Primary Training Session
Warm-Up Primer
Three rounds at 70-80% effort of:
10/7 Calorie Machine of Choice
100 Foot Suitcase Carry (each arm)
100 Foot Sandbag Bearhug Carry
30 Banded Hamstring Curls
20 Heel Elevated Narrow Stance Squats (bodyweight only)
10 Sumo Stance Empty Bar Good Mornings
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets) of:
Clean x 1 rep
*Sets 1-3 – 70-75%
*Sets 4-6 – 75-80%
*Sets 7-8 – 80-85%
*Sets 9-10 – 85-90%
For time
Handstand Walk Ramp Over or 25-foot Handstand Walk
20 GHD Situps
Handstand Walk Ramp Over and Back or 50 foot Handstand Walk
40 GHD Situps
Handstand Walk Ramp Over and Back or 50 foot Handstand Walk
60 GHD Situps
Handstand Walk Stairs Over or 25-foot Handstand Walk
Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes:
20 GHD Hip Extensions
Athlete Notes:
Today is a little midline madness. Handstand walking, let alone on the ramp, after a bunch of GHD’s is always challenging. Use today as a day to bulletproof your midline and work on some skills! We want to see quick transitions and people kicking up right after the GHD. When you’re on the GHD work on being fast, and if you take a break, make it a quick breath and then keep going. If you’re starting to really grind out reps then we’d advise cutting the volume back, or taking a longer rest (that’s when you’ll see your abs be REALLY sore the following day). Have some fun on a little skill work midline mashup!
Did on wednesday.
Wu done with row
A. Up to 117,5kg (90%) for set 10
B. With hs walk, 10.45 💪
C. Done
A. 165 – 215
B. Thursday hopefully. Short on time today
Primer ✅
A. 215 to 285
B. 8:30 Rx. Probably the best HSWs felt in a while
C. ✅
You’re turning unit a damn gymnast!
Primer done
A: got to an ok looking 185 and horrible 195
B: done but due to a class starting timing was not done (had to stop and move things)
C: it burns in a good way smokin ribs !!
Warm-up : done
A. 200/205/210/215/220/225/225/235/245/255 lbs
B. 14:19
I did a little stairs with plate and feeling better there
C. Done
Nice job on those handstand walks!
Thanks Coach !
Warmup/primer done
A. 97-111Kg; not a great day. Felt heavy and slow.
B. 7:23 Rx with 25/50/50/25 HSW
HSW – 25’ sections all UB; these felt great.
GHD – UB/UB/30.30
C. Done
Bummer that cleans didnt feel great but glad to hear handstands went well.
Yeah bummer. They just weren’t happening today. A bit of a long-weekend hangover I think.
Started doing classes again, and it maybe gives every now and then some opportunity to sneak in a training (obviously not officially since nothing has changed of course) 10km running (4:45/km) Then coached the first class, then joined the 2nd, since it was only one guy there) A) Class wod: For time 100 du 2000m bike erg 90m single db overhead lunges 50lbs 2000m bike erg 100 du Time: 13:30 B) 25 feet hsw 20 ab mat sit ups with 6kg medball 50 feet hsw 40 sit up 50 feet hsw 60 sit up 25 feet hsw 7:13 C) ~100… Read more »
Sounds like you are getting some good work in!
Warm up done
A. 95-117.5kg
B. Scaled the ghds to 20-35-50
C. Done
Extra tabata strict pull ups 36 reps
Feeling back to full health now?
Not quite, staying away from ring mu as the catch is uncomfortable on the shoulder but its getting better. Other then that all good 🤞
Hope to see those muscleups back soon!