Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy-ish Snatch and then …
For time:
5 Unbroken Power Snatches
20 Double-Unders
7 Unbroken Power Snatches
20 Double-Unders
9 Unbroken Power Snatches
20 Double-Unders
Athletes must change their own weights. You may rest the barbell overhead, but if it stays on the floor any longer than one second, you must start the set over. If the loading is too heavy for you to perform safely, scale the loads to weights that make sense for you.
40-49: 155/105 lbs; 135/95 lbs; 115/75 lbs
50-54: 135/95 lbs; 115/75 lbs; 95/65 lbs
55+: 115/75 lbs; 95/65 lbs; 75/55 lbs
For time:
40 Dumbbell Push Press
40 Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry Alternating Reverse Lunges
40 Pull-Ups
40 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
40 Toes to Bar
40 Alternating Single-Arm DB Snatches
40 Burpees to Target 6″ Above Reach
40-54: 50/35 lbs
35/25 lbs; step-ups allowed
A. 165, 3:19RX
B. Skip ran out of time
Posting a day late. The affilIate that started CF at last day open yesterday, so worked out there – long partner WOD.
Did snatches today (Sunday). Worked up to 130lb. Seem to have a mental block above the weight. Can power snatch heavier, but end of psyching myself out.
A: 2:43sec. 115, 95, 75. Could have pushed it more on the transitions and gone faster.
A. 165# then 5:00 3 More snatches at 135 than I wanted, ended up catching it in the hip with a deep bend over in order to reset the grip. Dubs not smooth today.
B.19:44 (Box Jumps were the slowest round, with step downs. had to go to single on T2B (5/5/5/4/singles))
A. 185 snatch, 2:45
B. 17:16 , ouch!
fridays wod: Missed bc of the snow day before A1) Take ten mins to build up to 75% back Squat: 135×5,150×3,205×2,215x2sx2 2) EMOM/B/s: 230x2s,260x3s (skipped the metcon so I could do sturdays programming) SAturday scheduled WOD A1) take 15 mins to build heavy snatch -skipped shoulders cranky 2) 3:20 used 92lbs -power snatch I have a mental thing w/95 I tried and failed many times so I stayed with that weight tried to squat snatch it and it did something to my left shoulder did the rest of the weights prescribed. 🙂 B) 19:55 ( we do not have 35… Read more »
did the snatches with 135,115,95 3:50 really breathing too hard.
b. had to use 45# we don’t have 50#yet 24:52
A. 2:52 first DUs since I blew my knee doing them 7 months ago- 4 misses including the one where u yank the rope out of your hand- aggravating but I will work it out.
B. 16:36 subbed a couple things to preserve sore spots for the open
Subbed with this work:
A. 4 sets of:
Banded glute bridges x 30 reps (fast)
Rest 30 sec
Side plank x 45 sec per side
Rest 30 sec
Down Ups x 15 reps
Rest 60 sec
B. Five sets of
Double unders x 50 reps
Renegade rows x 10 reps (35# DBs)
Rest 60 seconds
1:08-1:16 each set…no misses on DUs
C. 21 mins of assault bike (0:30 on/0:30 rest)
Maintained 63-68 RPM, 175 total calories
A. 3:51 115/95/75 tripped up twice on my first 20DU and at 19 on my last set.
B. 23:40
The last 3 weeks have been rough, like most everyone it seems, dealing with the flu and injuries. My shoulder has been particularly bothersome and have been working to try and alleviate the pain; its getting better but still hurts at times. B. 32:13 DB Push Press did not feel good and had little energy. Was up from 2am to 6am every hour on the hour with my sick girl, should of stayed in bed when the alarm went off at 7, so tired. Funny, just noticed the link to the Invictus Athlete Gift Cards, the pic for it is… Read more »
A day behind.
A. BS up to #195
B. Row 500/15 PU/15 GHD 10:31
A. 5 – 7 – 9 WOD – used 95 – 75 – 75 (3:53) Didn’t feel that smooth on these today.
B. 40 R’s WOD – 20:40
Push Press – 15 – 15 – 10
Reverse Lunges – 15 – 15 -10
Pull-ups – 10’s (4 sets)
Step-ups – 40
T2B – 10 – 10 – 7 – 6 – 6 – 1
DB Snatches – UB
Burpees – UB
Happy that I could keep the sets fairly large on the Pull-ups and T2B. This was a grinder!
Invictis Gymnastic level 3 HS Walk work as the warm up A1: Worked up to 170lbs and then the pain in my left bicep and Delt came back with a vengeance. A2: Tried 155 and same arm buckled so decided to stop for the day Frustrating because I can HS walk all day with no pain. Anything with snatches or the catch in the MU kills my left arm. Seeing a spine and rehab specialist Monday though so hoping for good things. B: 15:37- Ouch! Don’t know which was worse. The demand on the grip or the nausea from looking… Read more »
A) 135
B) 2:48
C) 16:23
150 snatch
2:38 snatch wod
Bsq from yesterday 235
Class wod
Will do today’s tomorrow ?
2 mile beach ruck
A1. 175 (185 1RM)
A2. 3:12 (Awesome)
B. 21:26 (I’ll NEVER skip breakfast again!) (had an 8oz protein shake & a banana)
DB push press @ 50#s, then dropped to 40#s for the rest
This crushed me–NO energy after push press. Push press, Pull ups & T2B done in 5’s, BJ, snatches & burpees UB. Rev lunge 15’s
A. 2:35 @135/115/95
B. 18:37
C. 4×10 wb 30# Have a great weekend!
A. 210lbs
A1. 3:13 as prescribed for 40yo
B. 21:50 50lbs dbs slow on t2b
Worked up to 185 felt good.
A. 3:20 Rx
B 16:23 kinda slacked off . Didn’t push next time I should be able to knock a minute and half at least off
А.1 70kg
A.2 2.34 70-60-50 kg
B. 18.34 DB 55 lbs
So fast on A Ivan!
Thanks, Nichole!