Primary Strength Session
*Set 1 – 8 reps @ 55%
*Set 2 – 6 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 6 – 1 rep @ 95%
*Set 7 – 1 rep @ 101%
*Set 8 – 1 rep @ 101-105%
Rest as needed
Assault Bike Time Trial
5 Minutes for Max Calories
Rest 5 minutes
4 Minutes for Max Calories
Rest 4 minutes
3 Minutes for Max Calories
Rest 3 minutes
2 Minutes for Max Calories
Rest 2 minutes
1 Minute for Max Calories
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
50 Calories of Rowing
40 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
20 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lbs)
100 Double-Unders
20 Shoulder to Overhead
30 Power Cleans
40 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
50 Calories of Rowing
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strongman Training Option
Day One
Openers – The Openers are designed to increase mobility (range of motion while maintaining torque), but also to test and see if a certain body part is ready for loading. If not, you might need to do an extra set or two.
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
followed by…
Two sets of:
Landmine Rows x 6 reps each arm
(aim to ensure engagement of the oblique and lat insertion)
Rest as needed
Barbell Z-Press – Build to a 5-RM
Rest as needed
Strongman Conditioning Session
Goal is to go a bit heavier than last week. Focus on engaging lats properly and maintaining good engagement through both concentric and eccentric phases.
Build to today’s 3-RM Single-Arm Barbell Sotts Press
Followed by…
Build to today’s 3-RM Single-Arm Barbell Press
Followed by…
Build to today’s 3-RM Single-Arm Barbell Overhead Squat
One set for max reps:
Sandbag Front Squats
(same weight as last week, but make sure you beat the number of reps)
Two sets of:
100-Foot Rope Pulls
(goal is intensity, so if you’re not cramping in your lats/biceps/pecs after the second set, you may have gone too slow, or too light)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Two sets of:
50-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
Rest 2-3 minutes
One set of:
200 Meter Sandbag Carry
(every single week, because it’s the best thing for your soul – and your posterior chain)
followed by…
Two rounds of:
30 seconds of Dumbbell Presses
30 seconds of Dumbbell Overhead Hold
Rest 60 seconds, and then…
Four rounds of:
30 seconds of Dumbbell Lateral Raises
30 seconds of Hercules Hold with Thumbs Facing Up
Running Endurance Option
Three sets of:
200 Meter Run
200 Meter Jog
Followed by…
Two sets of:
A/B/C Skips x 20 meters each
Lateral Skips x 20 meters per side
One Foot Hops x 20 meters per leg
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Change of Support (Posture) Drill: Back Against the Wall
Charlie’s Angels Drills
Jump Rope Drill
Followed by…
Jog the curve, sprint the straightaway, jog the curve, sprint the straightaway. Complete two laps.
If you don’t have a track available then jog for 45 seconds and sprint for 20 seconds. Complete four sets.
In 15 minutes, complete as many 250 meters as possible. These should be at a fast pace. Jog 150 meters back to the start.
In 20 minutes, complete as many 250 meters as possible. These should be at a fast pace. Jog 150 meters back to the start.
In 25 minutes, complete as many 250 meters as possible. These should be at a fast pace. Jog 150 meters back to the start.
Post the number of rounds completed and times to comments.
Cool Down
10 Minute Jog
10 Minutes of Static Stretching (Focus on Hamstrings, Calves and Hips)
a. Deadlift upto 220kg for a 5kg PR!
b. 100/72/54/41/27 cal AB pretty happy to get 100 in 5 mins
a. 18:39 rxd
Did this Thursday; Two sets of: Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps Complete rounds of 15, 12 and 9 reps for time of: 95 lb Thrusters Muscle-Ups 10:22rx- failed a MU in my last set… should have been under 10. Thrusters are getting better, but still not a lot of pop out of the bottom so they all seem like dead stop front squats =) Two sets of: 100-Foot Rope Pulls First round sled+80lbs Second Round Sled +90- that was more like it on rubber flooring… pull 50ft, quickly reset and pull again Rest… Read more »
245×1 ❎
Conditionig: 22:52
Primary Strength
A. 270×8/315×6/365×4/415×2/445×1/460F – hit a wall at 95%
B. Doing on Thursday
C. 31:21
50cal/30C2B/25PC/15S2O/50DU – rep scheme (DUs were ugly lol, weight was 115#)
A. Kept it super light and worked form. I got my hips adjusted yesterday and they were very sore today. Did a lot of posterior accessory work to hit my glutes and hamstrings
B. Airdyne time trials
A. 24:45 @95# cut the reps to 25-20-15-10-100-10-15-20-25
Worked this into the regular WOD and a little before: A. Snatch Push Press -Oly shoes Every 90 seconds for 6 minutes (4 sets)- build to a heavy set of 3 Snatch Push press- built to 155 Snatch Balance x2reps- built to 175 for two- Oly shoes Every 90 Seconds for 6 minutes (4 sets) build to a heavy set of 2 snatch Balance from the rack. You will superset this with 6 Sotts Press from Snatch Receiving Position- barbell B. Snatch + 2 OH Squats – Oly shoes Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes- (8 sets)- built to 155,… Read more »
That’s a lot of work! Just be careful Karla. I know you were competing over the weekend and missed some things this week but you don’t need to go crazy and jam it all in. Just be smart! 🙂
That was spread out over 3 hours… actually I felt really good. I have been working on properly fueling since I returned from Thailand (which has helped a ton). I realized my nutrition got away from me when I couldn’t train as much because in my mind I didn’t think I needed it because I wasn’t working as hard. Even though I can’t use my legs as much I am gaining strength in other areas which will hopefully turn into strengths =)
Sounds like you have a grasp o what you’re doing I just wanted to keep you accountable 🙂
Thanks. Body feels alright today too… that is the best news! Glutes are sore and I am okay with that!
A. Worked up to 435 pretty easy. 455 just wouldn’t budge. Might have been able to grind it out but didn’t think it was worth it.
B. Did a body by Tino workout with DL/AB/SHPU. Really fun with some solid dudes
Primary conditioning: 18:53.
Happy with how today went. Solid day of training.
Body by Tino but there’s not a lot I can do about that chest hair. Solid day dude.
You’re just upset because you can’t grow a mane quite like mine. Sadly coming off for wodapalooza ?
Planning on doing the AB and DL work tomorrow. Didn’t have much time today.
Conditioning metcon:
16:38 Rx Singles on power cleans, 30/10 then 20/12/8 on C2B pull ups
Did yesterday’s gymnastics conditioning for warm up. A. 265, about 97%, it actually felt great, and I wanted to keep going but I seem to not do well after max DL with my back. So I held off going heavier. B. Did these on a AirDyne today because that’s what we had as a group to use. 101/76/61/43/28, you get way more calories on the Airdyne, but I think the pain is just as bad as the assault bike. C. Did a partner workout with the group: 100 DB Snatch (40) 200′ Handstand walk 100 Shoulder to Overhead (95) 200′… Read more »
Running: 10 rounds in 25 minutes
Deadlift 280#, 10# PR!
Assault bike: 53/42/32/23/14
Yeah Taotao! Lots of progress this week!
First day on the programming.
Deadlift – 460 for a no belt PR
Assault Bike – 230 calories
WOD – 12:19. Did a 5k yesterday on the rower, so took the row out for today.
Welcome dude!! Good to see youre following the Athlete Blog now!
Thanks, Tino! Excited for a change up!
Primary conditioning
sub 20 so close yet so far
2:30ish on row
10-10-10-10 quickly
singles with the most amazing early arm pull
12-8 (finished at 8:00)
60-40 got too close to the wall
13-maybe 7? 4-3? idk
slow motion reverse curls featuring drool (finished at 15:00)
slow and then fast for the last minute
Went double overhand and no belt today
Worked up to 445
Air bike done but sensor was messed up, no way the count cals
Primary con.
Hope you’re feeling better dude!
I’m comming around. Going to take it easy tomorrow. Hopefully feeling better by Friday.
Assault Bike Assault
75-59-47-33-21 cal
Primary condotioning:
Assault bike workout done pissed me off.
Made up for the mornings assault bike. Great work!!
anxiously awaiting your time and josh M…. not that it matters or anything 🙂
Assault bike
5 min – 109 cal
4 min – 82 cal
3 min – 65
2 min – 45
1 min – 32
Front Squatted instead of deadlifts. Back was feeling a little tight
Some strongman stuff
Dude. That’s freaking hardcore on that assault bike!!
Your time on the conditioning piece is hardcore bro. You’ve been crushing everything lately. Keep it up my man.
80 Chest-to-bar pull-ups for the big guy, no problem…Great work dude!
Thanks coach ! It’s been a fun week so far.
Primary conditioning. ..21 . 40
Bit too much resting on power cleans.
You beat me by :17 ?? dang it hahaha jk great week for you charlie! So proud!!!!
Thanka lovely!!! Yeah I saw your time and thought it was very close! Thanks Chick, still a way to go before I’m as awesome as you!!!!! ?
A. Deadlift up to 325# (20#pr)
Land mine row (45#)
Barbell z press (85#, 95#)
A. BB single arm work
Sorts press 20#
Press 40#
OHS 50#
Went to get a sandbag for squats and carries and they were gone ? Things are starting to disappear over to the new building
Posterior chain gains!! Great work Casey!!
Session two:
Primary conditioning: 25.47
One long session
Primary Strength Session
A. Deadlift: 77,5kg x 8 reps / 91kg x 6 reps / 105kg x 4 reps / 120kg x 2 reps / 126kg x 1 rep / 133,5kg x 1 rep / 142,5kg x 1rep (+2,5kg PR!) / 150kg x 1 rep (+10kg PR)
Decided to do the Primary Conditioning Session before part B.
My time: 19:00
B. Assault Bike Time Trial
Strong work on that deadlift!