Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
12-Minute Mobility for Hip Hinge
Warm-Up Flow
200 Meter Waiters Carry + Suitcase Carry (switch carries every 50m)
followed by …
20 Half Turkish Get-Ups (10 per side)
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion including the rest period. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Five sets of:
Halting Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk @ 80-85%
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets) for times of:
50 Heavy Rope Double Unders or 80 Double Unders
6 Power Cleans @ 60-65% of 1-RM of 1-RM Clean
Athlete Notes:
After you finish your heavy lifts we are moving into training power cleans with an elevated heart rate. Focus on a quick transition and getting the work done immediately after the double-unders. We do not want you spreading out the work over 2 minutes – fastest times each set is the goal. Between sets focus on trying to bring your heart rate down. If you choose to do touch and go cleans, accept that your heart rate will rise, but you should also earn extra rest time to bring it back down.
For max reps:
60 seconds of Shoulder to Overhead (185/125 lbs)
Rest 2 minutes
60 seconds of Toes to Bar
NOTE SCORES, and rest until recovered before the next portion.
Every minute, on the minute, until you cannot complete the prescribed reps within the assigned minute:
Shoulder to Overhead x 30% of today’s 60 second max
Toes to Bar x 30% of today’s 60 second max
*Once you fail to complete the specified reps within the minute the workout is over. E.g, if you hit 20 Shoulder to Overhead in 60 seconds, and 20 Toes to Bar in 60 seconds in the max reps test, you would perform 6 shoulder to overhead and 6 toes to bar every minute until you failed to get those reps in within the minute.
Please rest until recovered to tackle the last piece. You DO NOT need to go unbroken during the initial 60 seconds of testing. We are looking for max reps, so accumulate as many reps as possible. This needs to be maximal effort for both movements; then you get to rest until recovered. Just like last week, we are looking for volume accumulation over a period of time. We’d rather see someone break early to avoid muscle failure than someone knock out big sets but hit a wall 3 sets in.
Athlete Notes:
Please rest until recovered to tackle the last piece. You DO NOT need to go unbroken during the initial 60 seconds of testing. We are looking for max reps, so accumulate as many reps as possible. This needs to be maximal effort for both movements; then you get to rest until recovered. Just like last week, we are looking for volume accumulation over a period of time. We’d rather see someone break early to avoid muscle failure than someone knock out big sets but hit a wall 3 sets in.
Three sets of:
1-1-2 Dumbbell Bench Press x 8-10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Single-Arm Kettlebell or Dumbbell Strict Press x 10 reps each arm @ 2111
(use two KBs or DBs and hold the non-working arm fully extended overhead as you lower and press on the working arm)
Rest 60 seconds
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Four rounds of:
15 Barbell Biceps Curls (20/15 kg)
20 Bent-Over Barbell Rows (20/15 kg)
25 Barbell Thrusters (20/15 kg)
Gymnastics Skills Accessory Option
Rope Climb Progressions –
Every 90 seconds, for 3 minutes (2 sets) of:
Rope Climb x 2-3 reps
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 2 minutes (2 sets) of:
Rope Climb x 1-2 reps
Followed by. . .
**Every 10 seconds, for 60 seconds (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Rope Pull-Up Taps x 2 reps (right arm)
Interval 2 – Rope Pull-Up Tabs x 2 reps (left arm)
*These should be two reps unbroken without touching the floor. Attempt to finish the second rep at the bottom of the pull-up by not releasing your hands from the top of the second rep.
Followed by. . .
Every 45 seconds, for 3 minutes (4 sets) of:
Rope Climb x 1 rep
Followed by. . .
For 60 seconds, perform on set of:
Towel Hang x max time
*Accumulate time as needed.
Bar Muscle-Up Progressions –
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (4 sets) of:
Swinging Knees-To-Bar x 1 rep
Followed by. . .
For 60 seconds, perform one set of:
Bar Muscle-Up x max reps
Immediately followed by. . .
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Air Chair Swing
x 2 reps
*This should feel similar to the swinging knees-to-bar but with a shorter kipping swing.
Interval 2 – Target Reach Swing + Toes-To-Bar x 3 reps
Followed by. . .
Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes (4 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Bar Muscle-Up x 1-3 reps
Interval 2 – Deep Bar Dips x 3 reps
Engine Accessory Option
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes, for max calories:
30 seconds of Assault Bike
When the running clock reaches 15:00, rest for 2 minutes, and then repeat – 32 minutes total session time. Your goal is to maintain the same pace you held last week for the 3×10 minute repeats.
A) 5 Sets @ 140lbs
B) Barbell @ 105lbs
80 DU, 1:03 – 60 DU, 1:23 – 60 DU, 1:26 – 80 DU, 1:36 – 60 DU, 1:43
Just focused on not taking longer than 1:20 on the doubles and getting straight to the bar after. Focusing on flicking wrists definitely helped but my forearms/grip was tested today.
C) S2OH @ 115lbs – 13, T2B – 26
For EMOM did 4 S2OH & 8 T2B
Completed 16 Rounds + 4 S2OH, 6 T2B
Warm Up Done
A. 3×67,5kg, 2x70kg
B. Done 55kg
12 STO/ 29 TTB
Emom 4 STO/9 TTB
8 Minutes +4STO 8 TTB
D. Done
Warm up + rolled my lats out. Picked this up earlier works well to prep my front rack.
A. Done @ 80kg
B. 80 double unders 6 power cleans @ 60kg
Times 0:55-1:00-1:05-1:05-1:10-1:15
Left shoulder struggled during double unders.
Fatigued more than normal on the double unders normally they are rest. Last few power cleans form was slipping.
C. Not possible at home, dont have a bar for t2b and left shoulder was fatigued.
D. Will try to get this in later tonight.
Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead and V-Ups??
24 dumbbell @ 22.5kg push press
27 v-ups.
13 rounds + 14 reps
Of 7 db push press + 8 v-ups.
1-1-2 bench press 10 reps @ 15kg
Warm Up Done. I much prefer half turkish get ups to full.
Built across the five sets and went 175/185/195/205/215. Solid day of lifting.
DU/PC = Death
1:21, 1:25, 1:45, skipped, 1:25, 1:40? – Yes, Tino, I took some video.
Quick Singles Power Cleans at 155lbs.
S2OH: 26
T2B: 32
Went 7 S2OH + 9 T2B for the EMOM
9 Rounds + 7 S2OH + 6 T2B.
S2OH were rock solid.
Bench/SA Press accessory work done.
Solid productive day! Nice work stud!
6 set deo complex
3 x 130kg
1 x 135kg
2 x 140kg
Trabajo @105kg
Set1: 1’10”
Set2: 1’08”
Set3: 1’05”
Set4: 1’03”
Set5: 1’02”
Set6: 1’03”
Max STOH: 25 rep / 13-12rep
Max T2B: 38 rep / 20-18rep
STOH: 7 rep
T2B: 11 rep
17 rondas 💪💪
Trabajo de fuerza
Your engine is crazy! Excited to see what you can do in the Open! Keep up the awesome work!
¡Tu motor está loco! ¡Emocionado por ver lo que puede hacer en el Open! ¡Sigan con el increíble trabajo!
A 130/130/135/135/135kg Focussed on not early pulling Went super good so happy with the effort! Also no early pulls in the p clean wod. B Went well for me. All round between 0:55-1:10 First 4 rounds singles to not early pull and make my movement more efficient. Last to rounds tng also without early pulls so was super stoke on that one. Arms stayed pretty fresh so du’s went well. C STOH 28 reps 15/13 Ttb 42 Emom 8stoh + 13 ttb 4 rounds + 7 reps Lol thought i would go longer but this one broke me. 21 reps… Read more »
Perfect amount of volume on the emom! Solid day of lifting and conditioning!
100-100-103-103-105 kg
80 kg
1’10” DU 4-8-10-80 PC 1-1-1-1-1-1
52” 80/4-2
55” 80/6
1’07” 3-30-39-80/6
59” 80/6
1’12” 12-28-45-80/4-2
15 STOH (8-7 Rep)
28 Ttbar (15-7-6 Rep )
14 min + 4 STOH and 4 Ttbar
In the afternoon Strength Accessory Option and rugby
Rugby! Love it! Be safe and have fun!
I worked out yesterday because I’m getting my wisdom teeth out today so I’ll be out of commission for a couple days. I was pretty beat up from the week but still happy with my effort. A.) 145/160/175/195/205. It took me a while to warm up so I just built for this. B.) fasted round was 1:14, slowest round was 1:22. 165# for the cleans. Tripped a bunch but was able to keep moving and the cleans were singles. C.) 22 reps STOH, 10/12 36 reps T2B, 24/6/6 7 STOH + 11 T2B for the 30% Made it a solid… Read more »
Hope the procedure goes smoothly and you’re back to training hard come Monday!
Emom STOH and TTB is over when it isnt unb anymore right? Or just when you can’t fit the 2 movement in one minute?
Just when you can’t fit the two movements in one minute I think
As many reps as you can in 60 seconds. It doesn’t have to be unbroken 🙂