Session One
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Sumo Deadlift x 3 reps @ 75%
*Lower the bar under control and begin with the bar at as dead stop on the ground.
Three rounds for time of:
50 Double-Unders
40 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 5 minutes, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
100 Double-Unders
50 Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
(just above shoulder level is the standard for these)
Session Two
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5-6 reps
Rest as needed
Option 1
Strongman Session
Two sets of:
Harnessed Sled Pull x 100 Feet
(as heavy as possible – no more than one stop per length)
Rest 3-4 minutes
followed by…
Sled Push Sprint x 50 Feet Out & 50 Feet Back
Rest 3-4 minutes
followed by…
Two sets of:
Overhead Yoke Carry x 100 feet
(as heavy as possible – no more than one stop per length)
Rest 3-4 minutes
Option 2
Two sets of:
Run 200 Meters @ 65-70%
Back Pedal 200 Meters @ 65-70%
3-6 Minutes of Dynamic Range of Motion of Your Choice
followed by…
Three sets of:
Run 400 Meters @ 95% of 1-Mile pace
Rest 2 minutes
Rest 3-4 minutes, and then…
Three sets of:
Run 400 Meters @ 90% of 1-Mile pace
Rest 90 seconds
Option 3
Row 1000 Meters @ ascending intensity
(use this as a warm-up, but get progressively faster until the last 200 meters, and at that point sit at a typical 2k pace)
Rest 5 minutes, and then…
For time:
Row 5000 Meters
Rest 5 minutes, and then…
Row 1000 Meters @ 40-50% effort to flush your leg
c]12ish. my back got pretty lit up.
d]strong man
Session 1: Row Option 5000m Row at 19:02
A. DL @390 tough (based of 525 conventional, oops)
B. 12:54
C. Will do later…although maybe I’ll make it longer since this is the suffering after part b. (got cut short, can’t be late for a V-day date)
Saturday session one
A. did singles instead of triples. form was fine but pull was slow and my shoulder hurt when I pulled
B. 17:16 my hands are really dried out and raw so subbed ttb for c2b. wall balls and ttb were slow wb were mostly in sets of 5-10 ttb 3-6
C. 10:48 du ub and kb 30-10-10/15-15-10-10/15-15-20
Session 1
A. 345
B. 16:25. C2b were rough. Need to decrease the no reps in wall balls.
C. 11:31
Session 2
Option 3..waited 30 min after session 1
5000m row at 19:44
Is it 75% of sumo max or standard DL max?
Base it off of your best sumo DL if you know what it is
Grandmother passed away so I’ve been in Boise the last couple days spending time with family and attending funeral services. Wasn’t able to get in work on Friday but got some good running and Dumbell conditioning work in today at a home gym. Be back at it on Monday.
Sorry for your loss buddy. Thoughts are with you a your family.
Hey thanks tino. Means a lot man!
My condolences Nathaniel.
Thanks Ruben! Appreciate the love brotha.
Nathaniel like all the others have said, sorry for your loss and I send my condolences as well. I will say a prayer for you and your family. Look forward to seeing you get back to it.
Thanks for the love max
Sorry for your loss Nathaniel
Appreciate it Hunter:)
Friday session one
Warmup done
A. 225 form started breaking down so didn’t go higher
B. 23:28 shoulder and hands slowed this down a lot. Couldn’t do more than 4 mu unbroken. This week has killed me
C. Will do once I get off the floor
Did you get off the floor?:)
Wanted to say the programming has truly been a pleasure thus far. No sarcasm in there. I woke up at 5am today and saw that it was a relatively light day and had a sigh of relief because this week has been a bit tough but I’m loving it. Session 1: A: Sumo Deadlift: 375×3 EMOM X 6 min B: 12:10 hate doing 30# with the slam ball. Much more distance to travel and it’s much more concentrated! Damn you CJ! Haha. C: just over 7 minutes. Session 2: A: Rear Delt warm up done with a few extra curls… Read more »
Thanks for your kind words! You’ll be in town in September?
Yes I registered for the athlete camp. Super stoked.
Session 1:
B) 13:09
Wb: 20/12/8 – 11/9/8/6/6 – 9/11/9/6/5
C2b: 12/8/6/6 – 10/9/7/4 – 10/8/5/7
C) 8:06
All dubs two – three sets
Kb swings rd 1: 25/25 – rd 2: 20/18/12 – rd 3: 15/15/10/10
* grip and shoulders were fried.
Needed this today, fun to workout with a big group of friends. Yesterday was one of the hardest days in a while for me. Feel accomplished making it through the week. Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.
Great to see you enjoyed this today and got to workout with a group of friends!
Session 1
A. Sumo Deadlift – 375 these felt pretty easy. Getting better every week.
B. Subbed Karen 6:31. I tried warming up with and without gymnastic grips and my hands were just too tender to do efficient C2B’s
C. 8:26
Session 2
Just did OH Yoke Carry with 305
5k row
19:42 1 min PR here with room for more. I know this isn’t a great time but happy with the progress. Last 5k was at the end of December in a time of 20:42
Great work going sub 20!
Sumo Deadlift – 385 lbs.
Dubs. Wall Balls. Chest-to-Bars
Dubs. KB Swings.
Keep up the good work brother. I like looking at your numbers. Are you on social media? Find me on Instagram @jonny42911 or Facebook
Thank you. You crushed it today ! Just followed you on IG
I usually am trying to come close to you. Let’s give this years open everything we got!
Didn’t know you were on the west coast. Definitely going to come and visit your box in September when I come out for the athlete camp at invictus.
That would be awesome. I’m in NorCal it’s about 8 hours driving from where Invictus is in San Diego.
Smashed it Andrew. Well done!
A. Sumo DL 365#
B. 17:37
C. 11:10
Dubs and c2b were a mess. With each completed workout I feel worse and worse about the open..
Session 2
Option 2
400s were all between 1:35 and 1:40
Try not to beat yourself up. Training is training, it’s meant to push you. Take away a positive from each workout, no matter how small. Trust the process. You’ve got this! ??
Are you feeling beat up? Usually a good gauge to see if you’re over training (or under recovering, whatever way you want to look at it) is double unders. You may need to take some time off if that mind muscle connection isn’t there. If your skills are off its normally a sign.
A. 315
B. 13:20 – 11:09
WBS 10s
C2B ub
DU awful on this Metcon
KBS ub
Don’t know if I’ll get it in today
UB C2B’s, atta friggin’ boy.
Thanks Kyle, you killed it today!
Thanks Ruben!
I don’t know what it was with that second metcon of DU, but it was rough!
Session 1: A. Sumo DL – done @ 225# B. Added in Zercher Squats this morning 6×6 @ 155# fat bar C. 15:29 – not my best…I’ve got to get over the mental hump of heavy wallballs. I did big sets the first round, but broke down to sets of 10 on rds 2 and 3 with TOO much staring at the ball telling myself to pick it up. Pull ups are feeling good…smallest set was 10. D. 10:45 – it’s like I forgot how to do DU on I just had to laugh at myself! Session 2: done… Read more »
Aw so sweet though to kiss his boo boo ?
Haha… You gotta do what you gotta do 🙂 I got back on the rower and was like “well there goes my time” ?
Friday session two
Warmup done
A. 13-14 inches approx…just bumper plates so i had to make big jumps
B. 265 I don’t finish my pull when weight gets heavy so hang power cleans limiting factor.
C. 14:13 shoulders and arms felt absolutely fried going into this.
D. 20 rep at 250 (10 lbs up from Wednesday) also did singles at 315/335/365 which is the heaviest Ive gotten since September.
A. 13:52
If you follow the guidelines the session should take around 60 minutes.
6x400m sprints done with 2 minutes rest between each one. Done at 95-100% effort. Felt great so went with a fast pace!
Deadlift done using 205
50 du all rounds unbroken
40 wallball 20#
30c2b (large sets)
Time-13:00 RX
Rest 5
Starting at 18:00
100 du (100ub/50-50/50-50)
50 rkbs (all unbroken)
Time-9:50 RX
Total run time with rest -27:50
Off to do sprints
Forgot to post yesterday’s PM Session;
PM Friday
A. Deficit HSPU- 12+ inches; basically went as low as ROM would allow- this was fun!
B. Hang Power, FS, Jerk- up to 285, just missed the HPC at 305
C. Rx- can’t remember what my time was, think around 10min 🙁
D. Worked up to #365 x 10!!!!! Must be a PR!!!
Todays AM sesh
A. Done at 275 (55%)
B. 13:29 Rx 🙂
C. 9:39 – holy forearm burn batman!
Yeah! Great work hitting 365 for 10!!
did the back squat from yesterday 10rm at 150kg pr for 10rm
A) sumo deadlifts done at %
B) Wod 1 rx: 13:53
C) Wod 2: 11:07(forearms blew up)