54: 20′
55-59: 10′
60+: Wall Walks x 3 reps
Three sets, not for time, of:
Banded Good Mornings x 10 reps @ 30X1
Rest 45 seconds
Bat Wings x 5 reps @ 1515
Rest 45 seconds
GHD Hip Extension with Arms in “Y” Overhead x 10 reps @ 2012
Rest 45 seconds
A) 225
B) 275 PC + J. No heavy squat clean today.
C) 2:34 – failed 2nd SC of last round by trying to rush it. Lost grip on the pull.
D&M done
82,5-90 kg
Up to 95 kg
90kg across(focus Speed under bar)
110 kg
C: 5:09 legless
DMA Done
A. Built up to 195# on front squats
B1. 135#, 135#,145#, 155#
B2. 135#, 145#,155#, 155# – find myself still not trusting my wrist
B3. 205#, 205#
C. 4:01 @ 155#, had one fail, bar slipped off my shoulder.
DMA: Done
A. 195/205/215/225/225/215
B, Tomorrow
C. 3:59
B. Almost done. Pulled a muscle in my neck, not from the C&J, and stopped before the clean pulls.
Massaged neck until it relaxed then tested squat cleans for Part C.
C. 4:15 Rope climbs felt awkward using feet.
Oh no Hoke, how is the neck feeling today?
Very sore this morning, wont be doing kipping HSPU tonight.
Stupidest thing to, had completed a 185 C&J and felt good, was resting between sets and got a drink of water from my bottle and turned my head and pulled a muscle – WTH.
Oh no! Well it must have been tight already. Definitely no hspu for you – keep it loose and maybe some heat on it (only if that makes it feel better)
Still giving my hammie a rest so did my own thing–harder than expected.
10-8-6-4-2 bench press, in between each BP section, 3 ring mu. Bench press seemed hard, but also couldn’t push into floor with one leg. Then 5 x 10 air squats, fine on hamstring and knee. Hopefully can do some more things tomorrow!
Oh that is a nasty combo Laura!! Hope that hammy feels better!
A: up to 225
B: up to 235
C: 7:21 (did legless rope climbs due to set up of rope)
A: done
B: done
C: 2:25
Yeah Brent, way to get after Part C!
Mob & activation done.
A – 175, 195, 210, 230, 245
B1 – PC&J – 175, 185, 195, 205
B2 – C&J – 205, 210, 215, 220
C – 3:15 @185. Working j-hook. Getting much better. Last set of cleans spiked heart rate.
Only had a couple extra minutes so I snuck in Optional part B. Loved the GHDs with Y arms.
Most of Glut stuff
A. 185-195 went deeper
B1 135/155/175/185
B2 195/205/215/215
B3. 265 felt heavy did 255
C. I did power cleans at 175- instead of squat cleans at 155- 2:43
waited exactly 10 min and then did 4 rounds every 4 min of
20 cals ASS BIKE
35′ ft HSW
Your squat depth looks AWESOME Al!! Is there any way you can get your elbows up higher for the rack position?
Love the speed in your power cleans Al. All looks good there – keep doing what you are doing and you’ll be a high efficiency model of your old self!
I see what you mean about the elbows- I’ll just spill my cleans forward if I catch like that
4 reps 155175,205,245,275,285
3 rounds 205 for 5:12 should have pushed harder. Did optional in the morning 18′ rope climb
Session 2
AB :58_51_54_51
DU :5 breaks (UBx1)
HSW: 9 total breaks (took 30 sec rest before HSW)
Time: 2:39_2:33_2:40_2:29
glute activation:
LOVE this!!! 🙂
A) 160x3rps
B1) 105,115,120,125
2) 130failed jerk, 130 failed,135 failed jerk, 135 failed jerk
3) CP :145
C) 5:59 rxd (115)
A) 3rds/rxd/20 ft HS walk not very pretty but getting better 🙂
B) 15 lbs used
cheers everyone! 🙂
C-185-5:38 See what you meant about every rep count. Had a little issue with that first round.
Optional session done- Bike, Dub, HSW
Yeah makes a big difference Brian!
A. 185/195/205/205/215/215
B. 155/165/175/185, then 155/175/195/205, pulls @225
C. 4:58 at 185
D. Opt Session A: AB/dubs/HSW
Mobility done
A. Only went up to 175# still a little beat up.
B. Power/jerk up to 205
Clean/jerk up to 225
Pull at 255
Just wanted to
Move a little nothing heavy.
C. No room in class
A. Finished each round in around 3:00-3:15 even though my handstand walk suck.
You still get some more rest Jeff!
Op Session AM
A. Each round two minutes or less, liked working HSW with an elevated breath and heart rate.
B. Done
VanDyke activation and mob done
A. 225/230/235/240/245/250 all x 4
B2- 225/230/235/245
B3- 285/290
C- 2:44
Blazing fast on C Art. Great work. And yes, I want to see you able to do HSW while heart rate is elevated!
Thanks. We’ve been doing. Fair amount of legless so getting to use the legs was great. A couple knees to elbows and I’m there. Squat cleans felt strong.
Mobility done
A. Up to 195#
B1. Up to 205#
B2. Up to 220#
B3. 245#
C. 7:32 at 205#. Slow on the squat cleans – that weight was heavy for me. Happy to get through it with good form.
Optional work – all done (no HS walks yet – did wall walks and shoulder taps). Transition from bike to dubs felt solid.
A. 125,130,135,140,145,150
B. Afternoon session
C. 2:58
Sub 3 – love it!
Early morning session: Glute Activation done. Then Battle of Britain Qual #2 3 RFT: 60 DUs 30 cal row 10 G2OH @60kg 10:20- Played the first rd completely wrong. Did snatch singles and that just wore my legs out for the rest. 2nd/3rd rds where 7/3 PC/Jerk- really felt the benefit of all the cycling work. A: 205(4); 215(4); 225(3); 235(4); 245(3); 255(3) Early afternoon session B1: 185; 205; 215; 225(looking back at the video 225 was not a power although I had every attention of it being power B2: 235; 245; 250(mx3)- Catching it i the right place, but… Read more »
Like they say, a clean is just a failed power clean. Happy to see that your mechanics don’t change much from a power clean to a clean.
Have fun on vaca!