December 8, 2015 – Masters Off-Season

Three sets of:
Muscle-Ups x 1-5 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds

Three sets of:
Handstand Walk x 15 meters (use assistance

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if needed)
Rest 60-90 seconds

Three sets of:
L-Sit Leg Raises x 5 reps + 10 second hold
Rest 60-90 seconds

Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Front Squat
*Sets 1-3 = 3 reps @ 70-75%
*Sets 4-5 = 2 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 6 = 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 7 = 1 rep @ 95%
*Set 8 = 1 rep @ 95+%

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Hang Clean + Clean @ 65-75%

and then . . .

Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes, complete:
Sets 1-3 – Clean x 2 reps @ 75-80%
Sets 4-6 – Clean x 1 rep @ 85-90%
Sets 7-9 – Clean x 1 rep @ 90+%

One set of:
Banded March

x 3 minutes
Three sets of:
Barbell Good Mornings x 5 reps
rest as needed
Wide Stance Squat @ 2211 x 60 seconds
rest as needed

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Chris Stamper
Chris Stamper
December 15, 2015 4:02 am

A. Complete 3×5 on MU
B. 225, 235, 245 trips
255×2, 275×2
315, 335, 350PR, 360PR
C. 185, 205, 225 complex
235×2, 245×2, 255×2
265, 275, 280, 285, 290PR(f), 290PR
D. Complete

Vince Salemi (41, 5'7" 168# )
Vince Salemi (41, 5'7" 168# )
December 9, 2015 6:56 pm

A. Complete. Didn’t have access to rings so I did strict weighted pull-ups with a 45# plate x 5 reps
B. 245#, 280#, 295#, 315#, 325#
C. 210# then 210#, 215#, 220#, 230#, 240#, 250#, 265#, 275# (Fx2)
D. Complete

Litsa Olsson
Litsa Olsson
December 9, 2015 5:23 pm

B. 175/175/185/195/205/215/225/235
C. 115/120/125 then 125/130/130/135/135/140/145/150F/150

sean queller
sean queller
December 9, 2015 5:19 pm

A. worked on muscle ups for a bit….getting better at stringing 2 together at a time on short rest.
D. completed with 135# on good mornings
able to do wide stance squats without weight with no pain on quad….neck feeling better

Barry Emerson
Barry Emerson
December 9, 2015 4:57 pm

A. MUs, HS holds and walking, T2B since I missed them yesterday
B. 140/145/150/160/170/180/190/202PR!
C. 115/120/130/135/140/140/145/150/155/160/165/170F/170
D. Done
Didn’t feel that good going into workout, but spent a little more time on part A plus included another couple gymnastics skills before starting part B. Felt happy with my lifting today!

December 9, 2015 3:54 am

A. MU, HS holds, L-sit raises done. Was shocking to get MU before 6am 😉
B. 130, 130, 130, 150, 160, 165, 170, 175(f) First time squatting with no knee pain since August! PT is helping.
C. 105, 110, 115 then 120, 120, 120, 125, 130, 135, 135, 140, 140 – working back up on my squat cleans.
D. Done

Nichole D
Nichole D
December 9, 2015 5:03 am
Reply to  Elissa

Great to hear Elissa, happy you had a good training session!

December 10, 2015 3:53 am
Reply to  Nichole D

Thank you! It’s so awesome to be pain free. 🙂

Dutch Orange
Dutch Orange
December 8, 2015 9:44 pm

A: Done HS walks less than 15m (first time in 4 weeks doing unassisted HS walks again, i’ll get it back)
B: From to 195# to 265# (95%) – missed 285#
C: 135# & 145# then 155# to 195#
D: Done

Nichole D
Nichole D
December 9, 2015 5:03 am
Reply to  Dutch Orange

Awesome on your hs walks!

Kincaid Krizek (44 5'9" 195)
Kincaid Krizek (44 5'9" 195)
December 8, 2015 9:31 pm

A. Done
B. 205, 220, 235, 250, 270 missed 🙁
C. 135, 155, 175, 185 stopped half way through. Felt uncomfortable and didn’t want to risk reinjuring my wirst.
D. Done. Missed the ole e-sled today. 😉

Cheryl Brost Hawaii 40-44
Cheryl Brost Hawaii 40-44
December 8, 2015 9:55 pm

You didnʻt just say you missed the ole e-sled, did you? 🙂

Kincaid Krizek (44 5'9" 195)
Kincaid Krizek (44 5'9" 195)
December 9, 2015 12:38 am

Er…. um…. maybe?… 😮

Mike C, (45, 5'10" 160)
Mike C, (45, 5'10" 160)
December 8, 2015 8:23 pm

A – Done with 5 MUs. Assisted walks. Finally got video of my MUs. They have been feeling effortless so I thought I might actually see a good kip finally. Alas, no, but it is getting better. Amazing how it feels so different than it looks. Assisted walks still crappy. Need to spend a lot more time upside down. B – 215, 235, 255 (90%). Stopped there as groin tendon started getting grumpy (tendinosis). Gotta be patient with it and not overload it. C – 175 then 185, 195, 205, 215, 227 (1# PR). I’ve got more in the tank… Read more »

Nichole D
Nichole D
December 9, 2015 5:04 am

Great job today Mike! Just take care of that groin – glad you stopped early so as not to aggravate it more!

Beau Arnold-M/46/SW
Beau Arnold-M/46/SW
December 8, 2015 8:18 pm

A: complete, was able to finally get 2 every round, slow progression:(
Completed all three rounds of HS walks
Completed the l-sits
B: complete, started at 240, finished at 310
C: complete @ 215
Complete started at 225, finished at 275

Leya Moore
Leya Moore
December 8, 2015 7:57 pm

A. Done with 3-2-1 MU, assisted walks
B. 155, 175, 185, 195, 205lbs
C. 85-105-115, 125-130-135, 140-145-150, 155-160-160lbs
D. Done

Cheryl Brost Hawaii 40-44
Cheryl Brost Hawaii 40-44
December 8, 2015 7:15 pm

A. Done.
B. 165; 175-185; 200-210# (failed 215# today…both knees hurting today ?)
C. 130-135-140; 150-155-160; 170-175-180-185-190# (failed 195#)
D. Done

Nichole D
Nichole D
December 8, 2015 7:56 pm

Take care of your knees!

Art Erickson (48/6'/195/SWest)
Art Erickson (48/6'/195/SWest)
December 8, 2015 6:26 pm

Nicole, Enjoyed the work out. Fun day for me. Things felt good including a FS PR. 1 year ago I was striving to come back from a serious low back injury. I added the swim program to the masters programming and have steadily improved. Back to moving weight numbers I was used to, but with improved mobility and tech. Trust me when I say Thank you is an understatement. A. MU 4-5-4, HSW 15 meters done with only coming down once. Felt good L-sit done. B. 245/265/285/305/325 and 345 (10# PR) on set 8. C. 205 then 225/245/265 and 275… Read more »

Nichole D
Nichole D
December 8, 2015 6:27 pm

This is so great to hear! I had 2 back surgeries last year so I understand how HUGE it is to feel like your old self! I am so excited for you!!

December 8, 2015 6:20 pm

A) Will attempt tomorrow at gym
B) Up to 143…missed attempt at 153
C) 83-88-93 Then 98-98-103-108-108-113-113-118(f)-118(f)
D) GM’s 33-53-63; Wide Stance Squat w/BW (no idea how this is to be done)
Then TGU’s and Single Leg D.L. with KB; 50 KBswings

Jay Werstler
Jay Werstler
December 8, 2015 6:13 pm

A.5,5,3 MU, HS Walks went well, l-sit done
B.up to 265, just missed 285
C. Up to 235, couldn’t hit 255(current pr)
D. Banded March done, did 115 on good mornings and wide stance squat

I have started back doing muscle ups with false grip in these workouts, I know it’s not as efficient and my hands usually bleed but I can at least get the reps. I am going to dedicate 3 days per week to doing swings and drills from your archive

Cheryl Blank
Cheryl Blank
December 8, 2015 6:02 pm

Did MU skill practice-Practiced Hand Stands
sometimes I feel like I am no where near the level for this- I have a huge goal that I will accomplish and this is why I am here. PR’d my Front Squat!
B. 1-3 115-125-125
4-5 130-140
8-170 PR!!!
C. 95-105-110
Early Arm bend-not really good form on my cleans
1-3 115-125
4-6 130-135-135
7-9 Missed 140-Got 140-135
Skipped D

December 8, 2015 6:21 pm
Reply to  Cheryl Blank

Nice job on the Front Squat PR!!! We all have lots to practice…keep on keeping on ; )

Nichole D
Nichole D
December 8, 2015 6:23 pm
Reply to  Cheryl Blank

Solid work on the FS PR Cheryl!!!!!

Tracy OConnell (40-44) NE
Tracy OConnell (40-44) NE
December 8, 2015 6:28 pm
Reply to  Cheryl Blank

Way to go on the Front Squat!

Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
December 8, 2015 6:32 pm
Reply to  Cheryl Blank

Nice job on the PR! It took me 3 years to get good at double unders and 3.5 years to get a muscle up. You are in the right place 🙂

Cheryl Blank
Cheryl Blank
December 8, 2015 6:35 pm

Thank you 🙂

Pete Mongeau
Pete Mongeau
December 9, 2015 6:00 am
Reply to  Cheryl Blank

Stick with it, magic can’t happen without effort

Nicky Crais
Nicky Crais
December 8, 2015 6:01 pm

Had a case of the “Mexico Flu” yesterday.

A. MU – 3/3/3. First time HS walking since surgery in January – wow, shldr burn! L-sits done.
B. Front Squat: 105# (1-3), 115# (45), 120#, 125#, 130# – (Up 30# since last front squat)
C. Hang Clean/Clean – 80#
Cleans – 95# (1-3), 100#, 105#, 110# (4-7), 115# (8-9) – getting more confident getting under it, but still very “tall” in the catch.
D. – skipped and did yesterday’s cardio…
TTB – 17, 18, 18, 15 – rowing was difficult after not eating for a whole day…

Nichole D
Nichole D
December 8, 2015 6:24 pm
Reply to  Nicky Crais

Sounds like a great day of training!

Tracy OConnell (40-44) NE
Tracy OConnell (40-44) NE
December 8, 2015 5:58 pm

A. 2/2/1 Handstand walks, and L sits lifts to holds done
B. 125/130/140/150/160/170 PRby 5#
C. 100/110/115 115/120/120 120/130/135 135/135/135f
D. Done… ouch those banded marches were killer. I know my legs are going to be feeling this workout. Goodness me I was so hungry by the end of the workout I came home and devoured two of my daughter’s homemade snowmen cookies! They were so good and I guess I earned it. Maybe… 🙂

Nichole D
Nichole D
December 8, 2015 6:24 pm

Congrats on the PR!

Nichole D
Nichole D
December 8, 2015 6:24 pm

And heack yeah you earned it!

Albert Police 45-49
Albert Police 45-49
December 8, 2015 5:57 pm

A.3×5 muscle ups
3x15m hand stand walk
L sits
B. skipped
C. did a few cleans at 165-185 on the complex – skipped heavy cleans
D. done- but did the march last

Eric Gough 51, 5'8", 182
Eric Gough 51, 5'8", 182
December 8, 2015 5:26 pm

I’m a day behind as I had a 6 am to 8 pm day of work… So, Monday’s work: A. 105-105-115 then, 3 sets @125 3 sets @140 3 sets @150 I felt great through 1st rep at 150 then I fell flat. Failed the next 2 reps but made myself get one before I quit. Started losing the bar forward–going back to too much bang, not enough brush. Dropped a couple of Fudge Bombs along the way. B. 215 C. 12 each round. My T2B aren’t real smooth right now However, on a positive note, pushed up a nice… Read more »

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