Primary Strength Session
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Inchworm Walk x 3 reps
Minute 2 – Hamstring Floss x 10 reps per leg
Minute 3 – Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps
Minute 4 – Rocking Box Bridges x 4-6 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
Snatch x 2 reps
(reset before each rep)
Loading suggestions:
Minutes 1-3 – 55-65%
Minutes 4-6 – 65-75%
Minutes 7-10 – 75-85%
Minutes 11-15 – 85% or more
Back Squat
* Set 1 = x 4 reps @ 75-80%
* Set 2 = x 3 reps @ 80-85%
* Set 3 = x 2 reps @ 85-90%
* Set 4 = x 1 rep @ 90-95%
* Set 5 = x MAX REPS 80-85%
Rest exactly 2 minutes between sets.
Primary Conditioning Session
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
Thrusters (135/95 lbs)*
*Every time you drop the barbell, perform 7/5 muscle-ups.
Rest until the running clock reaches 15:00, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
20 Toes to Bar
15 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lbs)
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
5 Overhead Sandbag Tosses (75/50 lbs)
5 Max Effort Broad Jumps
Broad Jumps: Jump as far as you can and on each jump try to beat the distance from the previous one
When the running clock reaches 10:00…
Three sets of:
Incline Bench Press x Max Reps*
Incline Dumbbell Arnold Press x Max Reps x Max Reps*
100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pulls
Rest 3 minutes
The goal is to get 15-20 reps on each movement; if you hit 25+ then it’s too light.
Three sets of:
400 Meter Run
Max Rep Bearhug Sandbag Squats
Rest 90 seconds
Choose a load that will allow you to get 12-15 reps but if you can squeeze out a couple extra then don’t be scared to go for it!
Four sets of:
Half-Kneeling Landmine Presses x 8 reps each arm @ 2111
Rest as needed
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row x 8 reps each arm @ 2111
Rest as needed
Read the sets wrong and went to heavy way to fast ??♂️. Was on my 85% by min 8.. so finishing that got tough lol. Ended my last double with 245.
Back squats.
Heaviest single up to 400.
8 reps at 350
47 thrusters. 17/14/9/7
Was only able to do 1 long session today so come the conditioning I think I was a little smoked.
1-3 – 78KG / 172lbs
4-6 – 85KG / 187lbs
7-10 – 102.5KG / 226lbs
11-15 – 110KG / 243lbs
Back Squat
4 reps @ 172.5KG / 380lbs
3 reps @ 182.5KG / 402lbs
2 reps @ 192.5KG / 424lbs
1 rep @ 205KG / 452lbs
MAX REPS = 8 @ 182.5KG / 402lbs
A. 48 Thrusters – 12/12/12/12
(all MUs unbroken)
B. 7:02 (Struggled to grip the rig today)
Accessory work – Half kneeling press etc (Done)
Don’t be scared to make it hurt a little on those thrusters. Consistency is good but on something like this I think you’re selling yourself short!
Fair play, I’ll make sure I push the boundary next time something like this comes up and see what happens
C. 355,375,400,435. 5 at 375. Weight started to shift forward.
A. 56. 25,15,16
B. 5:24. Middle round of toes to bar cost me sub 5:00.
I almost fell over when I seen 56, then realized it was total and not the first set. 25 is still a solid opening set!
Thought I could fit the wod in today…turns out I had to coach and didn’t know it.
A. Wallballs 12-6-7-5 all muscle ups in 3-2
Still got your heartrate up a little!
Crazy week with family Christmas celebrations and family in town! Got in some class WODs when I could (actually PR’d Nasty Girls one day at 6:49…)
Back in the swing of things today, finally!
A. done
B. Worked up to 160 for last 5 sets
C. 225/235/250/260/ 8reps @ 225
A. 47 thrusters (did 3 strict MU from an L-sit position since I was in my garage)
B. 5:12 – grip gave out
Getting better with age! Hope you and your family had an awesome Christmas!!
A. Done
B. Skipped, did 12 days of Christmas yesterday an don’t feel like snatching 3 days in a row.
C. 4×275/3×315/2×335/340 for 5 reps
-new 5RM
Primary condo
A. 40 reps (17/12/11)
*Scaled to 5 mu every time bar drops
B. 3 RFT: 7:46
20 GHD sit-ups
15 S2OH 135#
*ghd’s were all the way across the gym so lost some time there, s2oh unbroken
Damn, you were a little late to the party on “12 Days”. Good to see you still getting it in and still able to hit a new 5-RM today!
The work was done haha
A. Done
B. 165-175-185-195-205-215-225-230-235fail-235-240-240fail-240-245-250
C. 335-355-375-395-355×8
A. 45 thrusters
Messed this up big time. Went blank during the workout and only did 4MU on my first break. Went 20-5-20. Major wake up call to get my nutrition/recovery together
Time to get it dialed back in for 2018!
S1 Row intervals. Strict hspu work S2 Snatch work. WOW ! 1-3 @ 165 4-6 @ 185 7-10 @ 205/225/235 11-15 @ 245 the rest of the way No misses but that went crazy fast Back Squats done 450 for a heavy heavy single 380 max at 4 These felt hard today Conditioning 62 thrusters I tried to get back to the thrusters but I needed 2 sets to get my last 7 but still pumped I finished them 4:23 I leave to LA tonight. Won’t be back until Monday. Tuesday might be rough on me :/ Happy New Years… Read more »
Safe travels to LA and I hope you have a blast there! If you have time you should come down to SD!! 🙂
I need to come see Pippo ! Happy new year coach
Morning session: Primary strength A) done B) 125/135/145/160/170/175/180×3/185×3/190×3 this got hard for me I started breathing hard towards the end and really had to focus to get the rep C) 265/285/300/320/285×10 Strength accessory B) 185 for bench 35s for Arnold presses 45 on the sled (different sled than in Lubbock) D) 45 on the bar for presses 40lb db for rows Afternoon session: Primary conditioning 40 reps on thrusters 10/10/10/10 unbroken muscle ups 5:29 on ttb and sto my grip went quicker than I thought it would on toes to bar and had to do small sets towards the end… Read more »
Don’t be scared to push those thrusters a little more. Consistency is good but with no drop off means you could have pushed a little harder. Make it hurt a little 🙂
Will do for next time! Thanks for the feedback ??
B. 4.38
Did doubles all the way up to my first 85%. Felt really good. So I had 2 min left I hit 185, and finished at 195×2. 195 is a pr double. Felt really good today (approx 96% of 1RM)
Squats felt good 370×4 390×3 415×2 435×1 390×4
Great day of lifting Anthony!
Started out thinking I was going to get everything done in two sessions before flying to Cleveland this afternoon…that quickly turned into one early longish session with an audible halfway through
Landmine presses+rows done
Incline stuff done with one arm ring rows subbed for sled pulls
4/3/2/1 done on back squat no max set
First 10ish mins of snatch done before I fell behind
double unders instead of thrusters
4:55 on ttb s2o
Safe travels to Cleveland!
Snatch doubles 85/85/85
Doubles 105/105/105
Doubles 115/115/115
Single 125/ doubles 125/125/125 and tried to do 135 but failed twice
Back squats 85% max reps 3 reps (low back pain didn’t allow me to perform more)
I just did 2 bmu every time I dropped the barbell cuz I still keep doing one by one
@95lbs (low back pain/ shaking legs)
Second wod
7:32 rx ?
Primary strength. B. Worked up to 115 lbs, 92% but failed the second snatch (bailed back) C. Squats were tough today after doing Wednesday’s conditioning yesterday. Those deadlifts…. I worked up to 90% for a double and then failed 95%. 8 reps at 81% Conditioning: A. 85 lbs thruster and strict deficit HSPU instead of MU due to ripped hand. 33 thrusters 🙁 B. 3:36, 85 lbs on the barbell. Accessory: Did B, D and worked on some handstand walking (rather falling). Getting laser eye surgery in a bit, I hope I’m back to normal and working out by next… Read more »
Happy New Year Alexandra! Hope you’re having fun back home in Greece!
A) Done
B) 145×3/165×3/185×4/190/195/200×2/205
C) 295/310/325/345/305×8
A) 51 (20/16/15)
B) 4:48
Nice going on the metcon
Primary metcon done
Front squat
3×5 75 %
2×5 80%
2×4 70 %
2×3 75%
1×3 80%
30 25 20 15 10 5
Row cal
Then some push ups