Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Band-Assisted Upper Body Anterior Chain Opener
x 2 minutes
Followed by …
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Followed by …
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
One set of:
Ring Muscle-Up Reverse Pull x 20 reps
Followed by …
Two sets of:
Muscle-Up Transition on Low Rings w/calves on a box x 3-6 reps
(Option 2 is Muscle-Up Transition on Low Rings w/feet on box)
Followed by …
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (4 sets) of complex:
Cast Swing + Pop Swing x 1 rep
Followed by …
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (4 sets) complete:
Pop Swing x 1-2 reps
Followed by …
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Full Support Hold on Rings x 30 seconds
For times:
Shoulder to Overhead x 8 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Shoulder to Overhead x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Shoulder to Overhead x 12 reps
40-49: *175/115 lbs, **155/105 lbs, ***135/95 lbs
50-54: *155/105 lbs, **135/95 lbs, ***115/75 lbs
55-59: *135/95 lbs, **115/75 lbs, ***95/65 lbs
60+: *115/75 lbs, **95/65 lbs, ***75/55 lbs
For time:
Row 1000 Meters
Russian Kettlebell Swings x 50 reps
Row 750 Meters
Russian Kettlebell Swings x 40 reps
Row 500 Meters
Russian Kettlebell Swings x 30 reps
Row 250 Meters
Russian Kettlebell Swings x 20 reps
40-49: 32/24 kg
50-59: 24/20 kg
60+: 20/16 kg
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Eight sets of:
Row x 60 seconds (hard)
Row x 60 seconds (easy)
A. DOne
B.155# x 8reps :18, 135# x10 reps :21, 115# X12 reps :20
C. 15:40, probably too slow on rower, but I was stoked to go UB on RKBS!
Well I screwed up the barbell cycling..
I went from ground to over head.. haha
Oh no – lesson learned Jesse!
Mob and drills done
B. Had to scale weight to 105/95/85–tweaked my hamstring on Saturday doing snatch from Friday wod. Also had to take from rack. All unbroken and used push jerk.
C. Optional conditioning with airdyne instead at home–rowing was stretching hamstring too much
DMA done
A: Drills and Swings done plus some banded slow negatives
Holds 30/30/30/20+10/22+10
B: 24seconds (8×155#), 23seconds (10×135#) , 20seconds (12×115#)
Optional session class at home boc
Did my own shoulder warm up
10 min EMOM
Min 1 five C2Bs
Min 2 20 DUs…..all went well one miss otherwise both movements UB
A. MU drills done, plus a few MU
B. 8@135 :23, 10@115 :28, 12@95 :18
C. 19:15 Row times 4:11.5/3:31.8/2:29.9/1:12.1 KB 30/20, 15/15/10, 15/15, 20
That KB really disagrees with my back. Back started to tighten up on set of 30
All is fine, stretched and rolled out after
No optional today
Good work on those double unders!!
Send me a video of how you do your KB swings – I want to see if you are too forward in your swings
A. Skipped, shoulders are very tight and don’t feel good hanging from the rings.
B. 0:26, 0:28, 0:16
C. 15:23
mobility: done
A: done (had break up the front holds on the last 3 sets, managed ~20sec total)
B: 145lb 32 secs, 135lb 35 secs, 125lb 47 secs (dropped the bar at 9, picked back up to finish)
C: 15:19 24kg KB (all swings unbroken)
A) Done
B) skipped..worked on some other things and gave shoulders a break
C) 14:02 – all UB – lost time to chalk
A: Done
B: Done
C: 13:52
Late night workout. Just finished at 9:28. Sleep will be interesting tonight. Tomorrow off to Florida for the week. Bye bye cold weather! A: Did Invictus Gymnastics Level 2- (MU work) instead of A. B: :17 (PJ), :17(PJ)16(push press) C: In garage so subbed AB for rower. I really need a rower. Trust me, I’m really not into punishing myself this much! Figured 50,40,30,20 cal on AB was a good sub. 16:08- I think the first 50 cal took the same amount of time as the 40 and the 30cal- 61 RPM average. Grip was smoked. Used grip which I… Read more »
Hope you have fun in Florida!
Corey, Where are you going to be in Florida. If you are near Fort Pierce on South East Coast stop in to CrossFit Fort Pierce.
Unfortunately I’ll be further south by the Miami Airport or else I would.
Did all Mobility and Activation
Did all of A.
B-3:30, sorry I took total time with 60 second rests in between added in. 175/155/135. I was roughly 29 to 30 seconds each.
C-17:17 70# kb
For Optional I did the LuRong Living work out for Masters.
187 Reps in 10 Min.
Mobility done. A – Done. As usual, harder than Travis makes it look. 🙂 The transitions aren’t easy and the holds burned in the last couple sets. B – 0:16, 0:20, 0:23 (175/155/135) Way better than I thought I would have done. Arched my back a little – gotta remember to stay tight. C – 15:30 w/70# KB. Broke up first couple sets. Hello forearms! Out of time. Been a little chaotic. In the last 72 hours…we bought a foreclosure house down the street, have been frantically cleaning out our current house to sell it, and I accepted a job… Read more »
lol you made a good call to cut that session short and help the wife! You made your life way easier 🙂
Sounds like a ton of new things happening all at once but really awesome opportunities! Wishing you the best in these new ventures!
Session 2__Only wrote down the fast meters
A. 6 rounds of 7 ring MUs w 60 secs rest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxaNyEuBXyA
then OHS 135 x 5/ 155 x5/165 x 5/175×5/185×5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mplycOE71XI
B. did 155/135/115 :12/:14/:15 secs
C. 15:05 w 55lb kb
exactly 10 min after above did 3 min max cals on Schwinn – 59cals
I would love some feed back on those MUs
Those OHS look awesome Al!!!! Same with those mu – it looks like you have way more in the tank! I am going to send this over to Travis!
Okay Al – here is some feedback for the MU. Focus some work on the Pop Swings. When you do them, after you pull back on the rings, pull the rings out to the side of your shoulders (think almost a circular motion). You’ll receive yourself way higher on the rings that way!
Thanks, I will give it a try today!!
Dyn/ Mob: Done 1) done -love these they feel good !! 2) 10 lbs eah set 3) 3 lbs A1) used a purple bnd, red was too hard..LOL travis you make everything look easy… I hope Im doing these right are we bending our elbows high to push down? did 20 reps, these were hard but cool! 🙂 2) did these with my calves and then just feet went back and forth.. did 4 rps for the first round 3 rps for the rest. tought but I love them! 3) cast swing/pop -done 4) done 5) first three rds 30… Read more »
Try to keep those elbows straight!
And if you feel like your form is being totally compromised, then drop the weight down a bit so you can work on the skill of barbell cycling.
Hope you get enough rest tonight and eat well to fuel you for tomorrow!
OHHH :0 LOL Ok .. will remember that!! I guess common sense isnt so common LMAO!! I def do that next time .
and thanks for clarifiying that on the muscle up, the elbows stay straight! got it!! thanks Coach!! your the bestests!! XO appreciate all your help and guidance .. <3
am – optional session subbed assault bike for rower – done! Goal was to achieve 15+ calories during each hard set. 5:00 warm-up – intervals – 5:00 cool-down pm mobility – done A. MU Drills & skills – done (Couldn’t do the MU-transition on Low Rings using box. Subbed feet on the ground.) EMOM – Full support on Rings – :30s for first two sets and then :28s, :15s and :15s. These got very challenging! B. S2O: took the bar from the rack 8 R’s in :19s, 10 R’s in :17s, 12 R’s in :17s C. Rowing & KBS 16:05… Read more »
Oh have so much fun in Hawaii!!! You get to hang out with such a fun group of people!!!
Brian Wolfe:
B. :20-:22-:22 175,155,135
C. 14:21- 35# KB oops kg not lbs…
Optional session Row-AM
300-320 M per min on “hard” 30-32 spm x 8.
Mob/Act done
A. MU drills done. Held Ring holds :30 each set.
B. 175-:18, 155-:18, 135-:17
C. 14:06 RKB were UB and worked to stay consistent beginning to end on the Row.
Well today was interesting. Took my daughter to her doctor appointment and we had to wait an hour past our appointment time to see the doctor. So by the time we got to the box I had about 5 minutes to warm up and 45 minutes to train.
A)Skipped. Will make up later this week.
B):31/:24/:21 Used weights for the 50-54
C)15:17. All UB except first round of kbs 35/15.
Way to still get it in Dean! Gosh, that is really unfortunate you had to wait for an hour!!! I hope your daughter is doing okay!
Thanks Nichole. One of my biggest pet peeves in life is waiting in the doctors office after your appointment time. Good thing Finding Dory was on the TV. That helped to pass the time.
Mobility done
A. Done – wow those low ring transitions and ring holds were rough!
B. :17 (175)/:23 (155)/:23 (135)
C. 18:12 70#. Back tightened on me about mid way through, which made the second half miserable.
How is the back feeling now Joe?
Just a healthy sore – all good. Had to stretch it a little during the wod and after, but it’s fine.