Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Over the course of 5-7 minutes, move through the following band assisted drills:
Pec Stretch
Lat Stretch
Tricep Stretch
followed by …
Three sets of:
100 Foot Farmer Carry
100 Foot Double DB or KB Overhead Carry
10 Tempo Ring Rows @ 1111
20 Banded Face Pulls
Gymnastics Skill Work
Three sets of:
3 Wall Walks + 30 Second Nose to Wall Hold
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Four sets of:
30 Seconds Freestanding Handstand Marching or Handstand Marching on Box
Rest 30 seconds
Followed by. . .
Two sets of:
30 Nose to Wall Thigh Taps (15/side)
Rest as needed
For time:
200 Double Unders
*Every break or trip perform 10 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
For time:
175 Double Unders
*Every break or trip perform 10 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
For time:
150 Double Unders
*Every break or trip perform 10 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
TIME CAP = 5 Minutes
Scaling options for Kipping Handstand Push-Ups:
Push Press (35-54: 95/65 lbs; 55+: 64/45 lbs)
L-Seated DB Press (weight up to the athlete)
Rest 5-10 minutes, then…
Every minute, on the minute, for 24 minutes:
Station 1: 12/10 Calorie Echo/Assault Bike
Station 2: 8 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups + 8 Burpees
Station 3: Max Alternating DB Snatch (50/35lbs)
Station 4: Rest
Every minute, on the minute, for 24 minutes:
Station 1: 10/8 Calorie Echo/Assault Bike
Station 2: 6 Kipping Pull-Ups + 6 Burpees
Station 3: Max Alternating DB Snatch (35/20lbs)
Station 4: Rest
Scaling Options for Chest-to-Bar/Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Up (choose one of the following):
Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Jumping Chest-to-Bar / Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Band Assisted
Cool Down
Spend 10 minutes walking as you try to get back to nasal breathing only.
Every 2 minutes, stop and complete the following:
5 Wall Slides
General Training Notes
Gymnastic Skill Focus: Inverted baby! That is what Tuesdays are about. You are doing specific handstand walking drills to help you get more comfortable (1) pulling your hand off the floor and (2) with balancing on one hand as you shift weight from one side to the other. Please film if you’d like some more feedback on these.
Double-Under Volume Accumulation: I won’t rant for too long but, as many of you know, we are not big fans of kipping HSPU. The repetitive crashing down on the spine is not anything a coach likes to see. Instead, we are big fans of building strength and volume in your sHSPU. However … with the Open coming up there is always a chance of kipping handstand push-ups being programmed so you’ll see these sprinkled in more during this cycle. The purpose of this piece is to get you bitting off big sets of your double-unders. Some of you may only break once or twice! Try to do the following to knock out as big of sets as possible:
1 – Find a spot to stare at and keep your eyes on that spot
2 – Stay relaxed through the shoulders and into your hands. No need to death grip that little jump rope handle!
3 – Breathe. Try to avoid holding your breathe.
These things will all help you stay in rhythm and will help your shoulders stay relaxed, especially being paired with HSPU.
If you aren’t able to do more then 25 reps unbroken then please do the following:
Every minute on the minute for 5 minutes:
45 Seconds Max Reps Double Unders
5 Kipping Handstand Push Ups (or scaling option)
EMOM Focus: We love ourselves a max reps emom piece with built in rest! View this as 6 interval sets with very little rest 🙂 You should be getting off the bike with at least 10 seconds of rest so you can transition right into the pull-up and burpee station. Focus on smooth sets with your pull-ups and quickly knocking out your burpees. Make sure you open your hips at the top of the burpee. You should somewhat winded so you will be going into your alternating db snatches with a slightly elevated heart rate. Work at accumulating reps for the entire 60 seconds (don’t stop at the 56 second mark … you know who you are). Play around with different styles of descending with the db snatch. Note your max reps each set to see if there was a better strategy one set over the other and if you have a big drop off at some point. Enjoy this one!