December 30, 2022 – Competition Program

Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three sets of:
10/7 Calorie Machine of Choice
50 Foot Bodyweight Walking Lunge
10 Jumping Air Squats
50 Foot Bodyweight Walking Lunge
20 Banded Good Mornings
10 Banded High Pulls

Four sets of:
4-5 Tempo Front Squats @ 3211
Rest 2 minutes between sets

Begin around 60% and let feel dictate the loading.

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets) of:
Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Clean
Begin around 60% and build to no more than 75-80%.

Followed by…

Every 30 seconds, for 5 minutes (10 sets of):
1 Clean @ 70-75%
*Focus is perfect mechanics.

Option A:
Three sets for times of:
10 Ring Muscle Ups
50 Foot Handstand Walk
20 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35)
50 Foot Handstand Walk
Rest 3 minutes between sets.


Option B:
Three sets for times of:
20 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35)
5 Wall Walks
Max Unbroken Toes to Bar OR Toes to Rings
5 Wall Walks
Rest 3 minutes between sets.

*Please see coach notes before selecting.

Accumulate 6 minutes in a Chinese Plank Hold.

Athlete Notes:
We know this is a bit of a deload week but we still want to make sure those of you looking for high skill movements are getting what you need. If that’s you, then we want you to pick Option A for this workout. If you’re someone that needs this week to be a little more low key in order to get ready for the start of the new cycle, then Option B is going to be your choice. For Option A, we would approach this expecting the muscle ups to be completed in 1-2 attempts. After that you’ll kick up and complete the 50 foot handstand walk hopefully in 1-2 attempts as well (depending if you decide to do a 25 foot turnaround or not). After that you’ve got 20 dumbbell thrusters which will be more and more difficult as your shoulders fatigue so we’re looking 1-2 sets to get the 20 reps there. Kick back up into the handstand walk and see what you’ve got left before taking a solid 3 minute rest. For Option B, since you’re starting with the dumbbell thrusters, we’re expecting those to be unbroken. Jump into the wall walks and try to rep those out without much rest in between them. After that you’ll jump on either the bar or the rings and go for broke. We want full send on round 1 to see how many you can get, and we completely expect dropoff from round to round. This workout is just about learning to hit big sets in the middle of a workout. After that you’ll head back over for your final 5 wall walks and then a 3 minute rest and reset. Push the pace here and see how you fair with some gymnastics, a shoulder burn, and a sky high heart rate.

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Tim Coffield
Tim Coffield
December 31, 2022 11:45 am

C. Done with 3 ww and 12-10 ttb

Alex González
Alex González
December 30, 2022 5:22 pm

Warm up: done
A: 245-265 lbs (4 reps)
B1: 165-215 lbs
B2:185-195 lbs
C: 3:54/4:23/5:47
D: done

Amy Maschue
Amy Maschue
December 30, 2022 10:19 am

A. 120
B. 85/105/110/110/110 them 10×1 @105
C. 4:27/4:17/4:53, that last round of thrusters, ugh! Holy shoulders!

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
December 30, 2022 9:04 am

A. Kept these light
B. 185×2/205/225/245
B2. 245
C. Option A RX
2:42/3:15/3:18 – 9:15 total time
Muscle ups all unbroken
Hsw 25 foot unbroken increments
Thrusters unbroken/14-6/15-5
D. Done

Corey Reutlinger
Corey Reutlinger
December 30, 2022 7:26 am

A. Tempo Front Squat @ 3211: 165×5, 175×5, 185×5, 195#x5
B1. Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Clean: 135, 145, 155, 160, 165#
B2. Clean every :30s: 160x1x5, 165#x1x5
C. Option B: 20 Thrusters @ 35#, 3 Wall Walks, 10 T2Bs, 3 Wall Walks. 3:22/3:23/3:25
D. Done. Accumulated 3 minutes with a GHD Supine Hold

joshua tilton
joshua tilton
December 29, 2022 5:08 pm

If we want to do option A but can’t handstand walk what should we replace it with

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
December 30, 2022 1:24 pm
Reply to  joshua tilton

2 walk walks for each 50 foot handstand walk

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