February 1-7, 2021 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

Monday (Session One)
Suggested Warm-Up
3 Minutes of Cardio (Run, Bike, Row, etc)
3 Rounds: 20 Meter Single Arm DB Overhead Lunge + 10 DB presses each arm + 10 DB goblet squats

With empty bar:
5 Deadlift, 5 Press, 5 Back Squat
5 Muscle Cleans, 5 Press in Split
4 Power Cleans, 4 Split Jerks
4 Cleans, 4 Split Jerks

*Every new line means take a short break before moving to the next movements

Every 90 seconds, for 4:30 (3 sets):
Press in Clean (Sots Press) x 5 reps

Build over the course of the 3 sets. If flexibility in this exercise is tough, scale to a higher receiving position & do not add weight.

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
3- Position Clean x 1 rep

The 3 positions we are looking for are: Hip Clean, Mid Hang Clean, & Clean from the floor. Use this as a warm-up/preparation exercise. The focus is on getting warm & prepared, not getting to a heavy weight.

Every 2:30, for 20 minutes (8 sets):
Clean & Jerk

*Set 1 = 1 rep @ 75%
*Set 2 = 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 3 = 1 rep @ 86%
*Set 4 = 1 rep @ 92%
*Set 5 = 1 rep @ 97%
*Sets 6-8 = 1 rep @ 101%+

The goal today is to find a 1-RM Clean & Jerk.

In 20 minutes, establish a 7 Rep Max Back Squat

Rest 3 minutes upon completion of the set, then, begin:.

Every 4 minutes, for 8 minutes (2 sets):
Back Squat x 7 reps @ 88-92% of 7-RM weight

In 16 minutes, establish a 7-RM Close Grip Bench Press

Rest 3 minutes, then

Two sets of:
Close Grip Bench Press x 7 reps @ 90-93% of 7-RM weight
Rest as needed between sets

Three sets of:
Bent Over Row with a 2 second pause at top x 6 reps
Dips with a 2 second pause at bottom x 6 reps
Push-Ups with a 3 second pause at bottom x 30 seconds
Rest 60 seconds

Tuesday (Session Two)
Suggested Warm-Up
3 Minutes of Cardio (Run, Bike, Row, etc)
3 Rounds: 10 Air Squats + 5 Inchworm Pushups + 10 Lunges

With empty bar:
8 Back Squat, 8 Deadlift, 8 Press
4 Muscle Snatch, 4 Overhead Squat
4 Power Snatch, 4 Power Cleans
3 Power Snatch, 3 Power Cleans

*Every new line means take a short break before moving to the next movements

Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes (9 sets):
Power Snatch x 1 rep

*Sets 1-3 = @ 70%
*Sets 4-6 = @ 75%
*Sets 7-9 = @ 80%

Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Power Clean x 2 reps

*Sets 1-3 = @ 70%
*Sets 4-5 = @ 75%
*Sets 6-8 = @ 80%

In 20 minutes, build to a 7-RM Deadlift

Rest 3 minutes, then:

Two sets of:
Deadlift x 7 reps @ 80-85% of 7-RM Deadlift weight
Rest 2:30 between sets

Three sets of:
Glute Ham Raise x 6-8 reps
DB Shoulder Lateral Raise x 15 reps
Rest 60 seconds

Three sets of:
Farmers Carry x 120 feet
Rest as needed between sets

Choose a pair of DB’s, KB’s, or Farmers Walk handles that are challenging for you. If you can’t load up a weight that is challenging for you, just walk very slow.

Wednesday (Session Three)

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Suggested Warm-UP
3 Minutes Cardio (Run, Bike, Row, etc)
3 Rounds: 5 Pullups + 5 Pushups + 5 Air Squats + 5 Lunges
1 Round: Hold bottom of Air Squat for 1 minute

With empty bar:
5 Deadlift, 5 Muscle Cleans, 5 Press In Split
3 Muscle Snatch, 3 Press In Split
3 Power Snatch, 3 Split Jerks
3 Snatch, 3 Split Jerks

*Every new line means take a short break before moving to the next movements

Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets)
Snatch Press from Receiving x 5 reps

Followed by….

Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Hip Muscle Snatch x 2 reps

*The goal here is just to use it as a positional warmup, not intended for heavy weight.

Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep @ 80-83%

The goal here is consistency. Try to make every rep as smoothly as possible!

In 20 minutes, build to a 1-RM Split Jerk

Every 4 minutes, for 16 minutes (4 sets):
Back Squat x 7 reps @ 90-95% of your 7-RM Back Squat weight

*Start at 90% for your first set and go up if you’re confident you can make all sets at 95%.

*If you don’t know your 7-RM Back Squat, establish that today instead of doing these sets.

Three sets of:
Sled Push x 150 feet
Rest 2 minutes

Choose a “moderate” weight so you can move it fast but that you’re not sprinting with.

Thursday (Rest Day)

Friday (Session Four)
Suggested Warm-Up
3 Minutes of Cardio (Run, Bike, Row, etc)
3 Rounds: 8 Jumping Air Squats + 8 Pushups + 8 Reverse Lunges

With empty bar:
5 Front Squat, 5 Deadlift, 5 Overhead Squat
3 Muscle Cleans, 3 Front Squat
3 Muscle Snatch, 3 Overhead Squat
3 Power Snatch, 3 Power Cleans
3 Snatch, 3 Cleans

*Every new line means take a short break before moving to the next movements

Every 90 seconds, for 4:30 (3 sets):
Tall Snatch x 3 reps

Followed by…

Every 90 seconds, for 4:30 (3 sets):
Tall Clean x 2 reps

Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):

*Set 1 = 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 = 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 = 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 4 = 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 5 = 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 6 = 1 rep @ 95%
*Set 7 = 1 rep @ 98%+
*Sets 8-10 = 1 rep @ 101%+

The goal today is to find a 1-RM Snatch. Limit yourself to 3 misses.

Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
(Clean + Clean + Jerk) x 1 rep @ 80-83% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk

The goal here is consistency. Try to make every rep as smoothly as possible!

Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Barbell Step-Ups to Parallel Box x 5 reps each leg

Aim for 2 heavy working sets.

Three sets of:
Hip Extension x 10 reps
Russian Twists x 30 seconds
Rest 60 seconds

Place a barbell on your back for the hip extension if possible.

Friday (Session Five)
Suggested Warm-Up
1. Take 5 minutes to work on your biggest mobility weakness
2. Take 5 minutes to work on your biggest technique weakness (with the empty bar)

Every 90 seconds, for 7:30 (5 sets):
Clean Grip Overhead Squat x 5 reps

Build over the course of the 5 sets. If flexibility is an issue, stay with the empty bar & work to achieve a lower position as you go.

Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Muscle Snatch x 2 reps @ 80-90% of your 2-RM Muscle Snatch

In 22 minutes, build to a 3-RM Dead Stop Front Squat

*You should be setting up with your hips around parallel (not from the absolute bottom of your squat).

Rest 3 minutes, then:

Every 3:30, for 7 minutes (2 sets):
Dead Stop Front Squat x 3 reps @ 85-90% of your 3-RM in this exercise

Three sets of:
Chin-Ups with 2 second pause at top x 6 reps
Barbell Bicep Curls x 15 reps
Rest 90 seconds

Three sets of:
Romanian Deadlift x 5 reps
Strict Press with a 1 second pause right at forehead level x 8 reps
Rest as needed

(Goal weight for RDL should be 90%+ of 1-RM Clean)

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