February 22, 2023 – Masters Program

Mobility & Prehab
Over the Shoulder Barbell Stretch x 45-90 seconds per side

Followed by …

CrossOver Symmetry Rows x 10 reps (medium to heavy band)
CrossOver Symmetry Reverse Flys x 10 reps (light band)
CrossOver Symmetry Pull Downs x 10 reps (medium to heavy band)
CrossOver Symmetry Victory x 10 reps (light band)
CrossOver Symmetry 90/90 Drill x 10 reps (medium to heavy band)

2 Minutes BikeErg / Row / SkiErg
15 Supinated Grip Banded Pull-Aparts
2 Minutes BikeErg / Row / SkiErg
30 Second Nose to Wall HS Hold
2 Minutes BikeErg / Row / SkiErg
100′ Waiters Carry

Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
Push Press + Power or Split Jerk

Beginning at 60% of your 1-RM Push-Press and build from there

Six sets for completion of:
2 Minute Machine of Choice @ 6/10 Effort
Immediately followed by…
90 Second AMRAP of:
10 Line Facing Burpees
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings
Rest 30 seconds between sets

35-54: 32/24 kg
55+: 24/16 kg
*Total workout takes 24 minutes to complete. If you choose to row and bike, alternate sets.

Three sets of:
20 See Saw (Alternating Arm) Dumbbell Incline Bench Press (10 reps per arm)
Followed by…
5-10 Tempo Stationary Dips @ 2111
Rest as needed between sets

*Video demonstrates the bench set-up if you do not have a self-inclining bench. Please follow directions for pressing variation.

Athlete Notes:
This workout is going to be a full cardio piece meant to get you sweaty and ready for Friday. We’re starting on a machine for 2 minutes at a pace that is aggressive, but not a sprint by any means. Think of it like something around what you’d hold for 4-5 minutes. Immediately following that 2 minute interval you’re going into a 90 second AMRAP of 10 line facing burpees and 15 russian kettlebell swings. For this part we just want you to move the entire time. It’s not a race here but the goal is to go straight from a cardio implement into being able to sustain a pace for that 90 second piece. You’ll then get a 30 second rest before it’s time to start the next set back on your cardio implement.

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Rowing Option
Three sets of:
500 Meter Row @ 2k Pace + :05/500m
500 Meter Row @ 2k Pace
200 Meter Row @ 2k Pace + :10/500m
300 Meter Row @ Sprint Pace
Rest 3 minutes between sets

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