Primary Strength Session
Six sets of:
Hang Snatch + Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats
Rest as needed
Build to today’s heaviest set.
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Power Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk
Build to today’s heaviest set.
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 reps each @ 3011
(use heavy DBs or KBs in each hand)
Rest 90 seconds
Seated Strict Overhead Press x 8 reps @ 2111
Rest 90 seconds
Primary Conditioning Session
Five sets of:
100-Foot Sled Push (Heavy)
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
100-Foot Sled Push (Heavy)
Rest 3 minutes
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Accessory Option
For time:
Row 500 Meters
10 Muscle-Ups
Run 400 Meters
20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
100 Double-Unders
40 Ring Dips
Five sets of:
Chinese Rows x 5 reps
(go as heavy as you can)
Rest as needed
Supine Chinese Planks x 60 seconds
Rest as needed
A) 205-235 Felt okay today.
B) 245-295
C) Done with DBs
A) Ranged from 2:20-2:45
A) Tomorrow
B) Done
A) 89/135/155/170/184/199
B) 135/165/179/199/214/225
C) 53lbs kb/89lbs
A) skip
A) 7:58
B) 135/60sec
Primary strength:
A. Hang snatch+snatch+ 2ohs 65/70/75/80, tried 85 but my form fell apart so called it
B. Power clean+hang clean+jerk
C. 25# DBs for split squat, 65# for seated strict press
Primary conditioning:
A. 4:07/5:01/5:45/6:54/5:43
did 23 cals on airdyne, and went pretty light on the sled bc I had to use it inside on the rubber mats since there’s still ice on the roads. My quads lit up so fast. I think I need to push sleds more haha
AM strength session
A. Didn’t check program and did snatch + hang snatch + 2 OHS upto 100kg
B. Clean complex upto 120kg
C. 2x24kg KBs for bulgarians and 50kg for seated press
A. Built to 125#
B. Built to 155#
C. Just did seated shoulder press. My legs are still smoked from Tuesday! Built to 65# on press. I think I could probably start heavier next time.
A. Gymnastics wod: 13:36. Felt ok but didn’t get much sleep last night. Just tired. Did MU in 8/2. HSPU were good I thought. I need all the work on DU. Dips were tough!
Primary Strength
A. Snatch complex up to 62kg
B. Clean complex up to 83kg
C. Bulgarian split squats with 53# KB
Seated strict press with 35kg
No time for conditioning today. Gotta get ready for a holiday party and spending the night in the gym with 30 kids ?
Sounds like fun 🙂
Have a great time!
Session 2
Push/Assault Bike/Push Metcon
= 2:50, 2:44, 2:35, 2:35, 2:32
Sled(?) + 160#, turned every 50 feet.
Seated OH Press = 95-115-135 as Rx
Barbell Row = 135-155-165-175-185
Front Plank = 5 x 1:00 with 10#
Snatch complex
Clean & Jerk complex
Assault Bike and Sled
Sled was around 400ish
The sets were between 2:15 to 2:45
Gymnastic session
Morning A. Six sets of: Hang Snatch + Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats 125, 135, 145 UGLY, 135, 140, 145 messy but not ugly B. Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets): Power Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk 160,170,175 for 3, 185- failed hang clean 4x before I got it… all others linked C. Three sets of: Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 reps each @ 3011-53 KB in each hand Seated Strict Overhead Press x 8 reps @ 2111- 65/70/75lbs the one count at the bottom is the hardest for me Afternoon: For time: 14:40 Row 500 Meters… Read more »
Solid day of work Karla. Nice work on those sled pushes. They will definitely make those legs stronger!!
B)got up to 225 and just had mechanics all off so dropped back down and worked on form with bar from hang (hang is my weakness by far)
One big session
A. Snatches
B. Cleans
C. 44lb KB for split squats
Presses- 70/80/85
A. 2:03
90lbs on sled
Snatch complex up to 205. Switched the order up to have snatch first and hang second. Wanted to work on not letting the bar go.
Clean complex up to 285
Conditioning: partner alternating rounds
100ft plate push at 120#
20 cal bike
100ft plate push
5 rounds each, rest is the other persons work
Split squats and presses done
Gymnastics Conditioning:
14:22 – it fell apart on the dips so badly, lol.
Primary conditionng:
I had quite a hike between the sled and bike (it was starting to sprinkle, so no bike outside) and I wasn’t rushing to get either place ? That baby deer walk was epic!
How to walk funny, do sled and assault bike sprints 🙂
I had 140# on our prowler, on the uneven concrete… it sucked so hard! Lol
Echo Team Pump Sesh 2!!
A. Warmed up with some lighter overhand DLs
-135-185-225-275 x10 with dbl overhand grip
B. Waccessories
-Bulgarian SS= 2x50s; 2x70s
-Seated Press= 95-115-135
C. Chinese Rows= 135-155-175-185-195 x5s
D. Adapted the poop out of Primary Conditioning;
5 Sets;
-100ft Dball carry (150)
-30 Cal. AD
-100ft Dball carrry
1- 2:23
2- 1:54
3- 2:00
4- 2:01
5- 1:54
**Funny story, sat down on the Airdyne to do the 1st round of calories and it was in “low-rider” mode, miserable. :)))
You guys must be heading out tonight. Two pump sessions in one day…
One long session:
Primary Strength Session
A. Hang Snatch + Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats: 50-55-60-62,5-65(fail snatch)-65-67,5kg
B. Power Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: 55-65-70-75-80-85kg
C. Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 reps each @ 3011: 2x24kg KB / 2x28kg KB / 2x24kg KB
Seated Strict Overhead Press x 8 reps @ 2111: 35kg-37,5kg-40kg
Primary Conditioning Session
A. 2:20 / 3:00 / 3:22 / 3:30 / 3:18
(rest was a little longer than 3 min before the last set, cause the sled was occupied)
My legs were burning on the sledpush… so tough…
The conditioning hurts so good! 🙂
that combination is a killer!
It really was! 🙂
Travelled to sweden today and managed to find a box to train in this evening but only had an hour and a half so prioritused strength especially as just warming up on the assault bike did my chest and throat in! Snatch. .. 45kg/ 50kg/ 55kg/ 60kg/ 62.5kg/ 65kg (pr hang snatch, missed snatch but tried again and completed the complex successfully ) Snatches felt strong today! C + j Worked up to a good set at 80kg..could squeeze a bit more out but was short on time Split squats (15kg each hand ) Seated press 35kg Hoping I am… Read more »
Have fun in Sweden!
Tango Team Pump Sesh 1
A. Snatch Complex;
-heaviest sets= 185-195-205-215
B. Clean Complex;
-heaviest= 245-265-285 (missed jerk like a dummy)
C. Aerobic Gymnastics
-8:54 as Rx, felt good. Conditioning is def. peaking soon!
What was the “Tango Team Pump”?! haha
Super secret covert stuff, I could tell ya but then Id have to kill ya :))))))
Snatch complex Up to 195 felt fast and solid probs had another 20 lb in me but I’m in ft Myers dropping in so was short on time Clean &j complex Up to 255 which is #5 under my power clean pr the hang clean and Jerk weren’t and issue. Once again I think I have another 10# in the tank but was short on time Skipped primary con cause no sled here. Did gymnastics option 11:12 rx Chest was sore from a burpees sock drive fundraiser I did on wed. I had to do 760 burpees. All of our… Read more »
Session 1
Hang + Snatch + 2 OHS = 135/145/155/165/175(x)/175/185(x)
Power + Hang Clean + Jerk = 205/225/235/245/255/260
Row/MU/Run/SHSPU/DU/Dip Metcon = 15:57